Fezmid Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6314443.stm  How is this fair? Download a song, and you get sued for $150,000/song. Hack someone's computer, install a rootkit, illegally monitor what they're doing, make it easy for anyone to exploit this rootkit, and make it difficult to remove, and you pay a $150/instance fine. What the hell?  The FTC should hammer Sony/BMG and make an example out of them. Instead, they get a slap on the wrist -- you need to produce a receipt showing you bought the disk (who keeps those for this long?), and prove how much it cost you to have the problem fixed. Sounds like if you fix it yourself, you get nothing. Way to go. They don't even have to admin that they did anything wrong. ''  http://ftc.gov/opa/2007/01/sony.htm "will be required to reimburse consumers up to $150 to repair damage that resulted directly from consumers’ attempts to remove the software installed without their consent."  Pathetic.  But wait, if you're not a big company, you get much more severe punishments for doing less: http://www.technologynewsdaily.com/node/5836  Three months home detention, $5000, and 300 hours of community service for defacing a website due to "a felony violation of intentionally damaging a computer used in interstate commerce." Well, I use my computer to buy things interstate, so isn't Sony guilty of the same thing?  I guess I need to remember the Golden Rule - Those who have the Gold, make the Rules.  CW
erynthered Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 This should be moved to the consumer forum.
VABills Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Still on your hate Sony kick? Of course without these bigcompanies a lot of what you see and use would never had made it to your home. But keep hating, you sound like the typcail Mac users, Democrats, etc... of the world who basically noone listens to or cares about.
Fezmid Posted January 31, 2007 Author Posted January 31, 2007 Still on your hate Sony kick? Of course without these bigcompanies a lot of what you see and use would never had made it to your home. But keep hating, you sound like the typcail Mac users, Democrats, etc... of the world who basically noone listens to or cares about. Â The rootkit (aka: spyware) is the REASON I'm not buying any more Sony products (well, that and the exploding batteries). But I suppose because they're a big company and they make crap that I use, I should just shut up and let them do whatever they want, right? Â I still find it hard to believe that you (or anyone) would be fine with exploiting your PC and making it easy for everyone else to do the same (remember, virus checkers can't even detect it) and it was installed without any warning or notice, nor any information about what it was doing. Put the CD in the PC and BAM, you're 0wn3d.
meazza Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 The rootkit (aka: spyware) is the REASON I'm not buying any more Sony products (well, that and the exploding batteries). But I suppose because they're a big company and they make crap that I use, I should just shut up and let them do whatever they want, right? Â I still find it hard to believe that you (or anyone) would be fine with exploiting your PC and making it easy for everyone else to do the same (remember, virus checkers can't even detect it) and it was installed without any warning or notice, nor any information about what it was doing. Put the CD in the PC and BAM, you're 0wn3d. Â Exactly
VABills Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 So I guess that you don't use any CD's since Sony invented them? You never bought a VCR (even though they did betamax)? You don't have a personal walking music box since the walkman was their invention, own probably the best flat screen (WEGA's) on the market, or arguably one of the best laptop in the Vaio's? Â Yeah easy to hate but they have invested or greatly improved upon things. But SONY bad.
Fezmid Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 So I guess that you don't use any CD's since Sony invented them? You never bought a VCR (even though they did betamax)? You don't have a personal walking music box since the walkman was their invention, own probably the best flat screen (WEGA's) on the market, or arguably one of the best laptop in the Vaio's? Â Yeah easy to hate but they have invested or greatly improved upon things. But SONY bad. Â Are you intentionally ignoring the part where I said I avoid Sony SINCE THE ROOTKIT INCIDENT? All of the things you're talking about came out BEFORE that. And I can honestly say that I don't use any of those things anymore, since most of those inventions havn't been used since the early 90s... Â CW
VABills Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Are you intentionally ignoring the part where I said I avoid Sony SINCE THE ROOTKIT INCIDENT? All of the things you're talking about came out BEFORE that. And I can honestly say that I don't use any of those things anymore, since most of those inventions havn't been used since the early 90s... CW The Wega's, you don't use any CD's regardless since they invented them, Vaio's? Those are all widely used today and in the case of Vaio's and Wega constantly improved, and are highly regarded as the best in the industry, granted at a cost.
Fezmid Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 The Wega's, you don't use any CD's regardless since they invented them, Vaio's? Those are all widely used today and in the case of Vaio's and Wega constantly improved, and are highly regarded as the best in the industry, granted at a cost. You're completely missing the point and it has to be on purpose because nobody is that dumb. Well, except for people living in Boston. Â Are you seriouslly implying that because some of their products are popular that people should just ignore the fact that they broke the law?
RuntheDamnBall Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 You're completely missing the point and it has to be on purpose because nobody is that dumb. Well, except for people living in Boston. Are you seriouslly implying that because some of their products are popular that people should just ignore the fact that they broke the law? Now, now, they did a good job.  I wish I could use this defense in a trial:  DA: "On the night of blah blah blah, did you rob such and such bank?"  Me: "Why yes, sir, but you're ignoring all the banks I didn't rob, and I also coach the junior soccer team. I do lots of good things in addition to robbing banks. And without me there wouldn't be a junior soccer team."
VABills Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 You're completely missing the point and it has to be on purpose because nobody is that dumb. Well, except for people living in Boston. Are you seriouslly implying that because some of their products are popular that people should just ignore the fact that they broke the law? Where did they break the law? Where did they admit guilt? Where were they convicted of any crime? Maybe they inconvienenced a few folks. But at no time where they ever found guilty of anything. Did you read the story?  As far as the "exploding" batteries, I am sure thay did that on purpose.  No one is that dumb to believe they are.  Also, I think it's pretty smart marketing to try and figure out what people like. Maybe a little submersive in their practice, but how is one to venture what people like if they don't do the research?  Also, your title is wrong. It isn't a 150 fine. That's per person which is 7 million x 150.
RuntheDamnBall Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Also, I think it's pretty smart marketing to try and figure out what people like. Maybe a little submersive in their practice, but how is one to venture what people like if they don't do the research? I don't research what kind of movies you like by camping out on your front lawn with a view of your living room. What's the difference? Both are invasions of privacy.
VABills Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 I don't research what kind of movies you like by camping out on your front lawn with a view of your living room. What's the difference? Both are invasions of privacy. If you were on the sidewalk you'd be fine.
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