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Is there anything worth reading in this, or is it his same old ridiculous "But Stanford says so, you poopy-head!" nonsense? :(

Your own posts aren't worth reading, but the same is not true of my posts.

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I'm disturbed by the article's allegations that legitimate research involving cosmic rays and cloud formation was suppressed. Any scientist should be able to publish rigorous work, regardless of its political implications. Speaking of politics, I'm also displeased with the article's last sentence:

Meanwhile humility in face of Nature’s marvels seems more appropriate than arrogant assertions that we can forecast and even control a climate ruled by the sun and the stars.

Human activity has caused large increases in the Earth's carbon dioxide levels. It's not "arrogant" to believe those increases in carbon dioxide levels have resulted in global warming. Ideas should be accepted or rejected based on their level of correctness, and not whether they appear "arrogant."

Ramius is an ignorant loudmouth. You'd be amazed at how uninterested I am in his opinion about me, or about any other topic. Wait! I take that back! I am interested in Ramius' opinions: if he thinks an idea is stupid, it's a sign I need to at least consider taking it seriously. Conversely, if he's in love with an idea, I need to start searching for whichever flaw made him fall in love with it.


It's not a perfect system, because he often parrots what he's been told. He sometimes parrots correct ideas; in ways which show only a surface understanding. Darwinism comes to mind--he claims he believes in it, but he lacks the conceptual awareness to comprehend the implications of that belief. His posts about statistics have shown an equal level of intellectual shallowness.


There is, in short, nothing Ramius could possibly write which I would consider anything more than the ignorant ramblings of a half-evolved Neanderthal who's still learning the rudiments of human speech. "Punch in the face." Ha! If Ramius wants to harm my face, he'll need to use his fists. In time, he may learn to use primitive stone tools. Winning a war of words is far beyond him.


Oh No! A newspaper reading "pseudo expert" claims i am stupid! whatever shall i do? I know your type all to well. You pick up a newspaper, or maybe the latest issue of discover magazine or some other similar type of publication. You read the article, and all of a sudden you think you are an expert. Then you spam your worthless "knowledge" all over a message board, because anyone with any real knowledge of the topic just laughs at your inane ideas.


Note to HA: using big words to disguise your blatant and utter stupidity may impress the masses, but it doesnt impress those with some semblence of intelligence. Hence the reason why we are not impressed and always point out your wrong doings.

Good choice, especially since the negative externality of nuclear waste is zero.


Nuclear waste is a localized pollution, as opposed to globalized pollution via coal and oil-generated electricity.

I'm disturbed by the article's allegations that legitimate research involving cosmic rays and cloud formation was suppressed. Any scientist should be able to publish rigorous work, regardless of its political implications. Speaking of politics, I'm also displeased with the article's last sentence:


Human activity has caused large increases in the Earth's carbon dioxide levels. It's not "arrogant" to believe those increases in carbon dioxide levels have resulted in global warming. Ideas should be accepted or rejected based on their level of correctness, and not whether they appear "arrogant."


You cant publish rigorous scientific work without funding to do the research. See: stem cell research.


And it IS arrogant to think that humans alone are and can directly affect the long term climate.

Its all water vapor's fault. Lets ban water vapor. Problem solved.


It is about time we had a sensible anti-humidity law.

No humidity.

Oh No! A newspaper reading "pseudo expert" claims i am stupid! whatever shall i do? I know your type all to well. You pick up a newspaper, or maybe the latest issue of discover magazine or some other similar type of publication. You read the article, and all of a sudden you think you are an expert. Then you spam your worthless "knowledge" all over a message board, because anyone with any real knowledge of the topic just laughs at your inane ideas.


Note to HA: using big words to disguise your blatant and utter stupidity may impress the masses, but it doesnt impress those with some semblence of intelligence. Hence the reason why we are not impressed and always point out your wrong doings.

I'm sorry, Ramius, but "those with some semblance [sic] of intelligence" is a category that doesn't include you.

Nuclear waste is a localized pollution, as opposed to globalized pollution via coal and oil-generated electricity.

Do you honestly expect him to understand that creating localized damage in some Nevada desert might be less harmful than messing with the entire planet's ecosystem?

I'm sorry, Ramius, but "those with some semblance [sic] of intelligence" is a category that doesn't include you.


well then. if this statement is true, it disproves your entire asinine theory on intelligence and genetics. I lack intelligence, which, according to you, means its entirely genetic and i am forever doomed to be stupid. But yet here i am earning a PhD. funny how that works isnt it?

well then. if this statement is true, it disproves your entire asinine theory on intelligence and genetics. I lack intelligence, which, according to you, means its entirely genetic and i am forever doomed to be stupid. But yet here i am earning a PhD. funny how that works isnt it?


But you're not East German.

well then. if this statement is true, it disproves your entire asinine theory on intelligence and genetics. I lack intelligence, which, according to you, means its entirely genetic and i am forever doomed to be stupid. But yet here i am earning a PhD. funny how that works isnt it?

Yeah it's amazing that school like Kean College exists so fools like you can get a PHD in clown makeup techniques.

well then. if this statement is true, it disproves your entire asinine theory on intelligence and genetics. I lack intelligence, which, according to you, means its entirely genetic and i am forever doomed to be stupid. But yet here i am earning a PhD. funny how that works isnt it?

It's more tragic than funny. You've yet to acquire the basic foundation for intellectual rigor or critical thinking, and apparently have no interest in acquiring that foundation. The fact those who are planning on awarding you that PhD apparently aren't bothered by this says something very tragic about the state of the American educational system.

It's more tragic than funny. You've yet to acquire the basic foundation for intellectual rigor or critical thinking, and apparently have no interest in acquiring that foundation. The fact those who are planning on awarding you that PhD apparently aren't bothered by this says something very tragic about the state of the American educational system.


:unsure: :unsure: :w00t:


See? you CAN be funny when you put your mind to it!

It's more tragic than funny. You've yet to acquire the basic foundation for intellectual rigor or critical thinking, and apparently have no interest in acquiring that foundation. The fact those who are planning on awarding you that PhD apparently aren't bothered by this says something very tragic about the state of the American educational system.




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