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Want to see what all the hub bub is about.


The hub bub is that nobody is allowed to criticize Israeli government policies anymore without being labeled as being unfair and supporting terrorists. Similar to when anyone who criticized Bush's policies after 9/11 were labeled as anti-American.

The hub bub is that nobody is allowed to criticize Israeli government policies anymore without being labeled as being unfair and supporting terrorists. Similar to when anyone who criticized Bush's policies after 9/11 were labeled as anti-American.


Won't there be a time in future history where Palestinians will grossly out number the Israeli population?


Or are we at that juncture now?


Anyway you slice it... It is an "Apartheid" situation.


Am I wrong?

Won't there be a time in future history where Palestinians will grossly out number the Israeli population?


Or are we at that juncture now?


Anyway you slice it... It is an "Apartheid" situation.


Am I wrong?


That's a main reason why Israel wanted to give up control of the Palestinian areas, because if they became Israeli citizens they would eventually outnumber and outvote the Jewish citizens.

I Just Ordered Jimmy Carter's New Book, Palestein not Apartheid


Can you recommend any other good fiction books to read?

I have not read it yet. What is fictional about the book? Or are you just resorting to typical right wing knee jerkism?













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