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Imminent release of new jihadi software

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Imminent release of new jihadi software


January 10, 2007


WASHINGTON -- The Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) has announced the imminent release of new computer software, Mujahideen Secret, to further jihadist outreach to the world.


The Middle East Media Research Institute reports that according to the advertisement for the software, it is "the first Islamic computer program for secure exchange [of information] on the Internet," and it provides users with "the five best encryption algorithms, and with symmetrical encryption keys [256 bit], asymmetrical encryption keys [2,048 bit], and data compression [tools]."


An announcement by the GIMF, an Al Qaeda mouthpiece, was recently posted on several jihadist forums in which the group claims to present information to both jihadis and "the Western peoples." The message, written by Ahmad Al Hatheq Bin Allah, argues that the Internet serves as the best alternative to broadcast television for Muslims to execute a "kind of jihad" involving preaching and information dissemination. According to Bin Allah's announcement, since the Western media obfuscates "facts," it is incumbent upon Muslims to join Western Internet forums, to portray the truth convincingly through visual or oral arguments, especially as it concerns Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Chechnya.


With successfully engaging debate, Bin Allah claims the American people will place pressure upon the US government, "the guardian of terrorism and its promotion," to reverse its Middle East foreign policy. Otherwise, warned Bin Allah - echoing the words of Osama Bin Laden number two Ayman Al Zawahiri - the American people themselves will be to blame for attacks brought upon them.

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Imminent release of new jihadi software


January 10, 2007


WASHINGTON -- The Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) has announced the imminent release of new computer software, Mujahideen Secret, to further jihadist outreach to the world.


The Middle East Media Research Institute reports that according to the advertisement for the software, it is "the first Islamic computer program for secure exchange [of information] on the Internet," and it provides users with "the five best encryption algorithms, and with symmetrical encryption keys [256 bit], asymmetrical encryption keys [2,048 bit], and data compression [tools]."


An announcement by the GIMF, an Al Qaeda mouthpiece, was recently posted on several jihadist forums in which the group claims to present information to both jihadis and "the Western peoples." The message, written by Ahmad Al Hatheq Bin Allah, argues that the Internet serves as the best alternative to broadcast television for Muslims to execute a "kind of jihad" involving preaching and information dissemination. According to Bin Allah's announcement, since the Western media obfuscates "facts," it is incumbent upon Muslims to join Western Internet forums, to portray the truth convincingly through visual or oral arguments, especially as it concerns Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Chechnya.


With successfully engaging debate, Bin Allah claims the American people will place pressure upon the US government, "the guardian of terrorism and its promotion," to reverse its Middle East foreign policy. Otherwise, warned Bin Allah - echoing the words of Osama Bin Laden number two Ayman Al Zawahiri - the American people themselves will be to blame for attacks brought upon them.


So when KRC and Crap throwing monkey defend Islam until they are blue in the face, I can now assume it's part of a jihad?




Seriously though, I think the interweb is gonna be the downfall of the islamic extremists. There will be too many voices and it will cause them to splinter. Plus, countermeasures can be used to put out false jihadist material. I mean, the DoD could have very well released this software in hopes that these sh*t heads will actually use it to transmit secure messages that our govt. can easily intercept.

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