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So's bout a week ago, I walk into the 7-11 near me, and behind the counter sits a smoking hot 19 yr old Russian, OLGA. And I do mean smoking hot!!!!!Funny how I have run out of coffee, and have been going there every day now. How do you tell your wife you are leaving her for a 19yr old clerk at the 7-11?(she does say Hi to me now, think she wants me)


Which led to thinking, In my 43 yrs, I do not think I have EVER seen a hottie working at the 7-11, or even a resonably attractive women. So, where is the most unexpected place you have ever seen an incredibly beautiful woman

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Once on a late night 6 train going from Wall Street to Union Square. Stunningly beautiful girl -- they never ride the subway, even more never at night, and absolutely never on deserted trains in desolate stations (Wall Street being one of those late in the evening). One of the few other people in that car was some old bum who was trying to pick her up; she was early 20s, had a little Southern twang, and just all sorts of hot.

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Not that the coffee shop is an unusual place to spot a hottie, but there is an incredibly hot girl named Daniela who works at my local Starbucks. She is Czech and the accent makes my pants tight. It is a pleasure to stop by in the morning to get a double dose of the wakeup- the cutie and the $11 coffee.


Plus I visited the Czech Republic last spring and spent two days in her hometown of Brno, so I have that "in." Trust me, I'm working on it.


My girlfriend and I were driving to NYC two weeks ago and leaving early in the morning, and she wanted to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I couldn't do the daily flirt in front of my girlfriend so I said "Looks packed" as we passed the empty parking lot and proceeded to wait in line for 10 minutes in the Tim Horton's drive thru. :lol:

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Not that the coffee shop is an unusual place to spot a hottie, but there is an incredibly hot girl named Daniela who works at my local Starbucks. She is Czech and the accent makes my pants tight. It is a pleasure to stop by in the morning to get a double dose of the wakeup- the cutie and the $11 coffee.


Plus I visited the Czech Republic last spring and spent two days in her hometown of Brno, so I have that "in." Trust me, I'm working on it.


My girlfriend and I were driving to NYC two weeks ago and leaving early in the morning, and she wanted to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I couldn't do the daily flirt in front of my girlfriend so I said "Looks packed" as we passed the empty parking lot and proceeded to wait in line for 10 minutes in the Tim Horton's drive thru. :lol:


this whole post has me dying, from the pants tight, to the $11 dollar coffee, just dying here

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In Khmelnetsky Ukraine I was supposed to meet a Ukrainian professor in a small town I was to lecture. I took the night train from Kiev and my daughter and I went to get off the train to meet the professor. WOW one of the most beautiful women I have ever set my eyes on. Turned out to be a wonderful hostess as well, taking my daughter and I through the countryside and touring some remarkable cities.

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The Safeway here hired several smoking hot eastern European women.


Well, if this is a trend, I am all for immigration reform thats says all biscuits from eastern europe allowed in, no questions asked. Sure makes my trips to the 7-11 more enjoyable

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i used to go to a dry cleaner that hired only hot women and it completely worked. Think about it - there are tons of dry cleaners and what is going to make you choose to go to which. An extra $2 per hour for a prettier girl will get you more than $16 per day in extra business....

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Most unexpected would have to be a gorgeous blonde I played in a quickplay chess tournament a few years back (As far as I can tell, females are only interested in chess before puberty or after retirement age). Unfortunately, I had made a terrible start to the tournament and was in no mood to go easy on her, no matter how hot she was. She lost in about 5 minutes and 15 moves and seemed a bit embarrassed about it. Later, I saw her surrounded by a mob of lusting chess geek-types ...

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Not that the coffee shop is an unusual place to spot a hottie, but there is an incredibly hot girl named Daniela who works at my local Starbucks. She is Czech and the accent makes my pants tight. It is a pleasure to stop by in the morning to get a double dose of the wakeup- the cutie and the $11 coffee.


Plus I visited the Czech Republic last spring and spent two days in her hometown of Brno, so I have that "in." Trust me, I'm working on it.


My girlfriend and I were driving to NYC two weeks ago and leaving early in the morning, and she wanted to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I couldn't do the daily flirt in front of my girlfriend so I said "Looks packed" as we passed the empty parking lot and proceeded to wait in line for 10 minutes in the Tim Horton's drive thru. :unsure:

How is Brno? I am going to go to Olomouc in two weeks- Czech girls are amazing!

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How is Brno? I am going to go to Olomouc in two weeks- Czech girls are amazing!


I thoroughly enjoyed Brno. I spent two days and one night there, so I only saw the nightlife once, on a Thursday. Not too bad...The Brno/Prague dynamic reminded me a little of the NYC/Buffalo relationship. Brno is a little grittier and lacking the glitz of Prague, and as the 2nd-largest city in Czech, they have a bit of the inferiority complex. But it's a good time.


My friend that I was visiting in Czech lives there with his girlfriend, whom he met while studying abroad for a year in college in Brno, so he knew the spots. Without that inside info, maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed it that much? I don't know...All the restaurants, bars, and sites were cool, but that's probably because he knew what was good...

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