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Chuckle, ya *helping* the troops.
If the troops are getting something they want for free, then what's the problem?


More like helping the O'Reilly and Limbo bottom line. These total fuggin a-holes are milking the people's sympathies for the troops to make a buck. That is disgusting.
I know almost nothing about Limbaugh, but O'Reilly has visited the troops in Iraq and given air time to a lot of people representing a lot of charities centered around the troops in Iraq.


I still don't have a problem with anyone having sales promotions to help the troops. If Coca-Cola advertised that for every 12-pack sold, they'd send over one 12-pack to soldiers in Iraq, I'd buy more of their product. If for every Gateway computer sold, another was sent to a soldier in Iraq, I'd be more likely to buy that too.


Businesses making money never really bothers me, especially if they're donating to the troops. I wish there was more of it.


And others have done a lot more.
What does this have to do with anything?


Like these people, and if you haven't sent in a donation, maybe you should. Or go blame someone for not reporting it or something Pavlov.
OK, this part doesn't really make sense but I will say that I'm glad people are making donations and that this particular center did get some press coverage.


Since we're just bringing up random things at this point, I should mention that you really have nothing to tell me about amputee centers. I was the lead author of two published studies on amputee gait and did a lot of my research at the Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio, TX. I also gave a presentation on amputee walking at the International Society of Biomechanics Conference in Cleveland in 2005.

I shudder to think about all the righties here who would be screaming out of their minds about how Al Franken was making money/profiterring from the troops if he had done something similar like allow someone to buy gift subscriptions to his fan club for the troops or send a copy of one of his books to a soldier as an incentive to buy one of his books.
If he wanted to and the troops were happy to receive it, I definitely wouldn't care. Al Franken has visited the troops and even if I don't like him, I'm sure the troops appreciate that so good for him.


Honestly, I don't think the Rush and O'Reilly things are the best way for each to support the troops but I'm definitely not offended by either of them (and the whole point of this thread was how offensive this was, right?). I also have no reason to think that these pushes are the only thing each man is doing for the troops.


There's no doubt GAP benefitted from the (red) campaign because it gave them publicity and the extra people in the stores bought some additional merchandise that wasn't (red). But who cares? Good for them. If someone bought two of those red t-shirts and ended up buying a sweater that they weren't planning on getting, then I guess that's just GAP benefitting from trying to do something charitable.

About honor killings? Ya, that's real relevent.


What IS relevant is that you curse, scorn, and take potshots at Israel (or shall we say Jews) and shrug off the murder of women in Palestine, this while posing as a "liberal."

Maybe you fool a few posters here, but as I said, you are transparent.


Not that I ever read a molson post for reasons other than sheer entertainment value, but when I got to the word 'Olbermann', I knew it was going to hysterical!


Keith Olbermann? :worthy::beer::lol:

Since we're just bringing up random things at this point, I should mention that you really have nothing to tell me about amputee centers. I was the lead author of two published studies on amputee gait and did a lot of my research at the Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio, TX. I also gave a presentation on amputee walking at the International Society of Biomechanics Conference in Cleveland in 2005.

I really think that's great. I hope your studies helped out.

First there is this:



And this, you can watch the video:




Imus: Here's what a disgrace O'Reilly is. Olbermann can't kill him enough. Here's what O'Reilly's doing. You are not going to believe this. This sonofabitch actually went on that falafel thing of his and he said—–if you'll buy a copy of his book—for every copy of his stupid book, he'll send a copy to a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan. I mean I don't know where to start. That's his contribution to the men and women who are fighting and dying in this idiotic war for this country.


These opinon makers on the right are just totally self-absorbed trash

Yes, I find this deeply disturbing. But I'm not the only one offended. Here are some choice comments from others:


"Hey, even if I did kill Nicole and Ron, I still have standards. I just don't see how anyone can offer American soldiers free political commentary and still live with himself." - O.J. Simpson


"I don't know which is worse--the fact the soldiers are getting some material for free, or the fact that other people are paying for it. Where are standards of public decency?" - Ted Bundy


"When I heard of this, it just made me sick. What kind of world are we living in if soldiers can read the Limbaugh Letter for free? And that disgusts me. Then I realized I could do something to make the world a better place. I'm going to invite Limbaugh over for dinner. My kind of dinner. :lol:" - Jeffrey Dahmer

The Gap - The GAP is DONATING all proceeds they get from Red to AIDS - the more they sell, the more they donate. The GAP doesn't make any money on what they sell here - it's strictly a charity thing (although if you're a cynic you'll say that they are using AIDS to get people into their store and buy things other than the Red line).


Ah yes the Gap, the super-altruistic retail store. They did it for positive publicity which is the best form of free advertising. And when people went to the Gap that's all the store wanted them to purchase. Riiiiiiiight. Get your head out of the sand.

Ya know...you MUST stay around.


There are sooo many different viewpoints on PPP. And most have us have fought tooth and nail from time to time. Many of us dont see eye to eye and to this day loathe many of the people who come here. I, myself hope to think I have if nothing more, come to accept the differences between me and many people Ive done battle with and we seem to be getting along.


But you.......youre are something else. And you have done the impossible. You have managed to bring ALL of us together. The libitards, idiots, novices, right-wing whackos, grizzled vets, self-proclaimed geniuses, on and on. We ALL laugh at you. As one. You entertain ALL of us. As one!


Keep it up...its been a fun ride!



Wish there was a clapping icon, but i guess this one will do :ph34r:

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