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Two draft scenarios, rounds 1-7


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Jeff Szmardja is playing baseball, end of conversation.



and whichever team picks him, i will regard as a joke franchise for the next 5 years. completely wasted pick.


im not even sure he is entering the draft? is he? i thought he declared he was ONLY playing baseball?

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Ok, please go ahead and argue some more after misconstruing what I said. When I said get the f over it, it was in regards to him having a problem with MY 7th round pick, NOT HOUSTON'S 6th round pick. Never in the history of draft discussions has there ever been such piss and vinegar over someone's mock 7th round draft pick. If this is the way it's going to be over here then then we're in trouble. I'll tell you one thing, you're not going to bully me buddy.


LOL, yes, we're all in trouble because people disagree with your mock draft picks in a thread because they have opinions as well... OH GOD, THE UNPRECEDENTEDNESS!!!

In this case, however, you are just disregarding the NFL draft rules as well.


who's full of the "piss and vinegar" here? no one is telling you that you can't have an opinion, we're just showing you the outcome of drafting jeff s. this year.....


The point still stands: drafting ol Jeff S. at any spot in this draft is a waste of a pick, plain and simple, no matter where he is drafted. thus, your 7th round mock pick is a moot pick.

Simple as that. No big deal.

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LOL, yes, we're all in trouble because people disagree with/ridicule your mock draft picks in a thread because they have opinions as well... OH GOD, THE UNPRECEDENTEDNESS!!!


who's full of the "piss and vinegar" here? no one is telling you that you can't have an opinion, we're just showing you the outcome of drafting jeff s. this year.....


The point still stands: drafting ol Jeff S. at any spot in this draft is a waste of a pick, plain and simple, no matter where he is drafted. thus, your 7th round mock pick is a moot pick.

Simple as that. No big deal.


Where are the thoughts about my picks in rounds 1-6??????? There aren't any, instead I get a bunch of forum punks b_tching about who I picked in the 7th round. It's not that there's a disagreement, it's the not so subtle rudeness that's wrapped around the disagreement. I see that the mob mentallity is back in full force on this board. Be proud, be a member of the TSW mob.

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Where are the thoughts about my picks in rounds 1-6??????? There aren't any, instead I get a bunch of forum punks b_tching about who I picked in the 7th round. It's not that there's a disagreement, it's the not so subtle rudeness that's wrapped around the disagreement. I see that the mob mentallity is back in full force on this board. Be proud, be a member of the TSW mob.


So, in summary:


You don't disagree with us, but you do think that we are all punk bit*hes because we stated a point that you agree with but in a kind of "not so subtle rudeness that's wrapped around the disagreement". But, this implies that there was/is a disagreement, but you also said "It's not that there's a disagreement".


You are contradicting yourself in your own posting. This is certainly not a way to provoke further intelligent debate in your own thread. Just my opinion.


The only comment I felt necessary to make about your OP was the Jeff S. pick at the 7th round. Otherwise, I have no strong opinions about the rest of your picks, as I myself think waiting until free agency has come and gone, among other things, is necessary before I can judge/make my own mock draft picks and comment on others' picks.

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Get off the rag pal. I still think you're wrong because the Texans still had Henson's rights three years after he bombed in baseball. Maybe there was a rule change that I'm not aware of, so if that's the case then a thousand appologies. Just don't tell me what I understand regarding the nuances of the draft, in fact just sftu and don't reply to anymore of my posts if you're going to be a rude pos. It was a 7th round pick, get the f over it.

Listen up pal, I posted because you got on another poster calling him a wiseguy and then proceeded to talk about stuff you are totally ignorant about. You're the rude one, throwing curses in your posts because you have nothing intelligent to say. Now I'm going to try to educate you so next time you can post something intelligent instead of getting on other people's cases because of your ignorance. Here are the rules when it comes to drafting players, read them, learn them & next time you want to post something related to the draft, remember them.



Section 1. Time of Draft: There shall be an Annual Selection Meeting (the

“College Draft” or “Draft”) eachLeague Year during the term of this Agreement and in the League Yearimmediately following the expiration or termination of this Agreement, with respect to which the following rules shall apply:

Section 2. Number of Choices and Eligibility:

(a) The Draft shall consist of seven rounds, with each round consisting of the same number of selection choices as there will be Clubs in the NFL the following League Year, plus a

maximum number of additional Compensatory Draft Selections equal to the number of Clubs then in the League, with such Compensatory Draft Selections reserved for Clubs losing certain Unrestricted Free Agents. Each Draft shall be held between February 14 and May 2, on a date which shall be determined by the Commissioner.

(b) No player shall be permitted to apply for special eligibility for selection in the Draft, or otherwise be eligible for the Draft, until three NFL regular seasons have begun and

ended following either his graduation from high school or graduation of the class with which he entered high school, whichever is earlier. For example, if a player graduated from high school in December 2006, he would not be permitted to apply for special eligibility, and would not otherwise be eligible for selection, until the 2010 Draft.

© If a player who was not eligible for the Draft in any League Year becomes eligible after the date of the Draft, he will be eligible to be selected in a supplemental Draft, if the League elects to conduct such a Draft, on or before the seventh calendar day prior to the opening of the first

training camp that League Year. No player may elect to bypass a Draft for which he is eligible to apply for selection in a supplemental Draft. Any Club that selects a player in a supplemental Draft must forfeit a choice in the same round in the next succeeding principal Draft.

(d) No player shall be eligible to be employed by an NFL Club until he has been eligible for selection in an NFL Draft.

Section 3. Required Tender: A Club that drafts a player shall be deemed to have automatically tendered the player a one year NFL Player Contract for the Minimum Active/Inactive List

Salary then applicable to the player pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The NFL or the Club shall provide the player with notice of such Required Tender before or immediately following the Draft.

Section 4. Signing of Drafted Rookies:

(a) A drafted player may accept the Required Tender at any time up to and including the Tuesday

following the tenth week of the regular season immediately following the Draft, at 4:00 p.m. New York time. In the event the exclusive negotiating rights to the drafted player are assigned to another Club through the NFL waiver system, the acquiring Club must immediately extend the Required Tender following assignment. If released through waivers, the player shall be treated as an Undrafted Rookie Free Agent, with the right to sign an NFL Player Contract with any Club. If the Club that drafted the player signs the player after he is waived and becomes a Rookie Free Agent, the player’s entire salary shall be counted against the Entering Player Pool, in the manner described in Article XVII (Entering Player Pool).

(b) If a Drafted Rookie has not signed a Player Contract during the period from the date of such Draft to the thirtieth day prior to the first Sunday of the regular season: (i) the Club that drafted the player may not thereafter trade to another Club either its exclusive negotiating rights to

such player or any Player Contract that it signs with such player for the player’s initial League Year; and (ii) the Club that drafted the player is the only Club with which the player may sign a Player Contract until the day of the Draft in the subsequent League Year, at which time such player is eligible to be drafted in the subsequent League Year’s Draft by any Club except the

Club that drafted him in the initial Draft. (After the Tuesday following the tenth week of the regular season, the player and the Club may only sign a Player Contract for future League


© If a Drafted Rookie has not signed a Player Contract by the Tuesday following the tenth week of the regular season, at 4:00 p.m. New York time, the player shall be prohibited from playing football in the NFL for the remainder of that League Year, absent a showing to the Impartial

Arbitrator of extreme Club or extreme personal hardship. The determination of the Impartial Arbitrator shall be made within five days of the application, and shall be based upon all information relating to such hardship submitted by such date. The determination of the Impartial Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon all parties.

Section 5. Other Professional Teams:

(a) Notwithstanding Section 4(b) above, if a player is drafted by a Club and, during the period betweenthe Draft and the next annual Draft, signs a contract with, plays for or is employed by a professional football team not in the NFL during all or any part of the 12 month period following

the initial Draft, then the drafting Club (or any assignee Club) shall retain the exclusive NFL rights to negotiate for and sign a contract with the player until the day of the Draft three League Years after the initial Draft, and shall thereafter have a Right of First Refusal as described herein, and the player may receive offers from any Club at any time thereafter. The player shall notify the NFLPA and the NFL of his desire to sign a contract with an NFL Club, and of the date on which the player will be free of his other contractual obligations of employment, if any. Within thirty days of

receipt of such notice by the NFL or the date of the availability of such player, whichever is later, the NFL Club that drafted the player must tender a one year written Player Contract to the player in order to retain its rights to that player, as detailed below.

(b) For a player to whom the drafting Club retains the exclusive NFL rights to negotiate pursuant to Section 4(a) above, the Club must tender a one year Player Contract with salary of at least the Minimum Active/Inactive List Salary for players with less than one credited season, as defined in Article XXXVIII (Salaries), within the thirty day period specified in Subsection (a) above.

The amount of such tender and/or any Player Contract entered into with the player shall be subject to the Entering Player Pool, as set forth in Article XVII (Entering Player Pool). If the player is released through waivers, the player immediately becomes a Free Agent, with the right to sign an NFL Player Contract with any Club, and any Club is then free to negotiate for

and sign a Player Contract with such player, without any Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period.

© For players with respect to whom the drafting Club retains a Right of First Refusal pursuant to this Section 5, during each League Year the player shall be treated as if he were a Restricted Free Agent not subject to Draft Choice Compensation, as described in Article XIX (Veteran Free

Agency), Section 2, except as otherwise set forth in this Section 5. For such players subject to a Right of First Refusal, the Club must tender a one year Player Contract with at least the Minimum Active/Inactive List Salary for players with two or more Credited Seasons, as defined in Article XXXVIII (Salaries), within the thirty day period specified in Subsection (a) above. The amount of such tender and/or any Player Contract entered into with the player shall not be subject to the Entering Player Pool. If the Club does not make or withdraws the Required Tender, the player

immediately becomes a Rookie Free Agent, with the right to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club, and any Club is then free to negotiate for and sign a Player Contract with such player, without any Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period.

Section 6. Return to College: If any college football player who becomes eligible for the Draft prior to exhausting his college football eligibility through participation is drafted by an NFL Club, and returns to college, the drafting Club’s exclusive right to negotiate and sign a Player

Contract with such player shall continue through the date of the Draft that follows the last season in which the player was eligible to participate in college football, and thereafter the player shall be treated and the Club shall have such exclusive rights as if he were drafted in such Draft by such Club (or assignee Club).

Section 7. Assignment of Draft Rights: In the event that the exclusive right to negotiate for a Drafted Rookie under Sections 4, 5 or 6 above is assigned from one Club to another Club,

the Club to which such right has been assigned shall have the same, but no greater, right to such player, including the Right of First Refusal described in Section 5, as would the Club assigning such right, and such player shall have the same, but no greater, obligation to the NFL Club to which such right has been assigned as he had to the Club assigning such right.

Section 8. Subsequent Draft: A Club that, in a subsequent Draft, drafts a player who (a) was selected in an initial Draft, and (b) did not sign a contract with the NFL Club that drafted him or with any assignee Club during the signing period set forth in Sections 4 through 6 above, shall,

during the period from the date of the subsequent Draft to the date of the Draft held the subsequent League Year, be the only NFL Club that may negotiate with or sign a Player Contract with such player. If such player has not signed a Player Contract within the period beginning on the date of the subsequent Draft and ending on the thirtieth day prior to the beginning of the regular season, the Club loses all rights to trade its exclusive negotiating rights to such player or any Player Contract that it signs with such player for the player’s initial League Year. After the Tuesday following the tenth week of the regular season, the player and the Club may only sign

a Player Contract for future League Year(s), except as provided in Section 4© above. If the player has not signed a Player Contract by the day of the next annual College Draft following the subsequent Draft, the player immediately becomes a Rookie Free Agent, with the right to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club, and any Club is then free to negotiate for and sign a Player Contract with such player, without any Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period.

Section 9. No Subsequent Draft: If a player is drafted by a Club in an initial Draft and (a) does not sign a contract with a Club during the signing period set forth in Sections 4 through 6 above, and (b) is not drafted by any Club in the subsequent Draft, the player immediately becomes an

Undrafted Rookie, with the right to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club, and any Club is then free to negotiate for and sign a Player Contract with such player, without any Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period.

Section 10. Compensatory Draft Selections: The rules and procedures regarding Compensatory Draft Selections set forth in Section 2 above shall be as agreed upon by the NFL and the NFLPA.

Section 11. Undrafted Rookies: Any person who has not been selected by a Club in a College Draft shall be free, after the completion of a College Draft for which he is eligible, to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club, and any Club shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any such person after such date, without any penalty or restriction, including, but not limited to, Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind.

Section 12. Notice of Signing: Promptly following but no later than two business days after receipt of notice of the signing of any Drafted or Undrafted Rookie, the NFL shall notify the

NFLPA of such signing.

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and whichever team picks him, i will regard as a joke franchise for the next 5 years. completely wasted pick.


im not even sure he is entering the draft? is he? i thought he declared he was ONLY playing baseball?

Then Oakland must be seen as a joke because last year they wasted a pick on some dude whose nickname is "Mr. Irrelevant". Gotta be pretty bad to get that name.

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Listen up pal, I posted because you got on another poster calling him a wiseguy and then proceeded to talk about stuff you are totally ignorant about. You're the rude one, throwing curses in your posts because you have nothing intelligent to say. Now I'm going to try to educate you so next time you can post something intelligent instead of getting on other people's cases because of your ignorance. Here are the rules when it comes to drafting players, read them, learn them & next time you want to post something related to the draft, remember them.


Anyone saying "end of conversation" is being a plain ol' d_ckhead. Newsflash smart guy, your buddy WAS being a wiseguy. So you defended your buddy and now you're all up in my face about whether or not Jeff freakin Smarsdja is a viable option in the 7th round. Like I said, if I'm wrong a thousand applogies to you. You and your punk friend got what you wanted. I can't wait for your future "intelligent" postings, they're truly like golden nuggets falling from the sky.

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There may be a couple of FAs LBs out there to be had for depth or even starting purposes.



Yep, and the Bills will sign one: Lance Briggs. After, of course, we re-sign Nate Clements, and sign G Eric Steinbach. Throw in another G and LB for added measure, too.

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Anyone saying "end of conversation" is being a plain ol' d_ckhead. Newsflash smart guy, your buddy WAS being a wiseguy. So you defended your buddy and now you're all up in my face about whether or not Jeff freakin Smarsdja is a viable option in the 7th round. Like I said, if I'm wrong a thousand applogies to you. You and your punk friend got what you wanted. I can't wait for your future "intelligent" postings, they're truly like golden nuggets falling from the sky.



Actually, Harvey is one of the more astute posters on this board when it comes to football info. I can think of a few hundred people here who fit your description, but I certainly wouldn't put Harvey (or you, for that matter) among them.

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no LBs :blink:


could be the thinnest area on the team in terms of starter quality

The linebacking crop in the draft is less than stellar. Spikes, Ellison and Crowell are a pretty good bunch, and I'm counting on the Bills coming to their senses and resigning Fletcher. If we need an MLB, Crowell will fave to perform their or alternatively we will have to go on the FA market. Shallow draft talent, and the need for experience at MLB leads me to think drafting in rounds 1 or even 2 would be a waste.

The main reason for NOT drafting a linebacker (perhaps at all) is the quality of DT's and Offensive G's or T/G's available in this draft and our CRYING need for strength against the run and improved pass protection. That said I like the original poster's draft. I would be surprised to see Harrel lasting til the third round but think he is very good. A third UT guy I'd look at is Wade at cornerback. He should be around at three if we need to look at another corner (although I'm into getting more trench people in this draft.)

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Ok, please go ahead and argue some more after misconstruing what I said. When I said get the f over it, it was in regards to him having a problem with MY 7th round pick, NOT HOUSTON'S 6th round pick. Never in the history of draft discussions has there ever been such piss and vinegar over someone's mock 7th round draft pick. If this is the way it's going to be over here then then we're in trouble. I'll tell you one thing, you're not going to bully me buddy.



Jeff Samardjia sucks & so does your mock draft.

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