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Hillary in 2003

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Oh, is it still 1993? I thought a few years had gone by. Actually the chances of us getting socialized medicine are increasing as more people are coming on board to the idea. Also, if Hillary is running against McCain, she does have a chance. Has McCain ever seen a war he didn't like? Remember he wanted to send in the ground forces to Kosovo in 1998. The country doesn't want another war and that will help miss tight lips. Hillary will say damn near little to nothing before the election. She will run the Bush 2000 campaign, basically. I'm not saying she will win but she will have a good chance to win.



She's a joke. As my senator she has done nothing. I hope she doesn't make it out of the primary for all of our sake.


I think it will be Obama and probably Mitt Romney coming out of the primaries. You could make the argument for Rudi, but he is a pro-choice conservative, although a very good leader. Of course, Romney is Moorman, but he is still a man of faith even though that might not go over well with the deep southern states. And McCain, well he is a decent candidate but I don't see him beating out Romney for some reason. Just my 2 cents.

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Wow! What a difference a few years make. Hillary sounded very Bush-like on Iraq. Watching that video is a good reminder that when one speaks, one speaks not just for the present, but for posterity.


As for that pink group . . . yes in hindsight they look smart for having opposed the Iraq war. But I get the feeling this group would indiscriminately oppose all wars, whether wise or foolish.


not to be an ass, but can somebody indiscriminately oppose all wars?


wouldn't the word be consistently?

I understand your point, however.

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More people are coming on to the idea? Doubtful. That train will lose any steam it has when the opposition is able to state a case (they don't have to right now). That says nothing of how it'd play out in Congress, where the Republicans have more than enough power to filibuster whatever they want.


Sorry folks, I had "Government Health Care" in the military. If you think the Great Satan is going to "fix" something that multi-faceted, especially given that the majority of the cost increase in the last 20 years can be directly attributed to them, you're crazy.


The climate hasn't changed at all from 1993. It'll still cost too much and be a bureacratic nightmare. The rich will still go to the head of the line. The poor will still be essentially left out.


Be very afraid.

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More people are coming on to the idea? Doubtful. That train will lose any steam it has when the opposition is able to state a case (they don't have to right now). That says nothing of how it'd play out in Congress, where the Republicans have more than enough power to filibuster whatever they want.


Sorry folks, I had "Government Health Care" in the military. If you think the Great Satan is going to "fix" something that multi-faceted, especially given that the majority of the cost increase in the last 20 years can be directly attributed to them, you're crazy.


The climate hasn't changed at all from 1993. It'll still cost too much and be a bureacratic nightmare. The rich will still go to the head of the line. The poor will still be essentially left out.


Be very afraid.

Tricare for everyone! Misery loves company :unsure:

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More people are coming on to the idea? Doubtful. That train will lose any steam it has when the opposition is able to state a case (they don't have to right now). That says nothing of how it'd play out in Congress, where the Republicans have more than enough power to filibuster whatever they want.


Sorry folks, I had "Government Health Care" in the military. If you think the Great Satan is going to "fix" something that multi-faceted, especially given that the majority of the cost increase in the last 20 years can be directly attributed to them, you're crazy.


The climate hasn't changed at all from 1993. It'll still cost too much and be a bureacratic nightmare. The rich will still go to the head of the line. The poor will still be essentially left out.


Be very afraid.


Why do people insist that the government is so inefficient and slow and then in almost the same breath, mention socialized health care?!

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