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"She's grateful to the court,"

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NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- New York Giants star Michael Strahan was ordered to pay his ex-wife $15.3 million -- more than half his net worth -- in keeping with the couple's prenuptial agreement.


Under the agreement, Jean Strahan was entitled to 50 percent of their joint marital assets and 20 percent of his yearly income from each year they were married.






"She's grateful to the court," Jean Strahan's lawyer, Ellen Marshall, told The Associated Press on Saturday. "She looks forward to her future, raising their children and moving forward."


A call to Michael Strahan's attorney, Robert Penza, and his agent, Tony Agnone, were not immediately returned.


The NFL star had contended he wasn't responsible for the 20 percent because his wife failed to ask for it every year. But state Superior Court Judge James Convery disagreed, ruling "the plaintiff is not credible in his claim that the defendant never asked for her separate funds."


In addition to the $15.3 million, Convery awarded Jean Strahan hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support. The couple married in 1999.


"It pays to tell the truth, and I told the truth," Jean Strahan said in Saturday's New York Post. "I never asked for a penny more than the prenup that Michael and his lawyers wrote and made me sign. And all I ever asked for was that to be upheld."

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Ya... The funny thing is... I don't think it was her idea to get the prenup... Seems MS and his lawyer wanted her to have it in the first place.


Exactly....I don't get it. I would expect her to get half of his assets if there WASN'T a prenup...sounds like Strahan's legal folks were actually doing HER a favor if the damn thing gave her half anyway. I'd be curious to know why they are getting the divorce.

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Exactly....I don't get it. I would expect her to get half of his assets if there WASN'T a prenup...sounds like Strahan's legal folks were actually doing HER a favor if the damn thing gave her half anyway. I'd be curious to know why they are getting the divorce.

She hinted he was gay. Or maybe if he's not (and even if he is), he might be sleeping around. In any case, if I were her, I'd probably take the pre-nup agreement and walk too. His career is on the back-9 now.

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She hinted he was gay. Or maybe if he's not (and even if he is), he might be sleeping around. In any case, if I were her, I'd probably take the pre-nup agreement and walk too. His career is on the back-9 now.


wow, no kidding? He'd be a scary homosexual....reminds me of the Eddie Murphy segment from his old routine about Mr. T being gay :thumbsup:


If he was cheating on her, then screw him...he deserves to lose half his ass. I get tired of hearing story after story of people who can't remain faithful to their spouses.

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wow, no kidding? He'd be a scary homosexual....reminds me of the Eddie Murphy segment from his old routine about Mr. T being gay :thumbsup:


If he was cheating on her, then screw him...he deserves to lose half his ass. I get tired of hearing story after story of people who can't remain faithful to their spouses.

It's pretty-much accepted that pro athlets cheat on their spouses. Some wives look the other way because they like the lifestyle while some are just ignorant (and if you've seen some of them, you'd believe it).

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It's pretty-much accepted that pro athlets cheat on their spouses. Some wives look the other way because they like the lifestyle while some are just ignorant (and if you've seen some of them, you'd believe it).

That's pretty scary to me....I think if I were famous and trying to find a meanginful relationship/spouse, I'd have to really work hard to not be overly cynical of the women I dated. Thankfully there are some examples of successful marriages. The one that always comes to mind for me is Chris Spielman and his wife. They just seem like they're truly tight, and I really admire that. The example down here in atlanta that you see on the news and such is Keith Brooking and his wife. She seems like an absolute sweetheart, and she's beautiful to boot. They give the impression that they have a great marriage.

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I should have said "most pro ahtletes cheat." There are some with great marriages.

I knew what ya meant...I think it's a shame, too. I'm still surprised (and disgusted) at the whole Kobe Bryant thing. I really learned a lot about the guy back when he was in HS and deciding to head to the NBA. The guy is very smart, articulate, seemingly responsible....I thought he was better than to get himself involved in that. Oh well.....

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She hinted he was gay. Or maybe if he's not (and even if he is), he might be sleeping around. In any case, if I were her, I'd probably take the pre-nup agreement and walk too. His career is on the back-9 now.


You never know what is true in these highly public cases, but there were rumors that while they were engaged, Strahan slept with her sister, who is even hotter than the ex. After this, they were somehow able to reconcile. :thumbdown:

This alone makes it at last appear to be a setup, but it still does raise the question of his legal representation wrt the pre-nup.

This is not Paul McCartney we are talking about either in terms of cash. As a football player, he is now past his prime and frequently injured. He will be all but wiped out with this settlement.


This is an issue which is changing the country. I am not THAT old, but I remember when guys would see a beautiful woman, court her and marry her. It still happens, but not as much. I see young, hot girls today who are single, and many are on the internet trying to find someone to date, let alone marry. Many young guys are now actually afraid of these girls.

At the turn of the century, NYC Police Officers had a 70% divorce rate. Oddly, the numbers were almost identical for male and female cops. These guys were getting divorced and losing half of their pensions, no matter what the reason was for the divorce. Two kids = 24% child support; that's 24% of your GROSS income (you pay the tax on it and then fork it over), and you cannot claim them as dependants unless the ex allows this. Then come the add-ons.

The young guys were watching and listening, and they saw decorated detectives living in their sister's basement, because they couldn't afford a studio apartment after a divorce.

Make no mistake, I think that a majority of these guys brought this upon themselves, but not all of them.


The way I see it, I am very lucky. I don't know if I would be much happier in another situation, and my marriage brought me 3 great children. That said, if I was in my early twenties today, I just don't know if I would take that kind of risk. It IS interesting, and somewhat sad to watch what is happening now.

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very sobering post, Bill....I feel fortunate to have 'escaped' my divorce relatively unscathed. It was emotionally very difficult, but you heal from those wounds in time. My brother was not so lucky since he has a little girl. He got a raw deal from his ex, and the state of GA favors the mother in nearly every case, regardless of the circumstances.


Marriage is a very scary proposition these days...

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