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Jerry Sullivan gives it to Willis with both barrels


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Excellent...and I mean EXCELLENT slam of Willis. :worthy:<_<<_<:thumbsup:




Willis has worn out his welcome






Marv Levy has gotten a lot of credit for changing the culture of the Bills since taking over as general manager a year ago. Much of it is justified. Levy has instilled a renewed sense of camaraderie, and he has been firm in his commitment to players of high character and intellect.


But Levy can't have it both ways. The talk about character begins to ring hollow when his top running back, Willis McGahee, is embarrassing the franchise and the community at every turn.


McGahee has worn out his welcome in this town. It's pretty evident that he doesn't want to be here. From what I can gather, his recent request for a contract extension is a thinly veiled attempt to poison the waters with management and force a trade out of Buffalo.


Interviewed in this month's Penthouse Magazine, McGahee says it would be a "good situation" if the NFL had a team in Toronto. That's not all. McGahee says rather than put a team in Toronto, the NFL should move the Bills there. "Case closed," he says.


It's amazing to think McGahee could be so cavalier about the greatest fear of Bills' fans. He couldn't have picked a more ideal way to alienate himself from the local populace. His supporters, who patronize him as you would a recalcitrant 3-year-old, will say he was only kidding - as they did when McGahee said he didn't know it was fourth down in the season opener.


I stopped giving McGahee the benefit of the doubt long ago. In the Penthouse piece, he says there's nothing to do in Buffalo. OK, this isn't Los Angeles or Miami. But fans here don't need their millionaire athletes to rub their noses in it.


High character? Last week, it was reported in the Miami Herald that a woman had filed a paternity suit against McGahee. That makes three in 15 months for McGahee, by three different women. He has been declared the biological father in the other two cases and is paying child support.


Chiniqua Smith, one of the women getting support from McGahee, said she mainly wants her son - Willis McGahee IV - to have a father in his life, "not just every blue moon." Smith said "you can't hold a gun to someone's head" to force him to spend time with his child.


How do you preach character and justify keeping this sort of lowlife on your team? Owner Ralph Wilson said McGahee's off-field issues will weigh into any decision the team makes on a contract extension. Wilson wouldn't rule out an extension, but he seemed reluctant to give a monster payday to a running back he has termed a "disappointment."


"I've been in this game too long to have someone hold a hammer over my head," Wilson said Monday by phone.


McGahee isn't worth the trouble. He's an average running back. He's not worth the sort of investment that his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, is likely to seek (something in the four-year, $30 million range that Arizona gave Edgerrin James). The Bills could stand their ground and let him hold out of camp if that's his strategy. But that wouldn't be the best thing for a young, evolving football team.


They should trade him now. Get a draft pick, find a rookie to go with Anthony Thomas and move on. The running game might slip, but not significantly. Remember, the Bills didn't sell out their last four home games. There's a fragile connection with the fans right now. Taking a stand on McGahee will be a good bit of public relations.


McGahee isn't a very smart person or player. He misses holes. He misses blocks. And where the Buffalo community is concerned, he misses the point. He insults the town's intelligence, and Levy should know that. He's supposed to be in touch with the people here.


If Levy really gets it, he should get McGahee out of here. Case closed.

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It sounds like it was written by posters from this board


You can say all you want about his comments or his "Baby Mommas" but non of that should affect his standing with the Bills (If he had even read the article like most have not, he said that if a team were to be moved to Toronto if the NFL wanted a team there, it should be the Bills, he then went on to talk about how great the fan base is in Buffalo.)


But the reason for him staying or going should be based solely on his play on the field, which with the way he has played the past couple years, he has been a disapointment and should only be re-signed to an extension if he could be brought back cheap on a contract with lots of incentives to keep him motivated. He has proven that when motivated, he can be a great back. Otherwise he is average at best

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Willis is a pretty average running back to begin with. I don't care about the other stuff, but just can't see even discussing a contract extension. I feel bad that most everyone else in foot ball sees this guy as a very limited talent (except maybe the jets?) and hardly worth a second round pick. Why we got rid of Travis Henry for this guy is beyond me. I say take what we can get and wash our hands of this guy.

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Willis is a pretty average running back to begin with. I don't care about the other stuff, but just can't see even discussing a contract extension. I feel bad that most everyone else in foot ball sees this guy as a very limited talent (except maybe the jets?) and hardly worth a second round pick. Why we got rid of Travis Henry for this guy is beyond me. I say take what we can get and wash our hands of this guy.

i agree that he is nothing more than avg. maybe a step above avg like Joe Cribbs. (although I know a lot of people here will think he can't carry Joe Cribbs jock).....lets be real. Joe Cribbs was a fan favorite, but he wasn't a Pro Bowl RB either. Anywho....I don't see McGahee making it to the next level of say, Curtis Martin in his prime, and certainly not going to be a Ladainian Tomlinson.


I don't know if that would change for him with a change of scenery or not. Maybe he would be rejuvinated playing for a Florida team, but I kind of doubt it.


If Adrian Peterson somehow falls to the #12 pick...and with his injury history, it isn't out of the question, the Bills would have a decision to make no??

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Willis is a pretty average running back to begin with. I don't care about the other stuff, but just can't see even discussing a contract extension. I feel bad that most everyone else in foot ball sees this guy as a very limited talent (except maybe the jets?) and hardly worth a second round pick. Why we got rid of Travis Henry for this guy is beyond me. I say take what we can get and wash our hands of this guy.


if you think willis is any different from travis henry your wrong ,,ole travis had nearly identical off field issues as willis ,,, but he like minors not school teachers, but to be fair neither can hold a candle to dave megget or ben coates .. both ex patriots who have the nfl record ( i think) of lets hear it!!! 9 children with 9 women ..!!

hey sully's article is a elaborate copy of posts on this site .. good work sully ..your next article will be ready in a few days....

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Willis is a pretty average running back to begin with. I don't care about the other stuff, but just can't see even discussing a contract extension. I feel bad that most everyone else in foot ball sees this guy as a very limited talent (except maybe the jets?) and hardly worth a second round pick. Why we got rid of Travis Henry for this guy is beyond me. I say take what we can get and wash our hands of this guy.

I can understand completly why they got rid of Travis Henry for Willis. Willis was a top college back who was supposed to go top 5 (maybe even first overall) in the draft the year he was hurt. He fought back and rehabbed an injury most thought was career ending and was greatful Buffalo took a chance on him. Henry was a decent back who was always getting hurt and had fumbling problems. They wanted to run a tandem with both backs, but Travis refused and wanted to be the only starter so the Bills took their chance on a guy they thought was a steal at the spot they took him in. Henry was dealt and it isn't until a couple of years since he left Buffalo, that he is back playing at a mediocre to good level. Henry still isn't a great back, but compared to how WIllis has played, he has been just a bit better.


The problem is, Willis seems to have major motivation issues and only comes to play with his 'A' game when he wants too or has something to play for (he's shown this in games against the Jets, and when he was competing for the job with Henry). He can still be a good back, but he needs work on his motivation, and I doubt Marv will want to pay him big bucks to see if he can change.

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I'm not sure what we could get for Willis.....MAYBE a 2nd....I can't see a 1st....Besides the Giants, who have a low round pick, what other team needs a RB?


Minnesota, Jets, Browns, Cowboys, Texans.


I think we could work a deal. Maybe he could go to Houston and pay child on the bye week with Eric Moulds.

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Minnesota, Jets, Browns, Cowboys, Texans.


I think we could work a deal. Maybe he could go to Houston and pay child on the bye week with Eric Moulds.

A trade is not likely...I doubt we would get more then a 3rd or 4th for him given that he may hold out and is a free agent after next season.

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I'm not sure what we could get for Willis.....MAYBE a 2nd....I can't see a 1st....Besides the Giants, who have a low round pick, what other team needs a RB?

Maybe the Ravens if Jamal Lewis moves on in FA.

The Browns are desperate for a RB.

The Texans, if Dominick Davis-Williams isn't able to come back.

The Broncos have a mess at RB, and I think Willis would do very well running behind the Bronco OLine.

The Raiders. If it turns out the LaMont Jordan is a bust. Which I personally have no idea if that is the case.

The Giants are going to find out the Brandon Jacobs is not going to be a very good every down back to replace Tiki.

Maybe the Lions is it turns out that Kevin Jones is career threatening.

Maybe the Packers. Ahman Green showed some flashes this year, but never came close to looking like the AG of old.

The Falcons would be a long shot. They have Dunn and Norwood, but no one knows for sure if either of them will fit into the new HC's power running game offense.



I think the Texans or the Browns would be great trade partners for a high second round pick....if they have a pick available to trade.

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I agree with the article. I was and still am a supporter for WM as long as he is a Bill but I am getting the feeling that its all over for him here. Hes says there is nothing to do here, we should trade his ass to Green bay or Minnesota. I think it could be Marshawn Lynch time in Buffalo. I am all for it.

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I rhink folks who have THAT many kids from THAT many women in THAT much time and are not supporting them are pretty good candidates for low-life distinction.


Define "support". Sure, willis isnt there at home taking care of the kids, and *I* personally dont agree with that stance. But according to everything else, he's had no problem paying his child support. He may not be the greatest father, but he's doing exactly what the court told him to. Hes paying them money to support to his kids. If he was dodging payments, then call him a low-life.

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I rhink folks who have THAT many kids from THAT many women in THAT much time and are not supporting them are pretty good candidates for low-life distinction.

Solid response! <_< It ruins all the opinions that are formulated in the amout of time it takes a hot pocket to cook.


DING! Have to go!

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