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Bills "You Can't Blame"


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Today (February 3rd- 5pm to 6pm eastern) ESPN Classic will air back to back Bills themed episodes of "You Can't Blame..."


The first one is a rerun, I believe of "You Can't Blame Scott Norwood for SB XXV"


The second, I think, is new, called "You Can't Blame the Bills For Losing 4 Super Bowls"


Each episode is 30 minutes. I have never seen the Norwood episode, but have heard it is quite good. The second one, I am pretty sure, is new. I heard Ed Klilgore on GR55 a week or two ago, saying he taped some interview stuff for a Bills themed ESPN program. I am assuming this is it....


I guess I am a glutton for punishment...I'll be recording them.


However painful those 4 Super Bowl losses were, at least, the Bills have entreanched themselves in Super Bowl lore forever...more than can be said about a lot of Super Bowl participants.

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I was slightly disappointed with the new program. The reasons were bogus (one was that buffalo was a crappy city compared to dallas, ny, and washington). I did enjoy seeing the footage of the playoff games at rich stadium in the snow. That was neat.

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I've seen the Norwood one before. IIRC it was pretty good, although anyone on this board could easily come up with five reasons for that one.


Defense pushed around all day

Clock mgmt on the last drive

Reed's drops

Play selection/TT only gets 15 carries

Bruce not stripping Hostetler in the end zone

Atrocious tackling

Out coached



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