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A federal courthouse is pork?

Zing! Yes dumb dumb! Is there some law that says the feds have to pony up everytime the locals want a new court house? Bush did not have to include this in the budget. Its a political favor to Western New York. What do you think, Bush and Congress were forced to pay this?


Next time maybe you could get someone to read and expalin the articles I post for you, it would help avoid confusion:


"WASHINGTON - The 2008 federal budget President Bush will propose Monday will include $47 million for Buffalo's new federal courthouse, virtually guaranteeing that the long-delayed project will finally move forward.

News of Bush's support comes a day after the House passed a spending bill including more than $280 million for courthouse construction between now and Oct. 1, some of which may be targeted to the $130 million Buffalo project.


Those two moves mean that for the first time, both Congress and the White House have taken nearly simultaneous actions boosting the Buffalo project, long the judiciary's top courthouse priority."

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1) You simply have no concept. Thinking the government is creating more jobs than the same amount of money left in the hands of the citizens is pure folly. Just the multiple layers taking their piece off the top via the MIPR process guarantees that just having that money either invested or as spending capital by the private sector would be more effective. That doesn't take into account literally dozens of other factors.


2)Read a GAO study sometime. One of the ones I've seen recently stated that one "Job Creation" bill spawned 35K jobs at the cost of $257,000+ PER JOB. Gee, I wonder why there's a budget deficit?


3) It's just hilarious how much you clowns hate big business but embrace the biggest most corrupt business in human history as your saviour.

1) Wrong, because as happened in the late 1920's when the rich had too much money and the rest of everyone else has too little there was no buying power in the economy. Result: Depression caused by lack of consumer buying power. So you are totally wrong. As I said before 2/3 of our economy is consumer driven. The rich can only spend so much. You want to stop redistribtion of wealth which is happening now and has helped create the largest best economy in the world. You guys are fools. All government taxes simply end up in the hands of private citizens anyway. You think the government destroys the money or something? Gees!


2) No, I don't believe you. I believe you read somewhere that someone wrote they saw a study that said that, maybe a World Net Daily article or something, but you didn't read the GAO study. Yes, I'm calling you a liar. Prove me wrong and I'll admit I'm wrong, but I think you are full of sh--


3) See, you are assuming again. Making an a..., you know. I have never said I hate big business. That's what WND or whatever you read--GOA reports LOL LOL!!--tells you to think. No, government is not the saviour, but it is an overall positive to us. Laissez-Faire is a recipe for disaster, we already learned that lesson long ago. Lots on money has been spent to convince you and your ilk to forget those lessons, along with many others.

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1) Wrong, because as happened in the late 1920's when the rich had too much money and the rest of everyone else has too little there was no buying power in the economy. Result: Depression caused by lack of consumer buying power. So you are totally wrong. As I said before 2/3 of our economy is consumer driven. The rich can only spend so much. You want to stop redistribtion of wealth which is happening now and has helped create the largest best economy in the world. You guys are fools. All government taxes simply end up in the hands of private citizens anyway. You think the government destroys the money or something? Gees!


Nah it doesn't get destroyed. They just line their pockets with the remainder. Actually there are many reasons why the great depression happened, and yet you couldn't even post one reason.

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1) Wrong, because as happened in the late 1920's when the rich had too much money and the rest of everyone else has too little there was no buying power in the economy. Result: Depression caused by lack of consumer buying power. So you are totally wrong. As I said before 2/3 of our economy is consumer driven. The rich can only spend so much. You want to stop redistribtion of wealth which is happening now and has helped create the largest best economy in the world. You guys are fools. All government taxes simply end up in the hands of private citizens anyway. You think the government destroys the money or something? Gees!


2) No, I don't believe you. I believe you read somewhere that someone wrote they saw a study that said that, maybe a World Net Daily article or something, but you didn't read the GAO study. Yes, I'm calling you a liar. Prove me wrong and I'll admit I'm wrong, but I think you are full of sh--


3) See, you are assuming again. Making an a..., you know. I have never said I hate big business. That's what WND or whatever you read--GOA reports LOL LOL!!--tells you to think. No, government is not the saviour, but it is an overall positive to us. Laissez-Faire is a recipe for disaster, we already learned that lesson long ago. Lots on money has been spent to convince you and your ilk to forget those lessons, along with many others.


If you ever, ever, mention government contracts being given Haliburton, I will personally come to your house and !@#$ing shoot you. Hell, I think you deserve to be shot regardless.

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If you ever, ever, mention government contracts being given Haliburton, I will personally come to your house and !@#$ing shoot you. Hell, I think you deserve to be shot regardless.


Can't you see, government money goes to the private citizens anyways!.

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1) Wrong, because as happened in the late 1920's when the rich had too much money and the rest of everyone else has too little there was no buying power in the economy. Result: Depression caused by lack of consumer buying power. So you are totally wrong. As I said before 2/3 of our economy is consumer driven. The rich can only spend so much. You want to stop redistribtion of wealth which is happening now and has helped create the largest best economy in the world. You guys are fools. All government taxes simply end up in the hands of private citizens anyway. You think the government destroys the money or something? Gees!

Mostly because I haven't said it lately: You're an idiot.

2) No, I don't believe you. I believe you read somewhere that someone wrote they saw a study that said that, maybe a World Net Daily article or something, but you didn't read the GAO study. Yes, I'm calling you a liar. Prove me wrong and I'll admit I'm wrong, but I think you are full of sh--

I have this criteria for how much I give a crap about what people think about me:

1. Do you sign my paycheck?

2. Do you give me oral pleasure?

3. Have you ever had my six in a difficult situation?


Since you meet none of the above, I could give a flying crap about any name you call me, or where you "think" (just using that term in reference to you makes me laugh) I get my information. You're just another piece of human bacteria that requires chlorine. The best part of the whole deal is, you are what you supposedly despise. The second anyone gives you contrarian information to the mass produced cholera that you've been swallowing, you accuse them of getting their information from the exact same sources you use (though from a different political perspective).


3) See, you are assuming again. Making an a..., you know. I have never said I hate big business. That's what WND or whatever you read--GOA reports LOL LOL!!--tells you to think. No, government is not the saviour, but it is an overall positive to us. Laissez-Faire is a recipe for disaster, we already learned that lesson long ago. Lots on money has been spent to convince you and your ilk to forget those lessons, along with many others.

I'd link about 30 of your posts, but you're so stupid you'd probably print them out and eat them for the fiber content. I've never advocated "Laissez-Faire", either.

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I have this criteria for how much I give a crap about what people think about me:

1. Do you sign my paycheck?

2. Do you give me oral pleasure?

3. Have you ever had my six in a difficult situation?

1. Are you on any goverment contracts? Then yes he does since he pays taxes (or not).

2. I'm sure he would be happy too.

3. Well 2 out 3.

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Yup, let's have the goverment "create jobs" for a few million more middle class paper shufflers. That's how this country made its way to the top of the economic heap and certainly how we'll fend off the challenges from China.


I warms my heart to know that idiots like you will suffer the most when it all comes crashing down. Thanks for the laugh.


Hey! I resent that!... I am not a "paper shuffler"... I am a ICE CHIPPER DAMMIT (this time of the season of course)!



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My first post, starting this thread. Was understood by the entire class of 5th graders I spoke to this morning. Need I say more?


Of course it was... I would expect that... But, understanding the concept of "buying a drink" and "picking up the tab" for your fellow Americans is a hard concept to get through to kids... And don't me wrong, I get the analogy... It appears you don't.


What is surprising is that the adults here can't get past that 9-10 year old stage...


But... Whatever dude... We go out drinking, don't worry... I will pick up the tab... And not piss and moan like a 10 year old about what my other bud is paying... Oh, same goes for taxes and MY FELLOW AMERICANS...



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Can't you see, government money goes to the private citizens anyways!.


My paycheck comes directly from the general fund... Yet, I pay federal taxes, SS, etc... Does that mean I subsidize mine and my fellow co-worker's wage? :wallbash::blink: Grant you we don't exactly offset each other but come pretty damn close...


We can get a tax exempt to buy things out here... Say a compressor or what not to keep the river open... Why not my physical labor?



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Mostly because I haven't said it lately: You're an idiot.


I have this criteria for how much I give a crap about what people think about me:

1. Do you sign my paycheck?

2. Do you give me oral pleasure?

3. Have you ever had my six in a difficult situation?


Since you meet none of the above, I could give a flying crap about any name you call me, or where you "think" (just using that term in reference to you makes me laugh) I get my information. You're just another piece of human bacteria that requires chlorine. The best part of the whole deal is, you are what you supposedly despise. The second anyone gives you contrarian information to the mass produced cholera that you've been swallowing, you accuse them of getting their information from the exact same sources you use (though from a different political perspective).

I'd link about 30 of your posts, but you're so stupid you'd probably print them out and eat them for the fiber content. I've never advocated "Laissez-Faire", either.

Yawn, I'd write a long reply here, but I'm too busy reading Congressional Budget Office Reports :rolleyes:

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Translation: I just got my ass whipped and don't have the intellectual capacity for an actually witty retort.

Got my ass whipped because the only way you could answer my argument is by saying I'm an idiot? Real great "intellectual capacity" there! LOL. Get that from a GAO report?


But hey, at least you got two retards to clap and smile over your 'translation.'

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Got my ass whipped because the only way you could answer my argument is by saying I'm an idiot? Real great "intellectual capacity" there! LOL. Get that from a GAO report?


But hey, at least you got two retards to clap and smile over your 'translation.'

I'm sorry, what was your argument? I'm not at all fluent in "potato head."**






**Special shout out to Dexter.

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