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to put the NFL is better than NHL argument to rest


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Not impressed with either......never been too big on hockey, and the NFL fans will take whatever garbage the NFL feeds them as if they don't know any better. Free agency and the salary cap have ruined the league

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Not impressed with either......never been too big on hockey, and the NFL fans will take whatever garbage the NFL feeds them as if they don't know any better. Free agency and the salary cap have ruined the league


the salary cap is the only reason the Buffalo Bills still exist. Without that, we would be the Montreal Expos of the NFL. And your contention that the NFL is garbage............. tell me why? This years playoffs have been tremoundsly exciting games. When have they been better? Give me a year with more excitement. Help me here with your contentions.

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The quality of football in the NFL sucks. That's just a fact. It is far below that of the NCAA.


NFL football is 10 minutes of action and 3 1/2 hours of talking about what happened in the ten minutes. Please try to dispute this fact.


The NFL is number one with sports fans for two reasons. Gambling and beer. Ban beer from the parking lots and stadiums and you couldn't get 25,000 to an NFL game.


It's great to go to an NHL game and not have drunk morons falling all over the place. Pissing themselves. It's great to see young fans going to Sabre games. A place where they don't have to watch grown men puking.


Tell me again why the NFL is so great.


I will PAY your retarded ass to go away and never post here again. Seriously.

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the salary cap is the only reason the Buffalo Bills still exist. Without that we would be the Montreal Expos of the NFL. And your contention that the NFL is garbage............. tell me why" This years playoffs have been tremondsly exciting games. When have they been better? Give me a year with more excitement. Help me here with your contentions.

The overall quality of the football being played has gone way down- sure you can point to a game here and there, but the fact is the lack of continuity on teams has led to the quality going down. It has especially hurt the offensive lines- when was the last time you saw a line like we had in the 90's or Dallas or Washington?

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the salary cap is the only reason the Buffalo Bills still exist. Without that we would be the Montreal Expos of the NFL.....

Actually.....the only reason the Buffalo Bills still exist is revenue sharing. The salary cap was introduced to help all the teams counteract Free Agency. It is designed to limit the level of money that goes to the players.

Before FA, the only reason the smaller markets thrived(survived) was due to revenue sharing.

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The overall quality of the football being played has gone way down- sure you can point to a game here and there, but the fact is the lack of continuity on teams has led to the quality going down. It has especially hurt the offensive lines- when was the last time you saw a line like we had in the 90's or Dallas or Washington?

The last time I saw a line like we had in the 90's? I was in Pasedena when the Cowboys absolutely abused our line in the Super Bowl.


When was the last time you saw a lineup like the Yankees had this year? Guess what in today's NFL, we would be the Kansas City Royals, the low income team that can not compete.


If you are a Bills fan, your nostalgia for the non salary cap years is really misplaced.

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Actually.....the only reason the Buffalo Bills still exist is revenue sharing. The salary cap was introduced to help all the teams counteract Free Agency. It is designed to limit the level of money that goes to the players.

Before FA, the only reason the smaller markets thrived(survived) was due to revenue sharing.

Good point Dibs, but with the new era of owners like Snyder and Jones, it takes both to survive now.

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The last time I saw a line like we had in the 90's? I was in Pasedena when the Cowboys absolutely abused our line in the Super Bowl.


When was the last time you saw a lineup like the Yankees had this year? Guess what in today's NFL, we would be the Kansas City Royals, the low income team that can not compete.


If you are a Bills fan, your nostalgia for the non salary cap years is really misplaced.

Sorry, I am a big Bills fan, but I don't want the rules to be tailored to maked them better. Let them do that through the draft.


By the way, how far did that Yankees lineup go- their roster wasn't so good. Full of overrated and old players

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Sorry, I am a big Bills fan, but I don't want the rules to be tailored to maked them better. Let them do that through the draft.


By the way, how far did that Yankees lineup go- their roster wasn't so good. Full of overrated and old players


The Yankees made the playoffs just like they always do, the Royals lost another 100 games or so, just like they always do. You have fun with the LA Bills, I will take take parity and the Buffalo Bills thank you.

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Because, I, like almost the rest of this country will watch almost any NFL game that they will put on television - no betting, no beer - I will watch. I have not watched a hockey game not involving the Sabres in at least 10 years. I think Dave Keon was playing then.


The NHL all-star game was beaten in the ratings by Andy of Mayberry on TV Classics. I am not kidding about this.


I would like less drunks at the Bills game as well, but that is more a reflection on tailgaiting than football fans. College football ratings are continually lower than the pros, unless your team is playing or it is a particularly intruiging matchup, no one cares except locals and alumni. The numbers speak for themself and a lot of us do not gamble on the games and the NFL is the only sport that I will watch regularly without a rooting interest.


No one is saying that the NFL is not watched all over the country. We can discuss why. Like baseball was at one point the NFL is ingrained int he fabric of the country. Through gambling, Beer and billions of dollars a year in promotions and advertising the NFL maintains there place in Americana.


That is really off point. The NHL right now is a far more entertaining product. They are loaded with tons of young stars and being that the NHL game experience isn't a drunk fest it is allowing many young kids a chance to be exposed to the new product.


The NFL is in a crisis of not having enough stars in the high profile positions. Out of 32 teams there is what, maybe 5 really good QB's? Rivers and Young may increase that number over the next couple of seasons but the other 20+ teams are waiting for their next franchise QB. Running backs have become a dime a dozen, except for LT, and there are no great widereceivers. The WR's you see are usally in trouble for something. Owens, Moss and Chad Johnson are not the players you can build on.


While the NHL is improving their product. The NFL continues to slip. Even the so called "experts" you read and hear agree. The quality of football in the NFL isn't what it was 10 years ago and is far from it's hayday.

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Throw fantasy football in as another reason for the NFL's insane popularity.


I think most people here think because a sport like the NFL has monster ratings, it automatically means the overall product is better.


Even though the fact is the NFL's product has declined over the years, NFL fans get so defensive and say "well, our ratings are trememdous" and "look at all the money the NFL is making"


Why do some here do that?


I believe it is because they are greatly influecned by people like Colin Cownerd, that is why.

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No one is saying that the NFL is not watched all over the country. We can discuss why. Like baseball was at one point the NFL is ingrained int he fabric of the country. Through gambling, Beer and billions of dollars a year in promotions and advertising the NFL maintains there place in Americana.


That is really off point. The NHL right now is a far more entertaining product. They are loaded with tons of young stars and being that the NHL game experience isn't a drunk fest it is allowing many young kids a chance to be exposed to the new product.


The NFL is in a crisis of not having enough stars in the high profile positions. Out of 32 teams there is what, maybe 5 really good QB's? Rivers and Young may increase that number over the next couple of seasons but the other 20+ teams are waiting for their next franchise QB. Running backs have become a dime a dozen, except for LT, and there are no great widereceivers. The WR's you see are usally in trouble for something. Owens, Moss and Chad Johnson are not the players you can build on.


While the NHL is improving their product. The NFL continues to slip. Even the so called "experts" you read and hear agree. The quality of football in the NFL isn't what it was 10 years ago and is far from it's hayday.

What the NHL has against them is that ESPN will do everything they can to make sure it fails

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What the NHL has against them is that ESPN will do everything they can to make sure it fails



I agree with that somewhat...and when you consider the fact that so many sports fans are sheep and will believe what is fed to them...the fact that ESPN radio 'celebs' hate the NHL, people will blindly buy into it.

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Hockey will never be more than a regional sport. People are just not interested in it---if Buffalo wins the Cup nobody outside the area will #1 know and #2 nobody would care even if they did know. It is a sport beaten out by both bowling and poker for ratings. When your all star game gets about 400k viewers total in the country, you know nobody cares.




I agree on the point about the terrible ratings for the all star game, that is just pathetic. To some extent the NHL is more exciting, but only to Northeastern and Candian cities, and the successful teams this year in the NHL. The Bruins had nobody there last night it was pathetic. Here's a good point to back this up: Carolina had tickets left for game 7 of the eastern conference finals that were bought by Sabres fans, which is amazing support for us, but that is truly sad that those tickets were not sold out the day they came on sale. Even though the NHL just had a very good attendance record this January, the NFL has almost flawless attendance. This of course with the exception of the Bills.


I agree that the new rules changes in the NHL make for a very exciting game, but that forbes link is a good indicator that the NHL can't even draw a decent viewing for the Stanley Cup. I love the Sabres and the Bills equaly but the NFL is just more successful let's face it. I really don't think there is a dropoff in excitement or talent over the past decade either, but that's just my opinion. I would have to say that the NBA on the other hand is just a complete joke.

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Hockey isn't even the number four sport in terms of popularity in the United States. Like it of not it's NASCAR. Hockey is popular in about 8 cities in this country. For the most part the rest of this nation doesn't place hockey in the same category oas the other four sports. College athletics propbably rank higher in popularity than hockey.

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Hockey isn't even the number four sport in terms of popularity in the United States. Like it of not it's NASCAR. Hockey is popular in about 8 cities in this country. For the most part the rest of this nation doesn't place hockey in the same category oas the other four sports. College athletics propbably rank higher in popularity than hockey.

Who friggen cares whats the most popular? Im a hockey fan first and NFL second. Im glad the NHL is not as popular as the other sports. Keeps the whole deal grounded. Players are by far easier to relate to. The are by far better people and thus I feel better watching them. The entire game feels better to me. Non stop crimes by NFL players is obsene. Great idols for kids to have. Gun toting fckin thugs. No way aholes like that should be pulling in that kinda dough. If the whole league went for a sh-- it would look good on them. League needs a attitude adjustment.

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Who friggen cares whats the most popular? Im a hockey fan first and NFL second. Im glad the NHL is not as popular as the other sports. Keeps the whole deal grounded. Players are by far easier to relate to. The are by far better people and thus I feel better watching them. The entire game feels better to me. Non stop crimes by NFL players is obsene. Great idols for kids to have. Gun toting fckin thugs. No way aholes like that should be pulling in that kinda dough. If the whole league went for a sh-- it would look good on them. League needs a attitude adjustment.


That's a great point.


NFL fans want to dismiss the fact that the NHL is trying to stay in the smaller markets where their popularity is strong. I wonder when push comes to shove if the NFL will fight to keep a team in WNY.


Two points on attendance.


Bills tickets sold 541,169

Sabres tickets sold 766,290


NHL 9 of the top 10 teams are at 100% of capacity for the season.

NBA 4 of the top 10 teams are at 100% of capacity.


And forget NASCAR. :cry: Each week it's like a hillbilly SuperBowl (opps!! I don't want the NFL to sue me) I meant hillybilly Big Game played this Sunday. :thumbsup:


Get to know it well NFL fans. The NHL is on the way up and the NFL is on the way down. :unsure:

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