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Giants name Offensive Coordinator

No kidding. And people want to know why Eli's treading water... It's because his position coach is a complete fool.


Can't wait to see the creative play-calling at the Meadowlands this year. I give Jints fans 3 games before they start calling for Gilbride's head.


Only a coach as dumb as Coughlin could be as impressed with Gilbride's 'body of work' and not see that he's a guy who's best years are far behind him, if not the result of a fluky system that was figured out quickly.

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Killdrive seems like one of the most universally hated coaches in Bills history. I don't think anyone liked Mularkey/Clements playcalling in 05, but it was never as bad as Killdrives. The best was when he finally ran it on a third and short against Houston and Travis broke a 60 yard run and the standing ovation that followed.

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I must give credit to Kzoo Mike for this one...it made me laugh so I saved it. It was in his sig...


Gil.bride (gil-brid), v.t. -brided, -briding 1. To err due to a spectacularly obvious lack of judgement. 2. To botch, boggle, bollix, or bungle a given situation. If SDS takes another vacation, Rosen better not gilbride the message boards again. 3. To continuiously pursue an obviously futile course of action with an attitude of obtuse stubbornness and complete lack of imagination. - n. 4. One who gilbrides. 5. A situation that is botched, boggled, bollixed, or bungled as a result of someone gilbriding. 6. Football. An offensive play which is foolish and results in predictable failure. It's third and two! Let's throw a gilbride and punt it away next play!
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Don't forget he was the OC for the Oilers in the Comeback game. If they had found a way to score more than one field goal in the second half, that doesn't happen. Still amazed any team would hire a guy who found a way to blow a 28 point lead. His mom must throw a better one than Forrest Gump's. :unsure::devil:

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The past three years marked the first time since early in Gilbride's career he had been solely a quarterbacks coach instead of handling coordinator duties as well. He found he missed the challenge of focusing on the bigger picture.

...Wow, Killdrive worked out there's a bigger picture. Congratulations.


"I certainly enjoyed the last three weeks where I was able to envision a game unfold and be able to think through what the responses would be," he said. "It was an exciting time for me to be able to get back into it from that standpoint. You're the guy who's ultimately responsible for the success or failure of your offensive unit."

...It was fun pretending. Actually, i'm going to Sh$% myself next year when it's for real.


At least as much of that responsibility rests on quarterback Eli Manning, the player with whom Gilbride has been most closely associated since Manning was acquired in 2004. In his second full season as a starter, Manning's progress was punctuated by inconsistent play.

...and Killdrive was brought in to ahem, correct this?


Gilbride expressed confidence in his quarterback and said the offseason would be spent focusing on avoiding the mistakes that have plagued Manning over the last two seasons. The Giants are expected to hire a new quarterbacks coach in the coming weeks.

Killdrive has a large body of work with the emphasis on mistakes.


"You've seen some of the ups and downs of other guys in playoff games, and you saw what he did in our playoff game, and you can see he's right up there at the top with the people he's competing with at the position," Gilbride said. "The biggest thing with him is staying away from catastrophic plays that are momentum-killers. So it's really the consistency thing."

Killdrive should be able to consistently show Elli how to make those catastrophic momemtum killers.


The offense Gilbride takes over will be without retired running back Tiki Barber, the team's all-time rushing leader. It also lacked a big-play threat at wide receiver to complement Plaxico Burress after Amani Toomer was lost for the season with a knee injury in early November.

Hmm, i never thought that Barber was one of those psychics, John Edwards need a retired RB?


Gilbride said the Giants hope to add a running back through the draft or free agency who will vie for playing time alongside Brandon Jacobs.

...but that as it wont cloud his playcalling, he really doesn't care what happens...

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Don't forget he was the OC for the Oilers in the Comeback game. If they had found a way to score more than one field goal in the second half, that doesn't happen. Still amazed any team would hire a guy who found a way to blow a 28 point lead. His mom must throw a better one than Forrest Gump's. :unsure::devil:

He was also the OC a year later when Buddy Ryan punched him on the sidelines. I think we all know why....

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I hate to break up the party, but Gilbride, who i'm no fan of, oversaw one of the best co-ordinated offenses of the mid-90s when he was at Jacksonville in 96 (i say this given the talent that they had). He's not a complete idiot.


Carry on ...

The NFL is a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately sport. Gilbride has done sh-- for no one lately, and by lately I mean for the last 10 years. Those Houston teams were regular playoff teams as well. They choked when push came to shove.

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