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Tax Cuts

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No love here...


If the 10th guy (the richest) is say a multi-millionarie... Why doesn't he just pick up the tab (and pay the chump change of 100 bucks) for the other nine dudes... I presume his buddy's?... You do drink with your buddy's? That is the honorable thing to do, right? :rolleyes:... Or is he a schmuck? :rolleyes:




I see my post was a little to deep for you.


I'm thirsty.

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Bush assisted al-Quida by invading Iraq, you gonna throw that idiot in jail too?


According to your moonbat left wing buddies, Al-Quida doesn't exist.

It is just a made up threat by the EVIL NEOCONS to take our rights way.


So they don't exist, how could he aid them?


I think you just ended up with the blue screen of death there smart ass.

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The last time I checked, you weren't in charge around here. The next time I send you packing, you won't be creating a new user name.


It wouldn't be the IRS web site, either. The information is available from the CBO. The top quintile in the United States, which includes households earning above $84000.00 annually, provides nearly EIGHTY THREE PERCENT of all income tax and 66% of ALL federal receipts. The bottom quintile pays about 1.1% of federal receipts and virtually no income tax. The top quintile also provides about 33% of all productivity.


Unlike you, he actually understands what's going on.

First off, could you link me to the Congressional Budget office site you mentioned, I don't feel like navigating through the web site, thank you. You are comparing the top 1/5 to the bottom 1/5 and expect me to think that the top is getting cheated? The top, despite taxes, are swimming in luxury while the poor are, well poor. And don't give me the 84K thing. They are just lumped into the pile of top 1/5 but don't count the same in taxation. Does a person earning 84k pay the same as a person earning 2 million? No. How much should the poor pay? What about the middle 1/5? Are they overtaxed? And BTW, the trend, despite progressive taxation, is tilting towrds the wealthy gaining even more a share of the nations wealth. Don't believe me? Here:




Also, how did you measure productivity? What if all the Mexicans went home? Is that top 1/5 gonna go out and productively pick the fruit and vegitables?


To summeraize: The rich own the most and therefore should pay the most. If that means their taxation is higher as a percentage than so be it.

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First off, could you link me to the Congressional Budget office site you mentioned, I don't feel like navigating through the web site, thank you. You are comparing the top 1/5 to the bottom 1/5 and expect me to think that the top is getting cheated? The top, despite taxes, are swimming in luxury while the poor are, well poor. And don't give me the 84K thing. They are just lumped into the pile of top 1/5 but don't count the same in taxation. Does a person earning 84k pay the same as a person earning 2 million? No. How much should the poor pay? What about the middle 1/5? Are they overtaxed? And BTW, the trend, despite progressive taxation, is tilting towrds the wealthy gaining even more a share of the nations wealth. Don't believe me? Here:




Also, how did you measure productivity? What if all the Mexicans went home? Is that top 1/5 gonna go out and productively pick the fruit and vegitables?


To summeraize: The rich own the most and therefore should pay the most. If that means their taxation is higher as a percentage than so be it.

To summarize: Once again, you spew the rhetoric without any fact. Do your own research. Try staying away from your partisan sites when you do it. There's a possibility you could learn something.


I love the fall back of "the wealthy are gaining more of the nation's wealth." I can think of about thirty reasons that would happen just based off the fundamentals. Nothing evil about any of them. In what other nation can you be born poor and end up rich as easily as it happens here?

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To summarize: Once again, you spew the rhetoric without any fact. Do your own research. Try staying away from your partisan sites when you do it. There's a possibility you could learn something.


I love the fall back of "the wealthy are gaining more of the nation's wealth." I can think of about thirty reasons that would happen just based off the fundamentals. Nothing evil about any of them. In what other nation can you be born poor and end up rich as easily as it happens here?

Don't give me the great nation crap. I know its a great nation and I hope it stays that way. And by the way, you can be born poor and become rich even with our current tax system :rolleyes:


So the Census bureau is a partisan website???? And I only pointed out the rich are getting richer because you think they are overtaxed. I don't. I also don't care they are getting more wealthy, but I do care that people like you make it seem like those poor dears are overburdened. They are not! They are prospering under this taxation that as you said, and I paraphrase, "is about as bad as that suffered by the colonists under British rule." That was you right? I appologize if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.

Don't like my antiwar.com? Well I think it is a great site. And what media do you rely on? Please tell. I'd be interested to check it out :rolleyes:

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Don't give me the great nation crap. I know its a great nation and I hope it stays that way. And by the way, you can be born poor and become rich even with our current tax system :rolleyes:


So the Census bureau is a partisan website???? And I only pointed out the rich are getting richer because you think they are overtaxed. I don't. I also don't care they are getting more wealthy, but I do care that people like you make it seem like those poor dears are overburdened. They are not! They are prospering under this taxation that as you said, and I paraphrase, "is about as bad as that suffered by the colonists under British rule." That was you right? I appologize if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.

Don't like my antiwar.com? Well I think it is a great site. And what media do you rely on? Please tell. I'd be interested to check it out :rolleyes:


They are overburdened. Talk to anyone who owns a small business, especially here in CA. By the government's standards they are rich but are being taxed to death. When you think high tax brackets you think rich actors, sports figures and CEOs of big companies. I think of the guy running a small business and getting killed in taxes.

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They are overburdened. Talk to anyone who owns a small business, especially here in CA. By the government's standards they are rich but are being taxed to death. When you think high tax brackets you think rich actors, sports figures and CEOs of big companies. I think of the guy running a small business and getting killed in taxes.

I can understand that in part. A person earing 200,000 in Buffalo is not going to feel the tax pinch like a person in Los Angeles. Still, the rich overall are doing great

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I wasn't talking to you.


Okay... May I ask for permission to talk to you?... Sorry, if I am not worthy oh Chefy One!


Just a humble working stiff paying the same taxes in IL as WNY... Yet, working in what appears to be in the viable ecomomy of NE Illinois/Chicago.


Enquiring minds want to know what gives?


If you can indulge me oh worthy one.


Your Humble Servant,





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Okay... May I ask for permission to talk to you?... Sorry, if I am not worthy oh Chefy One!


Just a humble working stiff paying the same taxes in IL as WNY... Yet, working in what appears to be in the viable ecomomy of NE Illinois/Chicago.


Enquiring minds want to know what gives?


If you can indulge me oh worthy one.


Your Humble Servant,






Which has nothing to do with the taxes here for small business owners in CA which is what we were talking about. That is the reason for the I'm not talking to you comment. You think I'm tough on you now, try and get me to cook something for you.

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Let's apply this logic to the Estate Tax Cuts:


Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100.


If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:


The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

The fifth would pay $1...

The sixth would pay $3...

The seventh would pay $7.

The eighth would pay $12.

The ninth would pay $18.

The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy

with the arrangement, until on day, the owner threw them a curve.

"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20."Drinks for the ten of you now cost just $80.


If we adjust the bill the way the estate tax cut would benefit:


The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

The fifth would pay $1...

The sixth would pay $3...

The seventh would pay $7.

The eighth would pay $12.

The ninth would pay $18.

The tenth man (the richest) would now pay $39. (A savings of $20.)


The 5th - 9th guys all said: WTF!!!


Live&DieBillsFootball, PhD

Professor of Economics

University of Harvard

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According to your moonbat left wing buddies, Al-Quida doesn't exist.

It is just a made up threat by the EVIL NEOCONS to take our rights way.


So they don't exist, how could he aid them?


I think you just ended up with the blue screen of death there smart ass.


Nice job of inserting a lefty-bashing straw man argument into the discussion that has nothing to do with the subject of the thread, not to mention it has zero basis in reality. Pretty pathetic how garbage like this is just taken at face value on this board.

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