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Anyone else with me on Dick Stockton?


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I mean, with a bunch of crappy announcers out there today, I love ole Dickey. He used to be the voice of CBS basketball when the Lakers played the Celtics every year, and that's where I grew up knowing him.


But he seems to keep a great balance. Isn't afraid to get excited, just enough, for both teams. But yet, still stays unbiased. Stockton is a great pro. If only we could get Verne Lundquist on games too. College announcers seem so much better than pro.


I kept stats for Stockton and Matt Millen years ago for FOX, and he is also a delight to be around. Just like when he does games.


My 2 cents.

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I mean, with a bunch of crappy announcers out there today, I love ole Dickey. He used to be the voice of CBS basketball when the Lakers played the Celtics every year, and that's where I grew up knowing him.


But he seems to keep a great balance. Isn't afraid to get excited, just enough, for both teams. But yet, still stays unbiased. Stockton is a great pro. If only we could get Verne Lundquist on games too. College announcers seem so much better than pro.


I kept stats for Stockton and Matt Millen years ago for FOX, and he is also a delight to be around. Just like when he does games.


My 2 cents.


I like Stockton a lot better as a football play-by-play guy. On basketball he'd wore out the blah, blah. blah and connect a completely unrelated thought with an 'and'. It drove me crazy. He still does it, but a lot less

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I like him too, but they should really pull back on the camera a little when he's being broadcast in HD. When the first shot of him in the booth came on tonight, this is what I saw :w00t:

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I like him too, but they should really pull back on the camera a little when he's being broadcast in HD. When the first shot of him in the booth came on tonight, this is what I saw :w00t:

LOL. He does look a little like he's knocking on death's door doesn't he?



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