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Guns N' Roses' - Chinese Democracy

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Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy Track Listing Revealed?

Written by Brandon Daviet

Published January 22, 2007


A bunch of internet sites are suddenly buzzing with rumors that the track-list for the long awaited new Guns N’ Roses album Chinese Democracy has finally been announced. While there is no official conformation yet, this seems to be a promising sign that the album may actually come out on March 6th as Axl Rose stated himself in a lengthy post on the band's official website.


In my experience as a music critic, the announcement of a track list usually means the album has been handed into the record company. Many of the songs, listed below, are certainty in existence and several of the tracks, including the guitar-driven title track, were performed during Guns N’ Roses last few tours. This makes the likelihood of this track-listing being accurate a fair bet, and only risky in the fact that it is Axl Rose we are talking about here.



"Catcher in the Rye"

"Chinese Democracy"


"If The World"




"The Blues"

"T.W.A.T. (There Was A Time)"

"Rhiad and the Bedouins"

"Oh My God"

"Silk Worms"

"Ides of March"


The next logical question for fan-boys and fan-girls to debate is what the first single should be. Being a big Guns N’ Roses' fan-boy myself (I just traveled from Denver to Seattle to see the band in December) my vote is for the song "T.W.A.T." Out of all the songs I’ve heard or seen performed from the album (8 out of 13) "T.W.A.T." is easily the best choice, although the title's acronym may very well exclude it for being the first single for obvious reasons.


An internet poll I saw on a Guns N’ Roses' fan site had "Better" in the lead. However, I personally think "Better" is the weakest, but still listenable, of the new tracks. Then again my tastes have always ran contrary to popular opinion. By the way, you can hear most of the songs on You Tube if you're so inclined.


I’m fairly confident that the first ballad from the record will be the sweeping "Madagascar." Based on the overwhelming popularity of "November Rain" I think Axl would be crazy (Oh wait, he is) not to put this out as the ballad. I only ramble on about these things because after ten-plus years of reviewing music, I have learned that a good track-list and good single choices can make or break an album. Given that Chinese Democracy has to live up to the same kind of hype that surrounded the second trilogy of Star Wars movies I think this warrants some serious consideration. Of yeah, and I am retarded for Guns N’ Roses!


I would expect, pending that this rumors turn out to be true, that we may see some cover art for that album next, and announcement about the first single sometime in February. If you want to be updated on all things Guns and Roses I highly suggest you visit gnrdaily as the countdown to Chinese Democracy continues.

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How is Axl's voice holding up? Last time I saw him was on the MTV music awards a couple years ago, and he sounded awful. I didn't know if he was just ill, or if the years of all that screeching had taken its toll.

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Rumors about this album have been flying since about, oh 1995 or so. I'll believe it when I see it.


Problem is, he's farted around so long trying to do things "his way", that when the dang thing finally does see the light of day, no one is going to care anymore...


EDIT: Also, you can hear many of these songs online in various places...

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I remember seeing them about 8 years ago the day before Thanksgiving up at the Pepsi Arena and there was only one song they played off of Chinese Democracy and that was Madagascar. Madagascar was a pretty cool song in the vain of, as detox said, a November Rain. Hence, I don't think it would be suitable for the first song on the new record. Despite their lack of an album in 10 + years, I am eagerly looking forward to the release of the new album.

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How is Axl's voice holding up? Last time I saw him was on the MTV music awards a couple years ago, and he sounded awful. I didn't know if he was just ill, or if the years of all that screeching had taken its toll.



Dude, I remember that! That was so bad that most of the tour was CANX....


Axl has not been the same since he quit drugs..... :thumbdown:

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Some of those songs leaked to the internet last year. I remember hearing IRS and maybe Madagascar.


The release of this album is like a running joke. Ten years and counting....

Whats going to come first, A new waterfront development, Peace Bridge, and Bills financial security, or Axl releasing Chinesee Democracy?

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Dude, I remember that! That was so bad that most of the tour was CANX....


Axl has not been the same since he quit drugs..... :thumbsup:


Yep, I was really embarrassed for him...he had no range, he was off-key, and just sounded like a washed up has-been. I put on my GnR Live 2-disc album from time to time, and they used to put on a helluva show. I really hope Axl can blow a little better than he did during that MTV show....I've been a fan of these guys for 20 years just like a lot of the rest of you.

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The Sydney Paper had a 2 page write up on ole' Axl and Chinese Democracy 2 weeks ago.....It said April for the release date...It has cost the record company 17 million dollars to produce....it has to come out. As far as Axl being crazy....he's as crazy as a pet raccoon. Dude has a full-time psychic who even interviews the lawn care people before he hires them.....nut job!

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How is Axl's voice holding up? Last time I saw him was on the MTV music awards a couple years ago, and he sounded awful. I didn't know if he was just ill, or if the years of all that screeching had taken its toll.


his voice was horrible that night because he lost his earpiece about 5 seconds into the song.


I saw GNR last spring at Hammerstein Ballroom and they were AWESOME. His voice was spot on and the energy was like the shows 15 years ago.


The album will come out soon. The amusing part is that someone (who was it???) named an album "Chinese Democracy...hey, we got it first" or something along those lines about 4 years ago.

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his voice was horrible that night because he lost his earpiece about 5 seconds into the song.


I saw GNR last spring at Hammerstein Ballroom and they were AWESOME. His voice was spot on and the energy was like the shows 15 years ago.


The album will come out soon. The amusing part is that someone (who was it???) named an album "Chinese Democracy...hey, we got it first" or something along those lines about 4 years ago.


It's hard to believe that a missing earpiece could result in him sounding that bad, but if you heard him rockin' out last spring then I feel a lot better....can't wait to hear the new tracks!

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