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Lee Evans

The Big Cat

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Too much forecasting and negativity going on these days for my sanity so I decided to mention Lee for a change. Afterall folks, he's great.


Great Attitude.


Great Production.


Great Role Model.


Great Athete.


Great Stats.


Great Responsibility.


Great Future.



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Too much forecasting and negativity going on these days for my sanity so I decided to mention Lee for a change. Afterall folks, he's great.


Great Attitude.


Great Production.


Great Role Model.


Great Athete.


Great Stats.


Great Responsibility.


Great Future.



We already knew that. :D

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One of the things I really like about Lee Evans is he never drops passes. I can only remember seeing him drop one or two passes all season, and even those were questionable drops because of great defensive coverage and great defensive effort.

He's quickly become one of my favorite players in the league. I can't wait to see what kind of damage he and Losman will do next year to opposing defense's!



Great thread by the way.

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The only thing about Lee Evans, he always gets off to a slow start to the season he's done this every year in his career so far, I expect so much from him and for the first 5 or 6 weeks he's pretty much unnoticable.


If he could be on all season long from start to finish, he could be 1500 yard receiver easily.

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The only thing about Lee Evans, he always gets off to a slow start to the season he's done this every year in his career so far, I expect so much from him and for the first 5 or 6 weeks he's pretty much unnoticable.


If he could be on all season long from start to finish, he could be 1500 yard receiver easily.


To be fair, he's had to put up with the offensive line getting their stuff together early in the season (2005), and the game plan having JP on a very short leash - don't lose the game (this past season). Neither of those things has really allowed Lee to look good early in the season, but when these things are resolved he is able to show his great talent - I think he's a great receiver.

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Now that JP is on the right track, I think he'll be a household name by the end of 2007. I hope he stays with the Bills his entire career.


If I were going to buy a jersey, I'd consider getting his. He seems like a total class act on his show on the radio.


Plus, he's a northern guy and doesn't mind the snow. It's nice to have a guy like that and not your typical FLA wimp.

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Now that JP is on the right track, I think he'll be a household name by the end of 2007. I hope he stays with the Bills his entire career.


If I were going to buy a jersey, I'd consider getting his. He seems like a total class act on his show on the radio.


Plus, he's a northern guy and doesn't mind the snow. It's nice to have a guy like that and not your typical FLA wimp.


not to mention, he's a big 10 track champion so even when it comes to athleticism he's got the FLA wimps beat.

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