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LG and NT have been problem areas for our team for years. Since Satan Donahoe let Rueben Brown and Pat Williams leave, saying they were both done. This year, both Rueben and Fat Pat go to the Pro Bowl. And Pat should have made it last year as well. Both guys live in Buffalo (still), are respected locker room guys, are playing at a high level at obvious need positions for us, and yet Satan Donahoe's hubris was so great that he let both go, because they weren't "his" players. If these holes are not filled this offseason, that will have been 4 years for NT and 6 years for LG, that we have been desperately trying to fill these holes. Talk about setting a franchise back...Hey Donahoe... :worthy: you!!!

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I don't think the thought was that Big Pat was washed up...It was just a financial decision that they couldn't pay him what his market value was. His importance was definitely underestimated, though, as the prevailing thought was that Fat Sam and any other slob would be able to do the job. That was the miscalculation.


Ruben was cast aside as finished by Buffalo, you're right.


My friend made a good point yesterday, saying that he's fine getting rid of players- in fact, it's necessary in the current league setup. However, don't get rid of a guy and then say, "Ok, you're up" to whomever is next in line, regardless of their talent or their preparedness to be a starter. At least have a plan. Your point is well taken- TD clearly had no plan for these two positions.

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I don't think the thought was that Big Pat was washed up...It was just a financial decision that they couldn't pay him what his market value was. His importance was definitely underestimated, though, as the prevailing thought was that Fat Sam and any other slob would be able to do the job. That was the miscalculation.


Ruben was cast aside as finished by Buffalo, you're right.


My friend made a good point yesterday, saying that he's fine getting rid of players- in fact, it's necessary in the current league setup. However, don't get rid of a guy and then say, "Ok, you're up" to whomever is next in line, regardless of their talent or their preparedness to be a starter. At least have a plan. Your point is well taken- TD clearly had no plan for these two positions.


Actually I think it had less to do with money -- and more to do with the manner in which the players felt that they were being treated. TD had a knack for putting out a "Take it or leave it!" offer that was often viewed by the players as being insulting. He would then demonize the player in the press to make them seem greedy for not accepting his low-ball offer. Many of us admire TD at the time for driving a hard bargain, but (in the long run) I think it had a negative toll.


I think Marv has done some positive things (including the way he handled the troy Vincent situation last year) to help turn that feeling around. That is one reason why I don't think that we can write off Nate coming back so quickly. Of course, Nate's situation is much different than, say, Pat's was because Pat really wanted to stay here -- and a reasonable offer would have kept him from ever testing the free agency market. The contract he signed with the Vikings was not THAT extravagant. As for Nate, we all know that his goal is to see how much he can get paid in free agency. A player has the right to test the market, and the front office shouldn't be vindictive, when the said player chooses to do so. At least Marv has done a decent job of building up morale to make players WANT to stay here. If Nate prices himself out of our reach, then so be it -- but at least it won't be because he felt disrespected by the current organization and went somewhere he felt wanted.

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Why did Rutkowski fumble that snap?!?!


Man, oh man, that one hurt almost as much as any loss just because it would have been so cool to beat the Oakland Raiders with a halfback playing quarterback in Oakland no less.


But if Rutkowski does not fumble that snap, the Bills do not get the first draft pick and Philly gets O.J. and we get Leroy Keyes. So, I guess it worked out except for the double murder part.

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LG and NT have been problem areas for our team for years. Since Satan Donahoe let Rueben Brown and Pat Williams leave, saying they were both done. This year, both Rueben and Fat Pat go to the Pro Bowl. And Pat should have made it last year as well. Both guys live in Buffalo (still), are respected locker room guys, are playing at a high level at obvious need positions for us, and yet Satan Donahoe's hubris was so great that he let both go, because they weren't "his" players. If these holes are not filled this offseason, that will have been 4 years for NT and 6 years for LG, that we have been desperately trying to fill these holes. Talk about setting a franchise back...Hey Donahoe... :lol: you!!!

In all fairness Bills fans mocked Brown for about 3 years until we let him go. He had a reputation for living off his name and committing an obscene amount of penalties. If you cried over his loss a few years back you were probably one of the only ones that did. Williams was not brought back largely because of the harsh nature of a TD lead negotiation. We lost out and it sucks, but it sucks no more then promising Nate we won't franchise him. I guess I just don't see the need to bring TD up over this. A big reason many feel we have a bright future is from TD led signings. Hindsight has shown that he actually was a damn good assembler of talent. His downfall was not finding the right coach to put it together and not upgrading the line. Sprinkle in a little Drew Bledsoe and you have enough to show why the talent never produced in the win column.

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Better yet let RJ finish out the 1998 season and play the 1999 season. Haven't we learned through JP Losman that maybe, just maybe, a QB needs time on the field to develop?

The big difference is that JP PLAYED an entire season. This was something Rob could never do. He even got hurt mopping up in the 3rd game of the 1999 season & was out for weeks.

Rob had to be the most injury prone QB I've ever seen. In his NFL career he must have injured every body part.

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