DrDawkinstein Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW!!!! there! i said it! so what?
In space no one can hear Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 Well personally I don't think the NFL will enter the modern era until the head coaches of both teams in the Super Bowl are Jews.
jester43 Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 he said "jew" alright...but i have no idea whether i am offended or not, since i can't figure out what he meant by it.
Mikie2times Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 The sentence goes "We'll nip, we'll tuck, we'll go, we'll crunch, we'll Jew, we'll do it all.' And he nickeled and dimed 'em. The stereo type is Jewish people are usually frugal. I'm sure that's what his comment referred to. Poor attempt at trying to be witty for old Shadinglebury.
jester43 Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 can anyone who has played on an organized football team in the past 20 years verify whether coaches or players ever use the term "jewing" your way down the field? i've heard the stereotype, but it just sounds so STUPID i find it hard to believe he really meant it. but i guess you have to consider the souce, and salisbury is quite a meathead...
BillsCelticsAngelsBama Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 First of all, we have become a pussyfied (don't mean to offend you pussies out there) country that has decided people like Phil Donohue are the sensitive men with the real answers and understanding. I don't get offended because I'm called White instead of Euro-American and I don't get offended because most TV shows make Dads out to be bumbling fools and the kids having the right answers. But it does tick me off that we have allowed ourselves to be such sensitive little twits. I'm tired of a society that expects the govt. to care of us. Tired of every "Group" needing special priviledges because they have been oppressed. Get over it and quit trying to be offended !!! Let the ignorant be ignorant and just take care of your families by spending time with them and providing for them. Then you may not "have the time" to be offended by everything in like that you disagree with. Thanks and...Go Bills !!
bdelma Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 The guy seems so angry lately. Maybe he misses his home in San Diego.
Chalkie Gerzowski Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 How do you Jew your way down a football field???
Dante Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 This will blow over very fast. Who cares what he said anyway, this freakin PC country of ours. Aaaaaarrrgghhh!! Everyone is so fuggin thin skinned it makes me sick. If sh-- like this offends people or stresses them out then the US is a country full of pussies. If were this soft then most any country could roll on us and kick our a$$es.
Chalkie Gerzowski Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 Actually the Patriettes sort of Jew their way down the field on offense. All that nickel and dime stuff.....Tom Bradywitz, the Irish Jew QB of the Patriettes really gave Rashay Caldwell a thrashing..... "OY, RASHAY, BOOBUHLUH, YIZZ EYES IS GOIN CWAZY......you should go up to da Empire State Buildin and git some glassis....."
Oneonta Buffalo Fan Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 I hate Sean Salisbury anyway. I think he hates the Bills, because he always roots against us. Also he makes weird predictions and weird statement on NFL Live. I can't stand him.
Mike formerly from Florida Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 The word Jew is not derrogatory. As an Italian/greaseball/wop/guido, it doesnt bother me. Get over it people. The "chews" in the media are hyper-sensitive. One of those will go on to claim that Sean Salisbury denies the Holocaust ever existed.
taterhill Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 Kol od ba'levav penima nefesh yehudit homia ulfa'atay mizrah kadima ein le'zion zofia Od lo avda tikvate'enu a tikva bat shnot alpa'aim li'iot am hofshi be artzenu eretz zion yerushala'im
Pete Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 !@#$ POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! I BELEIVE IN FREEWILL AND FREESPEECH!
Nanker Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 The sentence goes "We'll nip, we'll tuck, we'll go, we'll crunch, we'll Jew, we'll do it all.' And he nickeled and dimed 'em. The stereo type is Jewish people are usually frugal. I'm sure that's what his comment referred to. Poor attempt at trying to be witty for old Shadinglebury. Absolutely. He should have used the word niggard or niggardly if he wanted to make a point about being stingy. I wonder why he didn't use one of those instead. They're both perfectly legitimate words with no racial overtones whatsoever. Maybe SS doesn't care about appearing to be offensive to Jews. Come to think of it, the SS never cared about the Jews at all.
Fan in Chicago Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 Absolutely. He should have used the word niggard or niggardly if he wanted to make a point about being stingy. I wonder why he didn't use one of those instead. They're both perfectly legitimate words with no racial overtones whatsoever. Maybe SS doesn't care about appearing to be offensive to Jews. Come to think of it, the SS never cared about the Jews at all. Dude, if he had said niggard, the furor would be that he said '!@#$'. So we would be in the same position as we are right now. And I think it is beyond SS's capability to know that a word such as niggard even exists in the English language
marauderswr80 Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 jew vs chew........give me a break......nit picky BS
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