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He was probably sending a message to his girlfriend's husband that he's a tough guy.





"Don't mess with me you Italian Contractor in New Jersey who could probably put me in concrete shoes at the bottom of the Hudson, I can take out a camera guy"..... ;)


Vincent Shenocca's God given surname is actually Cornuto....

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it's the damned if u do, damned if u don't scenario.


the photographer was in the way, blocking his path to Mangini.

If Bellichek hadn't gotten to Mangini to shake his hand, today you would all be lambasting him for being a lousy sport.

That's such bullschitt. There's such a thing as common courtesy. Simple words like "Excuse me" work in a setting like that, but to abruptly grab and angrily push the guy away the way he did was just embarrassing and I'm surprised more people don't make noise about it. If I were that photographer and he pushed me the way he did, he'd still be picking lens glass out of his ass.

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That's such bullschitt. There's such a thing as common courtesy. Simple words like "Excuse me" work in a setting like that, but to abruptly grab and angrily push the guy away the way he did was just embarrassing and I'm surprised more people don't make noise about it. If I were that photographer and he pushed me the way he did, he'd still be picking lens glass out of his ass.


Agreed, which is the point of this post. The guy had his back to BB, its not like he was intentionally blocking him. BB just grabbed him and tossed him aside. He was on his way to shake hands with Mangini regardless, so its not like a photographer (one of a hundred people in that mob) would have prevented him from getting to Mangini.

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it's the damned if u do, damned if u don't scenario.


the photographer was in the way, blocking his path to Mangini.

If Bellichek hadn't gotten to Mangini to shake his hand, today you would all be lambasting him for being a lousy sport.

:pirate: Sorry, but you're FoS on this one. There are ways to make your presence known & bb didn't have to resort to strong arming the guy. What should have happened...his SP escort should have led him onto the field.


The guy is a PoS plain and simple.

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some of you guys crack me up. When it comes to Belichek, Brady and the whole New England Patriots. you all have such a case of penis envy it's laughable.

No, really it isn't. There is a right way and a wrong way to behave, regardless of the circumstances or who you are. I guess it may depend on how you've been brought up.

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It was dispicable. Typical Billy Boy. Another thing, it would of been interesting to see if Belijerk would of even shook Mangini's hand if the pats lost. I would of bet a steak dinner he wouldnt. The guy is a sore looser, I guess winning 3 super bowls in 4 years will do that to you.

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some of you guys crack me up. When it comes to Belichek, Brady and the whole New England Patriots. you all have such a case of penis envy it's laughable.


Some people crack me up, just cant see things for what they are! Look at the footage again and tell me that he wasnt being an ass, or is it a case of man-love that doesnt let you see the obvious? :pirate:

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Some people crack me up, just cant see things for what they are! Look at the footage again and tell me that he wasnt being an ass, or is it a case of man-love that doesnt let you see the obvious? :pirate:


no, I thnk it's more of a case of "I really don't give a sh--"

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No, really it isn't. There is a right way and a wrong way to behave, regardless of the circumstances or who you are. I guess it may depend on how you've been brought up.

Just curious, where does Willis fit in with his three kids and three moms? Every team has trouble with this crap. Belicheck's, while being as ass, is relatively trivial.

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Just curious, where does Willis fit in with his three kids and three moms? Every team has trouble with this crap. Belicheck's, while being as ass, is relatively trivial.

I would say that he is a product of his environment too. He should be ashamed of himself, but I am sure that emotion has never entered into play.

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Some people crack me up, just cant see things for what they are! Look at the footage again and tell me that he wasnt being an ass, or is it a case of man-love that doesnt let you see the obvious? :pirate:



I can't believe the national media is not making a big deal out of this. That shove was completely uncalled for. The guy had his back to Bill and he just shoved him out of the way.

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