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Not like there was much tailgating going on in that stadium before.


(Unless tailgating food is expanded to include bottled water , crack rocks and Botox injections, then, well nevermind)


wont be long before the no fun league and the fear mongers ban tailgating from everywhere. :) you NFL!


We are going to see football reduced to a bunch of stiff doing golf claps from luxury boxes in the next few years.


This is the biggest bull sh-- call I've ever heard of. Maybe if they didn't make the Super Bowl such a media-crazed spectacal the real fans could enjoy however they want to. Freakin' women and celebrities are the only people there, and half don't even give a sh-- about the game.


GOD this makes me mad...

the real fans could enjoy however they want to


There aren't many "real" fans at the SB any more. Mostly celebrities, sponsors and coporate giveaways, team's families etc. And they hardly tailgate anyway.

Bans are the future of NFL Football and America :) . Frankly, I think that this belongs on the PPP board.


No more talk like that or I'll report you to the Dept of Homeland Security. Bans and prohibition is what America is all about. Love it or leave it.

No more talk like that or I'll report you to the Dept of Homeland Security. Bans and prohibition is what America is all about. Love it or leave it.


I warned the people on PPP that this would happen. Most (even a few hypocrites who call themselves conservative, or even more laughable, "libertarian") think/thought that it was great that more than half of America forbids owners of bars (not restaurants mind you, BARS) to allow their patrons to smoke.

Now, the chickens are starting to come home to roost, and this is the mere beginning. It is sad indeed that a majority of Americans were/are too stupid, and/or greedy as to be unable to see things like this coming.


It is only going to get worse, and it will soon be a matter of time before all things which are not PC will be banned, and trendy causes will be welcomed.


Tailgates at the superbowl are banned. This will follow suit to all NFL games relatively soon, like it or not.

BUT, soon you will be able to have dogs slobber all over you and your food.


People have themselves to blame for their short sightedness, greed, naivity, and flat out stupidity.

No sympathy here....can you feel it?


There is essentially no tailgating at the U's new football stadium near Hartford.


Insurance purposes, partly, which is necessitating bans of lots of things. If it's b/w paying $1M in premiums or letting people throw footballs around / grill on open flame where there's automobiles hither and yon.... tailgating is out 99 percent of the time.


And more than likely lots of pressure from area restaurants / watering holes / etc. looking to gorge on tourist dollars.

Not like there was much tailgating going on in that stadium before.


(Unless tailgating food is expanded to include bottled water , crack rocks and Botox injections, then, well nevermind)



Something you'd care to share w/ the group, Bobble?

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