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Reports are coming out Brittany Spears Pregnant.....


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You don't have anything to worry about. I don't think it's possible for you to have impregnated her by giving the TV screen a money shot while you watched the video for "Hit me baby one more time" :bag:



Oh. Well, then that's a relief.

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Katie Thompson is enjoying perfect health.


Katie linkie

Wait one second. After I told you about the plan for K-Ted, Ritney and London, you didn't come snooping around looking for the light saver did you?


If so, did you ever, in any way, point it at Ritney?


This is important. Please answer truthfully.

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Wait one second. After I told you about the plan for K-Ted, Ritney and London, you didn't come snooping around looking for the light saver did you?


If so, did you ever, in any way, point it at Ritney?


This is important. Please answer truthfully.

:bag: well i did kinda point it at her once, but it got all jumpy and jerky and spasmodic before i could even get it all of the way out of its sheath. 0:) it was like some kind of premature reactulation or sumfin.


:D i didn't do sumfin bad did i :D

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:unsure: well i did kinda point it at her once, but it got all jumpy and jerky and spasmodic before i could even get it all of the way out of its sheath. :devil: it was like some kind of premature reactulation or sumfin.


:lol: i didn't do sumfin bad did i :P

Ooooohhhhhh boy.


Do you understand all of the uses of a light saver or are you just familiar with the movie stuff?


When Sammy came home from such a long hiatus, I decided to use the healing power of the light saver to help him out of his doldrums. To do this, I had to take a lock of Sammy's hamster hair and load it into the Saver's gentic compartment. After a few days of memorizing his genes, the saver would be able to restore his health. As a matter of fact, it worked and he was fine.


Unfortunately, the genetic compartment works for other stuff too. As I'm sure you noticed, the Saver has 32,411 buttons on it. It appears, you pressed the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one. Can you remember if you pressed that one? If you did, Sammy is probably the dad, or it is a three way baby with Ritney, Sammy and code-named QB Zatt TigerHeart of the desert dwelling redbirds. Before you ask, yes that is entirely possible based on light saver technology.


You may think that is the bad news and it might be, but I need to ask you if you remember pressing any other buttons, which ones, and it what order.

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Ooooohhhhhh boy.


Do you understand all of the uses of a light saver or are you just familiar with the movie stuff?


When Sammy came home from such a long hiatus, I decided to use the healing power of the light saver to help him out of his doldrums. To do this, I had to take a lock of Sammy's hamster hair and load it into the Saver's gentic compartment. After a few days of memorizing his genes, the saver would be able to restore his health. As a matter of fact, it worked and he was fine.


Unfortunately, the genetic compartment works for other stuff too. As I'm sure you noticed, the Saver has 32,411 buttons on it. It appears, you pressed the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one. Can you remember if you pressed that one? If you did, Sammy is probably the dad, or it is a three way baby with Ritney, Sammy and code-named QB Zatt TigerHeart of the desert dwelling redbirds. Before you ask, yes that is entirely possible based on light saver technology.


You may think that is the bad news and it might be, but I need to ask you if you remember pressing any other buttons, which ones, and it what order.

Well, I could figure out how to turn it on, but then I got a little confused. There were sooooooooo many buttons and levers and dials and buttons and stuff. I only pushed one of the buttons, but it didn't have a number on it. It had a symbol that looked a lot like this " :unsure: " and it had the initials T in the pupil of the right eye and D in the pupil of the left.

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Well, I could figure out how to turn it on, but then I got a little confused. There were sooooooooo many buttons and levers and dials and buttons and stuff. I only pushed one of the buttons, but it didn't have a number on it. It had a symbol that looked a lot like this " :unsure: " and it had the initials T in the pupil of the right eye and D in the pupil of the left.

This is important. Try to remember. Because of Ritney's current state, I already know you pressed the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one. There are no levers and I had the dials disabled and highly doubt you actually enabled them. There are plenty of things to worry abouot with the buttons. Come clean. Lots of important things hang in the balance. Other than the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one, and the :devil: one. What did you press and in what order?


Oh, and until you hear back from me, if you like the big toe on your right foot, do not under any circumstances pull on it.

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This is important. Try to remember. Because of Ritney's current state, I already know you pressed the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one. There are no levers and I had the dials disabled and highly doubt you actually enabled them. There are plenty of things to worry abouot with the buttons. Come clean. Lots of important things hang in the balance. Other than the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one, and the :devil: one. What did you press and in what order?


Oh, and until you hear back from me, if you like the big toe on your right foot, do not under any circumstances pull on it.

OK, you're beginning to try my patience, but I'll try to stick with this because I know it is impotent to you. :unsure:


My right foot was amputated 17 1/2 years ago as a result of a run it with a mixing bowl. You are well aware of this fact and never miss a chance to rub my nose in the fact that I have a disability. But, to humor you, if I have any phantom pain/itching in my right big toe I'll not pretend to pull on it.


If there are no levers what were those push pull thingies along the top of the handle? They had a tortoise at one end and a jack rabbit at the other. I moved all of these thingies to the rabbit. I don't remember pressing the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one, but if that's the only way that titney got into her present condition I'll take your word for it. Besides the :lol: button with the T & D eyes I only rember the jack rabbits and maybe another button that had " :P " taped next to it. Then the spasmodic jerky thing happened when i tried to unsheath the saver in titney's presense.

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OK, you're beginning to try my patience, but I'll try to stick with this because I know it is impotent to you. :unsure:


My right foot was amputated 17 1/2 years ago as a result of a run it with a mixing bowl. You are well aware of this fact and never miss a chance to rub my nose in the fact that I have a disability. But, to humor you, if I have any phantom pain/itching in my right big toe I'll not pretend to pull on it.


If there are no levers what were those push pull thingies along the top of the handle? They had a tortoise at one end and a jack rabbit at the other. I moved all of these thingies to the rabbit. I don't remember pressing the 3,141st button from the left in the 4th row of 9, the tannish, grayish, orangish one, but if that's the only way that titney got into her present condition I'll take your word for it. Besides the :devil: button with the T & D eyes I only rember the jack rabbits and maybe another button that had " :P " taped next to it. Then the spasmodic jerky thing happened when i tried to unsheath the saver in titney's presense.

Whoops. I meant left big toe.


I'm pissed about the :lol: button but it will not cause world crisis. It WILL cause the Bills to draft a five foot 4 receiver in the 1st round and to ban all signs from the stadium. The ;) button has no purpose, that's why it says :oops: . The Rabbit thing is more of a switch than a lever and in this case will only cause Marv to run to the podium and select his receiver. Are you sure you didn't press anything else?


On a side note, please never mention your spasmodic jerks again. It is making me :sick: .


I'm stumped by the Ritney thing. If you didn't press the button, how the heck is she knocked up? I paid Brenda's oncologist boo koo bucks to sneak into Ritney's Vegas hotel for a DNA test and the baby is definitely a combo of Ritney, Sammy and code name Zatt Tigerheart of the desert dwelling redbirds. That stuff doesn't just happen.

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I'm stumped by the Ritney thing. If you didn't press the button, how the heck is she knocked up? I paid Brenda's oncologist boo koo bucks to sneak into Ritney's Vegas hotel for a DNA test and the baby is definitely a combo of Ritney, Sammy and code name Zatt Tigerheart of the desert dwelling redbirds. That stuff doesn't just happen.

I can answern that questionq. The answer involvesp a chihuahuap sizedm "light saver" and Ritneyz beingq passedm out. London gavem me a tutorialq on the humanq bodyp first.

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Whoops. I meant left big toe.


I'm pissed about the :lol: button but it will not cause world crisis. It WILL cause the Bills to draft a five foot 4 receiver in the 1st round and to ban all signs from the stadium. The ;) button has no purpose, that's why it says :oops: . The Rabbit thing is more of a switch than a lever and in this case will only cause Marv to run to the podium and select his receiver. Are you sure you didn't press anything else?


On a side note, please never mention your spasmodic jerks again. It is making me :sick: .


I'm stumped by the Ritney thing. If you didn't press the button, how the heck is she knocked up? I paid Brenda's oncologist boo koo bucks to sneak into Ritney's Vegas hotel for a DNA test and the baby is definitely a combo of Ritney, Sammy and code name Zatt Tigerheart of the desert dwelling redbirds. That stuff doesn't just happen.

Oh, my left big toe? You mean the one gnawed to a nub by a rabid gerbil that was running amok? (amok amok amok)


All I know is I pressed the :sick: button and titney broke into some song about 'Oops doing it again'. Nobody knows what the it is that she did when she did it again was though. (as a side note, if someone is ever able to define the it thing they will become a kazillionaire over night) Her voice sounded purddy, but then she started dancing like a slut and then the unsheathing and stuff that makes you feel :sick: happened. The saver was acting kinda weird after that episode and I felt an overwhelming urge to smoke a cigarette. Since I quit smoking after the combine accident I tried to resist, but the urge would not go away. I then used the ' 0:) ' because I thought it would help me. Trouble is, titney's head started to spin and then she started to spew green goo all over the place like this: :sick: . That freaked me out, so I started pressing buttons trying to get her to stop. I pressed this one again :P followed by this :unsure: one. She stopped ralphing then, but then she was saying all this mean nasty stuff about you. You know how protective I am of you right? Well, this really really got me angry so I repeatedly pressed the :devil: button over and over and over and over until I think I broke it. By then she was laying of the floor panting & shaking like she was having an all body contraction of some sort. My urge to smoke came back so I left her lying on the floor.

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By then she was laying of the floor panting & shaking like she was having an all body contraction of some sort. My urge to smoke came back so I left her lying on the floor.

Rightm about then, I wasl finishing upz my lesson withm London. Next thing you knowm, I was spreadingw the gerbilz seed.

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