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The Top Five RBs in the league, and why it's not even close

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It's better to have a high class organization with an emphasis on character than one that doesn't. Go root for the Raiders if you want the lowest common denominator.


There are plenty of high character pro bowlers in the NFL. Let us be the organization that actively woos them.

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It's better to have a high class organization with an emphasis on character than one that doesn't. Go root for the Raiders if you want the lowest common denominator.


There are plenty of high character pro bowlers in the NFL. Let us be the organization that actively woos them.

Yeah, you're right. When you're right you're right. The Bills teams should consist of only high class citizens, moral icons and goodwill ambassadors like Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, Cornelius Bennett, Eric Moulds and OJ Simpson.

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Yeah, you're right. When you're right you're right. The Bills teams should consist of only high class citizens, moral icons and goodwill ambassadors like Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, Cornelius Bennett, Eric Moulds and OJ Simpson.

And if you think you "know" who the high character guys are you're fooling yourself. Remember back before the ATL-DEN Super Bowl several years ago when Eugene Robinson was busted for solicitation the day after receiving an award for being such a high character guy?

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Willis is an average to below average running back.


Willis is anything but consistent. The level of effort varies from week to week and that is evident from his play. He certainly has the physical tools to be a good back but that all goes out the window when it doesn't translate to Sunday afternoons (READ: Rob Johnson)


He lacks the vision of a top-tier running back. By the time he hits a hole, it is often too late.


He never shows up to OTAs or displays any committment to the team, yet feels his play warrants an extension (huh?).


The fact that he's a moron and the fact that he inadvertetnly makes comments that are a slap in the face to Buffalo are besides the point -- but they certainly don't help his case. That's an unfortunate reality in this world.


If he were a top 10 back, nobody would really "care" what he has to say or what he does in his personal life. Eric Moulds was rumored to have fathered numerous kids during his time with the Bills. Nobody cared! Why? He he showed up on Sundays.


The fact that he is overhyped, performing well below expectations and at a very inconsistent level of play is the reason these things are brought up.


Those are the facts. And as you said, facts suck fellas.



Well, perhaps it did until your trenchant, enlightened, well researched response really raised the bar. Thanks.
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1. Artose Pinner: Extremely well spoken. Same girlfriend since 11th grade. No baby mommas. Loves Minneapolis and never wants them to move to St. Paul.

2. Cedric Houston: Always talks in complete sentences. Happily married. No baby mommas. Never says a bad word about NY or NJ.

3. Sammy Morris: Never kids with the press. Practices safe sex. No baby mommas. Still speaks highly of Buffalo even though he plays for Miami.

4. Brian Calhoun: Reads Cat Fancy and not Penthouse. Is celibate and plans to be a minister. No baby mommas. Says great things about Detroit even though he doesn't believe them.

5. P.J. Pope: Dead serious all the time. Demands blowjobs from ho's so they don't get pregnant. Only one baby momma. Says Green Bay, Wisconsin is the best place to live ever.


Let me guess, Drew Rosenhaus's press release regarding Willis McGahee's comments to Penthouse had you grabbing for the Kleenex.


Please excuse the fans who want their starting tailback to produce more yards than babies. If the Bills never draft another player from the "U" it'd be too soon.

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And if you think you "know" who the high character guys are you're fooling yourself. Remember back before the ATL-DEN Super Bowl several years ago when Eugene Robinson was busted for solicitation the day after receiving an award for being such a high character guy?

That's my point. People here making judgments about players when they know very little about them, and what they really said or stand for or do, and then, remarkably, relate that to his performance on the field, or whether he is a "Buffalo guy" or not. It's kind of ridiculous. Surely, there are some guys, good and bad, where you pretty much know. But Willis has never really said or done anything bad, unless you don't like the fact that he is fertile.

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Let me guess, Drew Rosenhaus's press release regarding Willis McGahee's comments to Penthouse had you grabbing for the Kleenex.


Please excuse the fans who want their starting tailback to produce more yards than babies. If the Bills never draft another player from the "U" it'd be too soon.

Actually, my response to the press release was that it was heinous and more appalling and embarrassing than what Willis said about Toronto.





So guess again.


By the way, for those of you keeping score at home, it's:

Willis - 3365 rushing yards

Willis - 3 babies

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Willis is an average to below average running back.


Willis is anything but consistent. The level of effort varies from week to week and that is evident from his play. He certainly has the physical tools to be a good back but that all goes out the window when it doesn't translate to Sunday afternoons (READ: Rob Johnson)


He lacks the vision of a top-tier running back. By the time he hits a hole, it is often too late.


He never shows up to OTAs or displays any committment to the team, yet feels his play warrants an extension (huh?).


The fact that he's a moron and the fact that he inadvertetnly makes comments that are a slap in the face to Buffalo are besides the point -- but they certainly don't help his case. That's an unfortunate reality in this world.


If he were a top 10 back, nobody would really "care" what he has to say or what he does in his personal life. Eric Moulds was rumored to have fathered numerous kids during his time with the Bills. Nobody cared! Why? He he showed up on Sundays.


The fact that he is overhyped, performing well below expectations and at a very inconsistent level of play is the reason these things are brought up.


Those are the facts. And as you said, facts suck fellas.

I agree with 90% of that. The only things I differ with are:

I would say he is an average to above average back right now, but it is due to circumstance.

I would say that you're right, his vision for a hole is not good, and by the time he hits a hole it is often too late but that is greatly but not always due to the fact that there are no holes and he is trying to make something out of nothing. if he hit the hole faster he may gain one more yard but little more. That's the way he runs and always ran. If he had the holes of other guys his patience would be applauded.

I would say he has a commitment to the team despite the OTAs.

Other than that, I agree with the rest.

The post was only about people making moral judgments and ludicrous leaps and often, remarkably, equating offhand remarks with how good a player he is or isn't.

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Actually, my response to the press release was that it was heinous and more appalling and embarrassing than what Willis said about Toronto.



So guess again.


By the way, for those of you keeping score at home, it's:

Willis - 3365 rushing yards

Willis - 3 babies


Based on this, if he's healthy the 4th baby should be born at about week 8 next year. Right about when he cracks the 4000 yard mark.

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And if you think you "know" who the high character guys are you're fooling yourself. Remember back before the ATL-DEN Super Bowl several years ago when Eugene Robinson was busted for solicitation the day after receiving an award for being such a high character guy?


To both of you low character lovers. Here's the point: you try to find the high character guys and keep them. When you get a jerkoff, you get rid of them and replace them with high character guys. That's how you do it. God forbid you strive to fill your business with good people instead of bad. I can't believe that Marv's philosophy would be anything but praised. What a controversy: The Bills want high character guys. Oh god. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Jesus-H-in-a-Fit, you guys are amazing.

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To both of you low character lovers. Here's the point: you try to find the high character guys and keep them. When you get a jerkoff, you get rid of them and replace them with high character guys. That's how you do it. God forbid you strive to fill your business with good people instead of bad. I can't believe that Marv's philosophy would be anything but praised. What a controversy: The Bills want high character guys. Oh god. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Jesus-H-in-a-Fit, you guys are amazing.

My point is that it's all bullschit, and you likely know it. There are all kinds of levels of high and low character and a huge percentage of the players in this league are A LOT of BOTH. And the greatest players in Bills history, for a large part, were not high character guys off the field whatsoever. In fact, most of "Marv's guys" were total !@#$s for large portions of their careers, and it's pretty much consensus opinion as opposed to unsubstantiated rumor.

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To both of you low character lovers. Here's the point: you try to find the high character guys and keep them. When you get a jerkoff, you get rid of them and replace them with high character guys. That's how you do it. God forbid you strive to fill your business with good people instead of bad. I can't believe that Marv's philosophy would be anything but praised. What a controversy: The Bills want high character guys. Oh god. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Jesus-H-in-a-Fit, you guys are amazing.


Since when did being an NFL superstar require being a good person. I could care less what the player does off the field as long as it is not too extreme. If the guy wants to father 3 babies with 3 different women, well it's his problem.

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Jesus-H-in-a-Fit, you guys are amazing.

Thank you for summarizing my reaction to this whole Willis debate. You guys are, indeed, amazing.


And FYI, I'm not a "low character lover". I just don't particularly see the relevance when we're talking about a professional athlete. I'm not deciding whether or not I want to have WM as a friend.

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We all work and go home and do various things. As long as we get to work the next morning and do a good job, it shouldn't matter what we do all night. My guess is that if you held everyone on the board (when they were in their 20's) to the same standard that we want to hold these athletes to the vast majority would fail miserably. Drugs, excessive drinking, promiscuity, talking without thinking, riding motorcycles without helmets, etc. are all common day occurences in American society. No one is ever as perfect as you think they are. Get over it, judge Willis and the other players by what they do on Sunday afternoon. I thought there was some thing about not judging others. I reckon all Bills fans are in line for Sainthood. (I might believe that but I've seen some of those tailgate pics and youtube clips.)


The fact is Willis has been average to above average as a RB. Should we keep him another year? Given the alternatives, yes (IMO). Should we sign him to a huge money extension, no (IMO). But, there are far greater problems on this team than a RB that's averaging 1,000 yds a season. Deal with those problems, first; then worry about Willis. I would suggest that the majority of Willis' problem could be remedied with proper coaching and better OL play. If after another year he's no better (or if he doesn't want to play with a solid #2 back), then he gets cut. But, not before.

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The post was only about people making moral judgments and ludicrous leaps and often, remarkably, equating offhand remarks with how good a player he is or isn't.

I appreciate the effort, but you're trying to change the way people think, and that's a pretty tall order.


The reality is, most people (not me, exactly, but most people) will always be more forgiving if they have something to work with. Off-field antics aside, it'd be nice to see Willis stick a fourth and 1 with strength, play more consistently inspired football and dance less.


Now, if he did all those things and was a 1500-1600-yard back who wasn't rivaling London Fletcher for number of touchdowns, then maybe his off-field stuff would be more tolerable to some folks.


But he doesn't. So when you open Sports Illustrated and you look at the "Who's Hot/Who's Not," and you see McGahee's mug under "Who's Not" and it's playoff football and the only thing written about your team is your running back's inability to put a raincoat on Stewie...then sometimes it's tough to differentiate the player from the person.


The one good thing to come out of all of this (especially with this moronic statement he released) is he essentially won't get a deal this year, will have a year to clean up his act, and maybe he'll play some consistently inspired ball with his dick in his pants while we finally try to make a run to the playoffs next year.

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I think the biggest thing to consider is that we at all times, need a whipping boy, someway for the team to improve, and some players to select as what is holding us back from being a great team. Since JP, Josh Reed, hell even Coy Wire, exceeded our expectations for them and we need new people to improve and it's easier for us to say player A is the biggest issue as oppose to players A-Z all need to improve this much and adapt this much in order for plan alpha to occur. Willis has been the most obvious dissapointment of last season I think that's why everyone claims he's what needs to go. Willis had a similar season like this last year, no one was calling for his head then.

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