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Jerry Sullivan gives it to Willis with both barrels


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another rocket surgeon!!


i didn't say these women are whores anymore than willis is a lowlife.


i said it's their choice (they chose to have the baby, women have a right to choose in this country you know) to have the kid.


their choice = their baby.



What you said, Skippy, and I quote, is "...i blame them (the women) more than him."


The choice to have the baby belongs to the woman, but the choice to have unprotected sex falls to both of them, and it is amazing, stunning and downright embarrassing to me in this day and age that any man with any sense of personal responsibility could possibly even THINK that one person is more to blame than the other.


Jesus. Is it tough to drag your women around by their hair all day?

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One of the best blockers at his position? That's the most laughable thing I've ever heard.

One of the best?


Go back to sleep please, you obviously haven't watched a game in the past 2 years.

for all you willis haters lets run through AFC teams and see where it makes obvious sense to trade him for their starting RB:


pats: NO = dillon is too old and maroney has shown he can be stopped too many times for me to believe he's a true #1

jets: NO

miami: maybe = ronnie brown is capable but he has shown some injury proneness and he was much better when he was spelled often by ricky williams in 05 season

jags: NO = taylor too old and not versatile

colts: = maybe, addai, but he's on the small side and plays in a system with a lot of talent that makes it easy to rack up yards

titans: NO = i dont want travis back. same problems of being too small and not fast enough to break big plays and catch passes. sure he played well against us with revenge on his mind but he doesnt play that well week in and week out

steelers: maybe

ravens: NO, they can keep that lump lewis

chiefs: maybe, call me crazy for saying maybe but the 2 nationally televised games i saw LJ play - chargers regular season and colts post season - he completely laid eggs. right now i think hes one of the most over hyped players in the league

bronco: NO, bell does nothing for me especially in a broncos system that makes RBs look better than they really are (eg portis)

chargers: YES, LT for sure, no brainer

raiders: NO to jordan or fargas, wprst offense ive ever seen in the NFL

bengals: NO, for comments on Rudy see chiefs above

texans: ummmm, NO


so there you go, only a single YES to the leagues MVP, 3 Maybes and the rest NOs. you can change things at the margin here or there, maybe some will argue for a few more YES's or Maybe's but i cant see any legitimate analysis where the majority arent NOs. so all you willis haters should stop acting like a. he's so bad and b. there's some great pool of backs out there. like it or not he is one of the players bills can least afford to lose. thankfully coach jauron knows this and has things in perspective by not getting all worked up over the comments of a 25 year old kid to some canadian paper or loose women. like that other stuff really matters on sunday.

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As far as WM next year, stay the course. He has little leverage to mount a holdout and every fiscal incentive to perform well in his FA year,


If he performs well simply tag him or sign him if its a god deal for both parties can be reached.


If he sucks next year then let him walk and we should acquire either a cheap FA or a second day draft pick we think will develop to create competition for him next year and to replace him in 08 if he sucks next year.


I am not going to sleep with him, i don't follow WM's fiscal or management advice, and I expect the football players I follow to stay out of jail and off drugs but beyond that I really couldn't care less what they think.

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As far as WM next year, stay the course. He has little leverage to mount a holdout and every fiscal incentive to perform well in his FA year,


If he performs well simply tag him or sign him if its a god deal for both parties can be reached.


If he sucks next year then let him walk and we should acquire either a cheap FA or a second day draft pick we think will develop to create competition for him next year and to replace him in 08 if he sucks next year.


I am not going to sleep with him, i don't follow WM's fiscal or management advice, and I expect the football players I follow to stay out of jail and off drugs but beyond that I really couldn't care less what they think.

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I bet there is many more players on the Bills that follow the same behavior WM does with women. Didn't Eric Moulds have 8 kids?


I just wish WM would train in Buffalo and show more heart and toughness on the field.

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All things considered I suspect we aren't going to get much for Willis, and he is an average to slightly above average running back with a year remaining on his contract. I think we have very big needs in the offensive and defensive line, and perhaps at MLB and corner if things don't work out with Clements and Fletcher. That being the case...I think the best move is probably to keep Willis through next year. I don't see him with any long term future here and if he is thinking of landing another big contract somewhere else he should have a lot of incentive to play well next season.

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All things considered I suspect we aren't going to get much for Willis, and he is an average to slightly above average running back with a year remaining on his contract. I think we have very big needs in the offensive and defensive line, and perhaps at MLB and corner if things don't work out with Clements and Fletcher. That being the case...I think the best move is probably to keep Willis through next year. I don't see him with any long term future here and if he is thinking of landing another big contract somewhere else he should have a lot of incentive to play well next season.


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That is great. I am doing the same.


Yet, I am not going to pass judgment on this situation -- especially given that I have only heard one side of it.


I am sure that you and the others (including Sullivan) are without sin and are able to pass moral judgments on Willis.


As best as I can tell, Willis had sex with women to whom he is not married. What percentage of the people on this board have had sex with someone to whom they are not married? What percentage of the Buffalo Bills or any other team in any professional league has?


Willis did not use protection. Should he have? Of course, he should have -- especially given his situation. I know I would have. Yet, I wonder what percentage of the guys on this board have had sex at least once in their lives without a condom? Why didn't the mothers of these kids use protection or insist that WM use protection?


Should Willis spend time with his kids? How do we know that he does not? Well, from at least July through the end of December, we know that he is in Buffalo. As for the rest of the year, we know that he does not live with the mothers. As for the rest of the time, all I can say is that the most enjoyable and rewarding time that I have on this earth is with my wife and son and family. I would recommend that he do the same.


As I said in another post, he who is without sin should cast the first stone. It is comforting to know that we have so many posters on this board (and at least one columnist) that are without sin.

That "he who is without sin should cast the first stone" quote is all too easy to misapply. Consider the extreme example of a man who spent his time raping ten year old girls. Should society tolerate this behavior? Absolutely not. I'd be happy to cast stones at this man, even though I'm less than perfect. At some point, you have to draw the line. Beyond that line, you have to say, "This behavior is unacceptable, and won't be tolerated." Society absolutely must have certain standards of decency, and there have to be strong punishments for those who violate those standards. To avoid setting such standards out of fear of being judgmental is to create a moral cesspool.


Willis is fathering children out of wedlock. He's not making an effort to be any kind of father for those kids. Should this kind of behavior be tolerated and accepted? That depends on how much you care about kids, and how important you think a father is to them.

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Willis is fathering children out of wedlock. He's not making an effort to be any kind of father for those kids. Should this kind of behavior be tolerated and accepted? That depends on how much you care about kids, and how important you think a father is to them.



For the first time ever, I am in complete agreement with you.


I'm not gonna call Willis a lowlife, but from the quotes I've read, he can be a better father.


It's not for me to judge though, so I wish him the best for his kids own benefit.


I wouldn't lose any sleep if the Bills dumped him, because I feel he's an average running back, who would be a backup on 20 other teams.

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Consider the extreme example of a man who spent his time raping ten year old girls. Should society tolerate this behavior? Absolutely not. I'd be happy to cast stones at this man, even though I'm less than perfect. At some point, you have to draw the line.


To use your word, this "extreme" example is extremely different.


He's not making an effort to be any kind of father for those kids.


And you know this how?

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To use your word, this "extreme" example is extremely different.

There's a difference of degrees, yes. But the point I was making is that there absolutely has to be a line somewhere. It's just a question of where.

And you know this how?
Chiniqua Smith, one of the women getting support from McGahee, said she mainly wants her son - Willis McGahee IV - to have a father in his life, "not just every blue moon." Smith said "you can't hold a gun to someone's head" to force him to spend time with his child.

If Chiniqua Smith's saying stuff like that, it's pretty reasonable to conclude McGahee isn't exactly a candidate for the dad of the year award.

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There's a difference of degrees, yes. But the point I was making is that there absolutely has to be a line somewhere. It's just a question of where.


If Chiniqua Smith's saying stuff like that, it's pretty reasonable to conclude McGahee isn't exactly a candidate for the dad of the year award.






no one really cares, youre all just bored and have nothing else to talk about


its embarrassing that fans of other teams come here and see this thread....

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no one really cares, youre all just bored and have nothing else to talk about


its embarrassing that fans of other teams come here and see this thread....

Yes, the real embarrassment to the Bills organization and the city of Buffalo is this thread and not anything McGahee may have said or done. ;)

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For the first time ever, I am in complete agreement with you.


I'm not gonna call Willis a lowlife, but from the quotes I've read, he can be a better father.


It's not for me to judge though, so I wish him the best for his kids own benefit.


I wouldn't lose any sleep if the Bills dumped him, because I feel he's an average running back, who would be a backup on 20 other teams.


Just out of curiousity for you guys wanting to run WM out of town for father issues. What if at your job you were fired because you were a percieved bad father ? What would you say ? Probably that what has this got to do with my job here at work ?

Thats how I look at it for Willis. This topic should have nothing to do with Willis playing football. Just my 3 cents.

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The easiest job in the world is to spend your life criticizing what other people do for a living, and how they do it.


I have no respect for media types.


I know I wouldn't want my whole life to be based around other people's accomplishments.

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