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  SDS said:
Salad w/ tuna... and a naval orange.


BTW, cincy you should check out coromega.com. Their emulsified omega-3's have 3x the bioavailibility that regular softgels do. I ordered 90 packets last night from vitacost.com. I hope they're good!




I currently buy Nature Made brand (their ingredients are verified by the U.S.P) 1200 mg, 180 count.


I had a turkey sandwich on mutli-grain bread (9 carbs per slice) and mayo, one small bag of Doritos (15 carbs) and 3 chocolate wafer cookies (18 carbs) and half a bottle of water. Of course I am a type 1 diabetic and restricted to around 45 carbs per meal. My bread of choice Arnold's carb counting bread.

  elcrusho said:
1/2 a package of Mint Girl Scout cookies and a can of Coca-Cola sitting at home in my robe...

I win...

Indeed, you do. :lol:


Me? My wife bought out the store of Progesso soups. Todays can was chicken gumbo. Very good, actually.




Tomorrows Progresso soup selection shall be french onion. I shall come prepared w/ crock, french bread loaf and deli sliced mozzarella. Nothing quite like a baked onion soup. Thanks to the oven on site of course. Simply delish. :(

  Alaska Darin said:
Stop it. You're crushing my delicate psyche and you know how important it is to me to look good to everyone.



You should have put Provolone on it. You'd have been in the clear. :(


In/Out Cheeseburger, fires and Diet Coke. Pure heaven. If your ever in So. Cal. look for an In/Out Burger and try one. Pretty darn good and the fries are from fresh potatoes.

You can see the guy take a spud squeeze it thru a screen to make the fries. Straight into the fryer.

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