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Bush's budgetn

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The Dems are smart enough to propose cutting this budget total (not the way it's allocated). That will be more fallout for the Republicans in 2008.




"My formula for a balanced budget reflects the priorities of our country at this moment in its history: protecting the homeland and fighting terrorism, keeping the economy strong with low taxes and keeping spending under control while making federal programs more effective," Bush said, while taking a hit on his crack pipe.


Just as Iraq has come to dominate Bush's presidency, military spending was a major element in the president's new spending request. Bush was seeking a

Pentagon budget of $624.6 billion for 2008, more than one-fifth of the total budget, up from $600.3 billion in 2007. For the first time, the Pentagon figures include what Bush wants to spend to fight the Iraq war, money that in past years was put in supplemental appropriations rather than the regular budget.

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The Dems are smart enough to propose cutting this budget total (not the way it's allocated). That will be more fallout for the Republicans in 2008.




don't you know that spending is ok as long as it's for military and homeland security? Doesn't matter how much is wasted.


On a serious note, and with respect to the tax debate thread, one needs to look at government as a redistribution mechanism. Over the past 6 years the federal tax burden on the wealthy has declined significantly in favor of borrowing, and expenditures have shifted from non-military to military. People seem to ignore the fact that many people (via private business or corporations) become wealthy through government contracts. And, as I've mentioned many a time here, when government auditors can't trace $1 trillion in defense spending, something is seriously wrong...


Besides, it's more fun to focus on saying the bottom quintile pays no federal taxes while the top quintile pays 80% of all taxes--duh! When the top 1/5 have 50% of all income (and the bottom gets less than 4%)--of course they pay most of the taxes.

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Besides, it's more fun to focus on saying the bottom quintile pays no federal taxes while the top quintile pays 80% of all taxes--duh! When the top 1/5 have 50% of all income (and the bottom gets less than 4%)--of course they pay most of the taxes.


I thought it was more fun to believe that taking money away from the top quintile is a far more effective way to grow the GDP.

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Then don't be shy, I'd love to rip your silly little notions apart. Do tell


Then do a search of the countless posts on this site that talk about taxes, and then get back to me. (sans finger paints)

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