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Harry Reid's deal in the desert

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Cue the hysterics about 'corrupt Republicans' from Molson in 5...4...3...uh, hold it a sec. He's a Dem. Nevermind, move along. Nothing to see here.


Not one to take Molsons side here(im a labatt man)....but...we are kidding ourselves if we think Democrats are the only corrupt ones. IMHO, 80% of the politicians are in it for personal gain. Just another in a long long line of people who need an example made out of them.

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Not one to take Molsons side here(im a labatt man)....but...we are kidding ourselves if we think Democrats are the only corrupt ones.

Does anyone think that?


Most politicians give off a creepy vibe. I don't know if it's a need for attention or power or what, but it's creepy.

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Does anyone think that?


Most politicians give off a creepy vibe. I don't know if it's a need for attention or power or what, but it's creepy.


Well, they are knowingly and willingly opening themselves, their wife (or Husband), their Children, grandkids, parents, extended family, etc. up to the full brunt of the media.


You'd have to be a little creepy to do that.

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Not one to take Molsons side here(im a labatt man)....but...we are kidding ourselves if we think Democrats are the only corrupt ones. IMHO, 80% of the politicians are in it for personal gain. Just another in a long long line of people who need an example made out of them.



Of course they are; and 90% of the people here agree on that. But molson is the current resident idiot who thinks there is some huge difference between the two.

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