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Best movie you have rented recently...


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The first two are already mentioned in this thread:


Little Miss Sunshine- Yes! Alan Arkin is effin hilarious and needs to win the award for Supporting Actor.


Thank You for Smoking- Yes! Clever and funny.


Syrianna- I just watched it with three others; I enjoyed it and think I 'got it,' but it takes concentration. The others hated it.


The Departed- Still probably in a few theaters; whenever it comes to video, it is a must see.


Waking Ned Devine- Hadn't seen it in a while, just caught it on HBO the other day. Great flick, definitely worth your 90 minutes.

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Little Miss Sunshine- Yes! Alan Arkin is effin hilarious and needs to win the award for Supporting Actor.

Hysterical. IMO the best comedy to come out in the past few years.


Thank You for Smoking- Yes! Clever and funny.

It's in my NetFlix queue.


Syrianna- I just watched it with three others; I enjoyed it and think I 'got it,' but it takes concentration. The others hated it.


Pretty good. More interesting and done better than "Babel" which I saw last weekend and was a little disappointed in. I didn't think Babel held together as well as Syriana.


Waking Ned Devine- Hadn't seen it in a while, just caught it on HBO the other day. Great flick, definitely worth your 90 minutes.

Agree; funny movie.

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