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Nowak -- who was a mission specialist on a Discovery launch last summer -- was wearing a trench coat and wig and had a knife, BB pistol, and latex gloves in her car, reports show. They also found diapers, which Nowak said she used so she wouldn't have to stop on the 1,000-mile drive.

Once again, for the young guns around here; take it from those of us who know this to be brutally true: hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.


Wow. I wonder what the other astronauts that were up there with her are thinking?

New man law. No more crazy beetches fly.


Lisa Nowak is an American hero and the press will make her sound crazy. At this point, even with all of my contacts, I cannot help her. She was right in the middle of fighting the good fight. Our side has lost a great ally.


This was in the paper today-


Police said Nowak told them that she only wanted to scare Shipman into talking to her about her relationship with Oefelein and didn't want to harm her physically.


"If you were just going to talk to someone, I don't know that you would need a wig, a trench coat, an air cartridge BB gun and pepper spray," said Orlando police Sgt. Barbara Jones. "It's just really a very sad case."


I like this chick :rolleyes:

She follows the other woman to the car who locks the doors and rolls the windows up. Then when the space cadet starts to cry the victim rolls the window down a bit because lets face it, even a woman cant stand to see a woman cry, and the BAM she gets sprayed though the window opening.

Truly pshyco. :rolleyes:


What a story! Truth is stranger then fiction- you cant make this stuff up. What a psycho! Cold, calculating, and extremelely brilliant and sadistic- throw in the scorned women factor-that is a scary combination!

A married mother of three, Nowak told police that she was "involved in a relationship with," Bill Oefelein, another NASA astronaut, which she categorized as "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship," according to the charging affidavit.


I'd hate to see what she'd do if it was a "romantic relationship"..... :rolleyes:


I have a good friend whose wife had an affair. They are back together now, but not before she went through some crazy-a$$ schitt! Not as wacky as Astro-girl here, but screwy out-of-character stuff.


I'm starting to realize that love affairs take a huge toll on women, especially ones hitting 40-something. They are probably frustrated with their marriages, feeling unloved, then BLAM-O...some guy pays them a compliment and they hop in the sack with them. For the guy, it's just some fun. For the woman, it's a lifelong commitment of his undying love for her. And when they find out it isn't, they go nuts. Crack addiction is nothing compared to a mid-life affair to a woman.


P.S....they never flew on a shuttle mission together, but it just got me thinking about sex in zero-G. Hmmmmmmm...sex in zero-G!



Bill Oefelein has the biggest booster rocket in NASA!!!

Apparently he has torn a few "O" rings around the NASA campus

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