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With all the teams with HUGE cap room, its not going to happen!

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There is no way in hell Ralph is going to spend… There are WAY too many teams that have huge + cap numbers. This is the first off-season under the new CBA so bonus money is going to blow through the roof on players and yearly average contract monies are going to rise a couple of million dollars.


Second factor is this. With all these teams well under the cap, player have bunches of team with their hands out, so agents now have more stress when dealing with who should sign where. This is where it can kill Buffalo.


1. Weather… Cold snow winters and hot summers… Not a party town…. (Teams in Florida and California rule here….) Where do you want your kids to go to school? You can truck through 3 feet of snow everyday or live in sunny Florida. Well, I can buy a house in Florida and live in Buffalo during the season, but then im going to have to fly back and fourth when I want to see my family and I’m also going to have to buy or rent a house up here, spending a ton of money!


2. Where is a player going to get more exposure and attention? Lets take TKO Taco

Bell commercial for example. I’m at Gators for the Colts/Bills game and the place is packed there was 2 Bills fans there. That commercial came on and some guys said “who the %%^ is that?” People thought he was with the Giants. People don’t pay attention to the Bills because, well, we don’t win for starters and also this team does not play Sunday night or Monday night football, which is total bull%^&*… So, I can go to a place like Dallas, Washington, or Pittsburgh where the team and players get more exposure and where I have a better chance getting my name out to the public, which in return lands me deals with outside businesses


3. I’m a 30 year old vet, do I want to go to a team who has been on the losing edge

the past 10 years? Do I really want to go through all the pains of rebuilding not knowing if the GM or coaching staff is compatible with me? Or if the GM or coaching staff is even going to be there while im playing. I really want to win now and I really want to win a Super Bowl now. I don’t have that many years left…



Here is how Id like to see FA work. Team put in for what players they want. The league the takes those teams names for each player and does a silent auction for each player. Best money deal (contract money, not bonus money) deal takes the player. Bonus money is then factored by amount of salary of winning bid so the player does not lose out on anything. No bidding wars, no agent bullcrap. Everything is straight up and fair. Best dollar takes it and the player really can B word about anything. He got a team who really wants him there, top contract dollar, and his bonus money.


Just a spat guys but it really looks glum on the FA front. I hope Ralph holds on to our FA’s…..

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Am I wrong or are you kind of going in the direction of how we negotiate orders in the Navy? We bid for what is available as well. And quals come into play too. While I don't hate your idea I would think the players would because while they are getting top dollar and a team that wants them they still have no say in the end of where they will call home. And for that reason alone it will never fly.

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Am I wrong or are you kind of going in the direction of how we negotiate orders in the Navy? We bid for what is available as well. And quals come into play too. While I don't hate your idea I would think the players would because while they are getting top dollar and a team that wants them they still have no say in the end of where they will call home. And for that reason alone it will never fly.



Thats why I put..... Its a spat.....


NFL JASS system???? HHHMMM possible dollars there man

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There is no way in hell Ralph is going to spend… There are WAY too many teams that have huge + cap numbers. This is the first off-season under the new CBA so bonus money is going to blow through the roof on players and yearly average contract monies are going to rise a couple of million dollars.


Second factor is this. With all these teams well under the cap, player have bunches of team with their hands out, so agents now have more stress when dealing with who should sign where. This is where it can kill Buffalo.


1. Weather… Cold snow winters and hot summers… Not a party town…. (Teams in Florida and California rule here….) Where do you want your kids to go to school? You can truck through 3 feet of snow everyday or live in sunny Florida. Well, I can buy a house in Florida and live in Buffalo during the season, but then im going to have to fly back and fourth when I want to see my family and I'm also going to have to buy or rent a house up here, spending a ton of money!


2. Where is a player going to get more exposure and attention? Lets take TKO Taco

Bell commercial for example. I'm at Gators for the Colts/Bills game and the place is packed there was 2 Bills fans there. That commercial came on and some guys said "who the %%^ is that?" People thought he was with the Giants. People don't pay attention to the Bills because, well, we don't win for starters and also this team does not play Sunday night or Monday night football, which is total bull%^&*… So, I can go to a place like Dallas, Washington, or Pittsburgh where the team and players get more exposure and where I have a better chance getting my name out to the public, which in return lands me deals with outside businesses


3. I'm a 30 year old vet, do I want to go to a team who has been on the losing edge

the past 10 years? Do I really want to go through all the pains of rebuilding not knowing if the GM or coaching staff is compatible with me? Or if the GM or coaching staff is even going to be there while im playing. I really want to win now and I really want to win a Super Bowl now. I don't have that many years left…



Here is how Id like to see FA work. Team put in for what players they want. The league the takes those teams names for each player and does a silent auction for each player. Best money deal (contract money, not bonus money) deal takes the player. Bonus money is then factored by amount of salary of winning bid so the player does not lose out on anything. No bidding wars, no agent bullcrap. Everything is straight up and fair. Best dollar takes it and the player really can B word about anything. He got a team who really wants him there, top contract dollar, and his bonus money.


Just a spat guys but it really looks glum on the FA front. I hope Ralph holds on to our FA's…..

Sounds a lot like Clevend. But those guys signed plenty of players last off-season

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It can happen if a lot of things happen. First, the NFL must make the money system level both on a cap of bonus money allowed to be spent, regardless of the cap money. You can raise cap total ( contracts and amortized bonuses ) and still max bonus money at say $50 mil. Any earnings over in bomus pool goes back into owners pocket, not being used to take advantage of the small teams.


Next, Ralph must spend to and over if necessary to acquire a couple impact players like a Briggs or a huge run stuffer to plug the middle. Does anyone recall how pissed Ray Lewis was when they let their big run stuffer go? Same thing happened to him as what has happened to Fletcher since big Pat left. The linemen were free to engage and destroy the LB's. Heard much from Lewis this year ( other than his normal rantings) since Ngata? So get an impact LB, DL here in free agency for whatever it costs even if it's just one.


Next, sign either Fletch or Clements depending on what outside FA we sign. We cannot keep letting our own leave. If we match , they will stay.


Next, we must draft well. Move up into day one picks by giving up some second day picks to improve the quality of the picks. Less rooks are less to sign and the money has been used.


Now we have signed an impact player (s) in FA, signed one or more of our own and got good quality in the draft. This and another year with the same coaches and system will get us close or into the playoffs.


The additional winning and playoffs will get us TV and recognition in the national media provided Ralph is not worried about Monday nights getting into his early to bed schedule. Winning is the key to exposure and endorsements ( look at the SB years). That is what the players want, salary, winning, exposure which brings endorsements and more money/security and this brings in the players that get you a SB


It is more difficult for the small teams/towns but it is possible with a plan like stated above and it all starts with Ralph willing to spend. We'll see.

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