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Sean Salisbury in some hot water...


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It seems everyone's favorite ESPN knob is in some hot water...kind of reminiscent of Parcells "slur" against the Japanese a few years back?


http://www.aolsportsblog.com/2007/01/23/se...10000000001Sean Salisbury Might Have Said Something He Shouldn't Have



Posted Jan 23rd 2007 10:17PM by mjd

Filed under: NFL Media Watch


On Monday's edition of "NFL Live" on ESPN, analyst Sean Salisbury made what I hope was just a massively unfortunate slip of the tongue when talking about Peyton Manning's 2nd half performance against the Patriots. Here's what actually came out of Salisbury's mouth:

"I saw a calmness about him. We've always known he's a great player, but a calmness that said, 'You know what, no need to panic. We'll nip, we'll tuck, we'll go, we'll crunch, we'll Jew, we'll do it all.' And he nickeled and dimed 'em, and Peyton made the play when it mattered."

ESPN's official position is that Salisbury said "chew," but you can hear the audio here, via Pro Football Talk, and to me, that sounds more like a "J" sound than a "ch" sound.


I'm not entirely sure what it would mean to "Jew" your way down the field (of course, I don't know how you "chew" your way down the field, either), but I hope it's not some kind of NFL locker-room lingo that ties into a stereotype that might also have to do with "nickel and diming."


And it's also entirely possible that it was one of those things where you mean to say one thing, and another comes out, or you're thinking of two different words, and what actually comes out of your mouth is a hybrid of the two. People misspeak all the time, and Salisbury should probably get the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain himself before he gets labeled an anti-Semite.


Either way, I think it's safe to assume that the cell phone pictures referenced here are of the circumcised variety.


Much respect to Deadspin, Randball, and Pro Football Talk for their work on the story today.

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I thought he said 'chew' when I watched it Monday, but I wasn't paying that much attention.


Besides, where Sean S. is concerned, the cell-phone story is MUCH more amusing...

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I was on a job site one time and the DEC was giving us a lot of problems as far as permitting and the like. Just a lot of ticky tack things that they were all over me about. I am not afraid to say that when this DEC guy went to lunch, he left his copy of blueprints and a camera at the site, and I snapped off a few pictures of my johnson on his camera. I was suprised that dweeb didn't come back and say that there was a new species of snake found at the site and construction had to cease immediately...

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I was on a job site one time and the DEC was giving us a lot of problems as far as permitting and the like. Just a lot of ticky tack things that they were all over me about. I am not afraid to say that when this DEC guy went to lunch, he left his copy of blueprints and a camera at the site, and I snapped off a few pictures of my johnson on his camera. I was suprised that dweeb didn't come back and say that there was a new species of snake found at the site and construction had to cease immediately...

Or he could have said "we have found a tiny issue at the job site"...... :blink:

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We'll nip, we'll tuck, we'll go, we'll crunch, we'll Jew, we'll do it all.' And he nickeled and dimed 'em, and Peyton made the play when it mattered."


Man, why are people so hypersensitive about the word Jew ? I can it being a problem if used in a racially derogatory context, but this current situation is tantamount to witch hunting. I am no supporter of SS but this latest flap does go too far.

Apart from the racism slant, I have two other problems with that portion of the sentence (1) The word Jew makes no sense in this sentence (2) That entire sentence makes no sense.

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This will blow over very fast. Who cares what he said anyway, this freakin PC country of ours. Aaaaaarrrgghhh!!


What was better was the riff between Boomer and Marino a season ago where Boomer said that "Peyton Manning will never get to or win a SuperBowl like a Dan Marino." Dan was beat red and really was furious Boomer even mentioned that. Halirious!! Dan was ready to leap over the table and strangle him.


Hahaha - if Jim Kelly can't have a ring then neither can Danny!

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Apart from the racism slant, I have two other problems with that portion of the sentence (1) The word Jew makes no sense in this sentence (2) That entire sentence makes no sense.

Yes! The problem is that Salisbury is dumb. Not anti-Semitic.


I have to agree, did sound like 'Jew' at first. But it wouldn't make sense.

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Man, why are people so hypersensitive about the word Jew ? I can it being a problem if used in a racially derogatory context, but this current situation is tantamount to witch hunting. I am no supporter of SS but this latest flap does go too far.

Apart from the racism slant, I have two other problems with that portion of the sentence (1) The word Jew makes no sense in this sentence (2) That entire sentence makes no sense.


I think the whole thing is pretty silly, but, without trying to explain why it does fit the sentence, and pissing off the chosen people on this board (I have some chosen blood!), just think about it. Remember when Parcells got in trouble, his first training camp with the Cowboys (IIRC), when he was talking about defensive strategy, and saying that someone was using a "Jap defense", as in kamikaze, or in football terms, all out blitz...it is the same kind of thing. It sounds to me like the less than PC jock-speak (remember he was an NFL QB) just set in. No big deal...


I remember, when the Bills first drafted JP Losman a few years ago, I started a thread, asking if anyone knew if JP was jewish. His last name, and certain physical attributes made me think he might be.


I got flamed (probably the most response I ever got to a any thread I started) for even having the audacity to care, let alone ask. My only reason for asking, was that I have a nephew, who is jewish (and has faced some discrimination amongst his school mates) who was just starting to show some interest in football. He lives in Seattle, but his mom (my sister) is from Buffalo, and his father from California, and not much of a football fan. He wanted a team to root for. I had been trying, as the weird uncle, to afflict him with a case of Bills fanatacism.


We are supposed to respect everyones' cultrue and ethnicity, but not dare ask what it is? Doesn't this just perpetuate stereotypes? People are way too sensitive.

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I think the whole thing is pretty silly, but, without trying to explain why it does fit the sentence, and pissing off the chosen people on this board (I have some chosen

We are supposed to respect everyones' cultrue and ethnicity, but not dare ask what it is? Doesn't this just perpetuate stereotypes? People are way too sensitive.


I agree. I am of Asian Indian origin. If someone were to ask if JP had any Indian traits to him, I would first question what he was specifically asking but more likely would be happy someone was curious. But, this discussion is best saved for the PPP board so I will not propagate it beyond this post.

Back to the original point, if SS wanted to convey his point that Peyton was a clutch QB, the words leading up to that assertion made no sense either to make his original point or even as a well structured English language sentence.

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