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Lonely day at work today

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A work day for me. :thumbdown::rolleyes: People are straggling to work, but the roads were not bad at all.

But the football over the weekend was. (depending on one's personal point of view, mind you.)


Well, you both are at least getting paid. I'm home with the Mrs. and she's going through the job jar and is prioritizing my day right now.

At least your day ends at 5. :o

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But the football over the weekend was. (depending on one's personal point of view, mind you.)


Well, you both are at least getting paid. I'm home with the Mrs. and she's going through the job jar and is prioritizing my day right now.

At least your day ends at 5. :thumbdown:



McMrs did that yesterday; I got to paint the living room. Whee! Today is a day off for me as company management decided last year that it would help with diversity and whatnot.



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But the football over the weekend was. (depending on one's personal point of view, mind you.)


Well, you both are at least getting paid. I'm home with the Mrs. and she's going through the job jar and is prioritizing my day right now.

At least your day ends at 5. :thumbdown:

Your wife let you join a union???

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At least your day ends at 5. :thumbdown:

Perhaps even a bit earlier. :rolleyes: With the cold weather and threat of ice I think I can mosey at around 4-4:30 today. You need to put your wife in her place. Remind her of all the terrific sales today and send her on her way. You may be out a few bucks, but at least you get time for a nap.

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Joke's on you. It's MLK day. You're not supposed to be at work. :thumbdown:



But lets not forget here in the great Commonwealth of VA, Friday was also a holiday!!


I chit you not, most VA state employees got Lee/Jackson day off on Friday, and today off for MLK day. Dam up to a few years ago it was officially Lee/Jackson/King day here in VA. pr

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