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I'm surprised nobody made one of these yet. After the 2 night, 4 hour premiere, what are your thoughts? Like last season, I think they started off with a bang. Lots of action right from the get go, with many developing side plots.
























It was pretty shocking when Jack had to shoot and kill Curtis. Also, actually having the nuke go off that early in the season should set the ground for some crazy schit. I like the fact thay they're showing bits and pieces of how bad being held captive by the Chineese has f'd up Jack.










*******END SPOILERS*********






Overall, very good so far and has the makings of a great season. I wish there were a couple more episodes on right now!

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  billsfanmiami(oh) said:
I'm surprised nobody made one of these yet. After the 2 night, 4 hour premiere, what are your thoughts? Like last season, I think they started off with a bang. Lots of action right from the get go, with many developing side plots.


It was pretty shocking when Jack had to shoot and kill Curtis. Also, actually having the nuke go off that early in the season should set the ground for some crazy schit. I like the fact thay they're showing bits and pieces of how bad being held captive by the Chineese has f'd up Jack.

*******END SPOILERS*********

Overall, very good so far and has the makings of a great season. I wish there were a couple more episodes on right now!



Yeah, my wife watches that show too and made me check the closet for terrorists after it finished. If that doesn't mean there's a great season ahead....


Though, I think this year started with a bigger bang.



  billsfanmiami(oh) said:
I'm surprised nobody made one of these yet. After the 2 night, 4 hour premiere, what are your thoughts? Like last season, I think they started off with a bang. Lots of action right from the get go, with many developing side plots.


It was pretty shocking when Jack had to shoot and kill Curtis. Also, actually having the nuke go off that early in the season should set the ground for some crazy schit. I like the fact thay they're showing bits and pieces of how bad being held captive by the Chineese has f'd up Jack.

*******END SPOILERS*********

Overall, very good so far and has the makings of a great season. I wish there were a couple more episodes on right now!


Jack is fine. I think he is still suffering from jet lag. Curtis isn't dead. Great to see the presidential pardons are on their way as quickly as possible once again.


I had a feeling from the very first few minutes Sunday night that Curtis wouldn't last an entire season. He just seemed too moody, like he knew he'd be leaving the show soon.

  JiS said:
I had a feeling from the very first few minutes Sunday night that Curtis wouldn't last an entire season. He just seemed too moody, like he knew he'd be leaving the show soon.


The fact that he was a "guest star" tipped me off.


Great start so far. Jack has this vulnerability now, as opposed to the invincibility of past seasons.


This show never lets me down. There has yet to be a single episode of any season where I wasn't completely riveted for the entire sixty minutes.


Listening to some of the commentary tracks from the first couple of seasons, it's clear to me that the writers have the utmost respect for the viewing audience. They want more than anything to entertain the sh-- out of us, and they try their best to mix things up and keep us guessing. IMO, they do a great job of it.


With five seasons under my belt, I'm pretty much able to call this one of the greatest shows I've ever seen in my 34 years. It may be the greatest action/adventure show ever.


Jack shooting Curtis and the nuke going off are huge moments in just the 4th hour of this "day." Should be a hell of a season.


This summer I hurt my back and was kind of laid up, so I checked out 24 all seasons and pretty much watched all of it show after show with no commercials. What is funny is trying to explain it to someone who isn't watching it and all the shite that goes on in any one hour. The look on people's faces as you explain it is something to behold. I guess its one of those "you had to be there" things. I'm going to wait til it comes out on DVD as I don't care for the commercials. Nice show though.

  /dev/null said:
Jack should have let Curtis shoot Dr Bashir (Hassad or whatever his name was)

And lose their the only chance at finding the nukes. Good plan!! Jack know what he's doing. If Jack was on the LOST island, he's be off in 24 hours!!!

  /dev/null said:
Jack should have let Curtis shoot Dr Bashir (Hassad or whatever his name was)




What's funny is, someone got their hands on the episodes and episode 6 is being released today.

  ricojes said:
And lose their the only chance at finding the nukes. Good plan!! Jack know what he's doing. If Jack was on the LOST island, he's be off in 24 hours!!!


And when he'd get off the island, he'd start weeping like a little girl.

  ajzepp said:
This show never lets me down. There has yet to be a single episode of any season where I wasn't completely riveted for the entire sixty minutes.


Listening to some of the commentary tracks from the first couple of seasons, it's clear to me that the writers have the utmost respect for the viewing audience. They want more than anything to entertain the sh-- out of us, and they try their best to mix things up and keep us guessing. IMO, they do a great job of it.


With five seasons under my belt, I'm pretty much able to call this one of the greatest shows I've ever seen in my 34 years. It may be the greatest action/adventure show ever.

I have started watching for the first time on Saturday and I have to say it is a really good show..question...should I go back and get the DVD'd to catch up or should I just run with it starting now....

  tennesseeboy said:
This summer I hurt my back and was kind of laid up, so I checked out 24 all seasons and pretty much watched all of it show after show with no commercials. What is funny is trying to explain it to someone who isn't watching it and all the shite that goes on in any one hour. The look on people's faces as you explain it is something to behold. I guess its one of those "you had to be there" things. I'm going to wait til it comes out on DVD as I don't care for the commercials. Nice show though.

yes it is amazing...takes me 45 minutes to make coffee and toast and get my son off to day care very morning..

  taterhill said:
I have started watching for the first time on Saturday and I have to say it is a really good show..question...should I go back and get the DVD'd to catch up or should I just run with it starting now....


I'd wait. Watch all 5 seasons and then download season 6.

  taterhill said:
I have started watching for the first time on Saturday and I have to say it is a really good show..question...should I go back and get the DVD'd to catch up or should I just run with it starting now....


I think you're probably going to have a hard time NOT watching if you've seen the first four episodes of this season....I know it would be hard for me! But I'd probably agree with Meazza....start with season 1 on DVD and go from there. I'm sure you could just watch the current season and enjoy it just fine, but if you think you might want to watch the earlier seasons anyway, I'd just start from scratch. Some of the characters share a fair bit of history, and I think it would help you get more out of this season if you had already been through the previous adventures.


It's a lot to watch, but I bet you'll end up loving every minute!

  ajzepp said:
This show never lets me down. There has yet to be a single episode of any season where I wasn't completely riveted for the entire sixty minutes.


Exactly. I even let out the obligitory "ah <_<' when they start putting the clock up at the bottom of the screen near the end of the show. Heaven forbid TiVo misses "scenes from next week's all new 24.' My wife is the same way with it. I work with a bunch of computer guys and a good number of them are anti-24 because some of the technical jargon isn't dead on. Who cares? They're missing a hell of a show. Turn off the geek switch for an hour a week!


- Jeff

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