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Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran

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In November, the country was startled by a video showing Mr Ahmadinejad telling a cleric that he had felt the hand of God entrancing world leaders as he delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly last September.


When an aircraft crashed in Teheran last month, killing 108 people, Mr Ahmadinejad promised an investigation. But he also thanked the dead, saying: "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow."


The most remarkable aspect of Mr Ahmadinejad's piety is his devotion to the Hidden Imam, the Messiah-like figure of Shia Islam, and the president's belief that his government must prepare the country for his return.


All streams of Islam believe in a divine saviour, known as the Mahdi, who will appear at the End of Days. A common rumour - denied by the government but widely believed - is that Mr Ahmadinejad and his cabinet have signed a "contract" pledging themselves to work for the return of the Mahdi and sent it to Jamkaran.


Iran's dominant "Twelver" sect believes this will be Mohammed ibn Hasan, regarded as the 12th Imam, or righteous descendant of the Prophet Mohammad.


He is said to have gone into "occlusion" in the ninth century, at the age of five. His return will be preceded by cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed. After a cataclysmic confrontation with evil and darkness, the Mahdi will lead the world to an era of universal peace.


Mr Ahmadinejad appears to believe that these events are close at hand and that ordinary mortals can influence the divine timetable.


Well stated. But the one thing you have forgotten to include in your statement is that Ahmadinejad has been quoted as saying that "Israel needs to be wiped off the map."


His entire foundation for his beliefs rests on bringing about the 12th Imam, and he will do anything necessary to do it. His political campagn had a slogan that referrenced nuclear power that read "It is possible, and we can do it".


Now, what would be the reason for developing neuclear weapons if you were not intending to use them? And more importantly, why the cloak and dagger? Originally Iran claimed that they merely wanted nuclear capability for energy reasons, but then began research to develop the P2 centrifuge, which would be used to develop nuclear weapons.


If Iran does develop nuclear capabilities, there is going to be a sh-- stormin the middle east. The development of nuclear power in Iran would tip the scales of power the wrong way, thus resulting in Saudi, Egyptian, and Syrian hostility. This is where World War III would more than likely break out. Everybody would be backed by their alliances with super powers, and Ahmadinejad would have his dream without ever setting off a nuclear device.


Why make it a secret if your intentions are of good nature?

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You know it's times like this that BIB is needed. Any major country plans for this stuff all the time. They figure out scenerios and design plans for it. Whether the politicos implement is another story but the intelligence and defense branches are supposed to work up these plans in advance of needing them. No news here, poor reporting , and over hyping as usual.


Exactly. The United States has a plan drawn up for invading every territory on the map. Hell, I wouldn't doubt if we even have a plan for invading Rhode Island...just in case.

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I'm not surprised you missed my point. You clowns say he is suicidal, I say that's stupid. My point is that Hitler would not have attacked the USSR is he knew they had nukes. So ok, Ahmedinijad maybe like Hitler, but he doesn't have the resources, power or wearwithal at all to even try and take out Israel. And Pol Pot and Mao, too? They killed millions, has Ahmedinijad done that? Please provide proof of this, which of course you can't


Get !@#$ed. What I'm saying is, Iran is ALREADY in a state of war with Israel. They fund Hizbollah and Islamic Jihad. They would LOVE to wipe Israel out. How many times do they have to say it before someone, ANYONE, believes them?


That's not to say I want war with Iran. I want Israel to deal with them, not us.

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Get !@#$ed. What I'm saying is, Iran is ALREADY in a state of war with Israel. They fund Hizbollah and Islamic Jihad. They would LOVE to wipe Israel out. How many times do they have to say it before someone, ANYONE, believes them?


That's not to say I want war with Iran. I want Israel to deal with them, not us.

Yes, let f'n Israel deal with it.

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Well stated. But the one thing you have forgotten to include in your statement is that Ahmadinejad has been quoted as saying that "Israel needs to be wiped off the map."


His entire foundation for his beliefs rests on bringing about the 12th Imam, and he will do anything necessary to do it. His political campagn had a slogan that referrenced nuclear power that read "It is possible, and we can do it".


Now, what would be the reason for developing neuclear weapons if you were not intending to use them? And more importantly, why the cloak and dagger? Originally Iran claimed that they merely wanted nuclear capability for energy reasons, but then began research to develop the P2 centrifuge, which would be used to develop nuclear weapons.


If Iran does develop nuclear capabilities, there is going to be a sh-- stormin the middle east. The development of nuclear power in Iran would tip the scales of power the wrong way, thus resulting in Saudi, Egyptian, and Syrian hostility. This is where World War III would more than likely break out. Everybody would be backed by their alliances with super powers, and Ahmadinejad would have his dream without ever setting off a nuclear device.


Why make it a secret if your intentions are of good nature?


"Now, what would be the reason for developing neuclear weapons if you were not intending to use them?"


?! Ever heard of nuclear deterrence? Why do Britain, France, Russia, China etc... have nuclear weapons? None of those nations have actually used them. In Iran's immediate neighbourhood you have India, Pakistan and Israel, all of them nuclear powers. The development of atomic weapons by one side often leads the other side to develop them to redress the balance e.g. the USSR responding to the US, Pakistan responding to India. Anyone who thinks that the development of a large nuclear arsenal by Israel would not lead to a response by it's enemies has not studied history.

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"Now, what would be the reason for developing neuclear weapons if you were not intending to use them?"


?! Ever heard of nuclear deterrence? Why do Britain, France, Russia, China etc... have nuclear weapons? None of those nations have actually used them. In Iran's immediate neighbourhood you have India, Pakistan and Israel, all of them nuclear powers. The development of atomic weapons by one side often leads the other side to develop them to redress the balance e.g. the USSR responding to the US, Pakistan responding to India. Anyone who thinks that the development of a large nuclear arsenal by Israel would not lead to a response by it's enemies has not studied history.


And one that believes that the development of a large nuclear arsenal by Iran would not result in a possible, if not imminant terrorist attack has not studied terrorism.


Yes, i agree with the first part of your statement. Nuclear deterrence is a possibility. The fact of the matter is do you want to sit back and take a look see to determine what these douche bag extremists are going to do with nuclear capabilities. Last i checked also, Russia, France, Great Britain, and China do not hold the firm belief that they are to be the ones to bring Armageddon by their hands.


Islamo-facists do not care about peace, they do not care about you, and they do not want to sit down and get to know you. THEY DON'T CARE. More than likely, if they were to develop nuclear capabilities, the Iranian government itself would not use those capabilities. They would more than likely supply the arsenal to the highest bidding terrorist group. Actually, arsenal is a rather large word, since they would more than likely ony develop dirty bombs or one that would only be powerful enough to take out a city.


This is what we call state-sponsored terrorism. Two sides, a governmental body, and a extremist group of individuals working together to achieve the same goal. The example that is most easily reffered to is the relationship between Afghanistan and Al Queda. This could be if not already is the relationship between Iran and Hezbolah.


Now, it most likely won't happen the way you foresee it. Nuclear deterrence, that is. It certainly would be nice if we could all sit around blowing eachother in one nuclear powered orgy? But it's not likely to happen because some people have intentions of biting.

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And one that believes that the development of a large nuclear arsenal by Iran would not result in a possible, if not imminant terrorist attack has not studied terrorism.


Yes, i agree with the first part of your statement. Nuclear deterrence is a possibility. The fact of the matter is do you want to sit back and take a look see to determine what these douche bag extremists are going to do with nuclear capabilities. Last i checked also, Russia, France, Great Britain, and China do not hold the firm belief that they are to be the ones to bring Armageddon by their hands.


Islamo-facists do not care about peace, they do not care about you, and they do not want to sit down and get to know you. THEY DON'T CARE. More than likely, if they were to develop nuclear capabilities, the Iranian government itself would not use those capabilities. They would more than likely supply the arsenal to the highest bidding terrorist group. Actually, arsenal is a rather large word, since they would more than likely ony develop dirty bombs or one that would only be powerful enough to take out a city.


This is what we call state-sponsored terrorism. Two sides, a governmental body, and a extremist group of individuals working together to achieve the same goal. The example that is most easily reffered to is the relationship between Afghanistan and Al Queda. This could be if not already is the relationship between Iran and Hezbolah.


Now, it most likely won't happen the way you foresee it. Nuclear deterrence, that is. It certainly would be nice if we could all sit around blowing eachother in one nuclear powered orgy? But it's not likely to happen because some people have intentions of biting.


Right. They're going to spend all this time, money and effort to make a bomb, only to supply it to "the highest bidding terrorist group". Someone who they have only minimal control over and who could bring down massive retaliation on their heads if it could be traced back to them.

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Right. They're going to spend all this time, money and effort to make a bomb, only to supply it to "the highest bidding terrorist group". Someone who they have only minimal control over and who could bring down massive retaliation on their heads if it could be traced back to them.


The Taliban certainly took the risk, right?

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The Taliban certainly took the risk, right?


Did they? They certainly gave Al-Qaeda a base to operate from, but they didn't provide them with a doomsday weapon. Is it known for certain that the Taliban actually knew that Al-Qaeda were planning 9/11?

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Did they? They certainly gave Al-Qaeda a base to operate from, but they didn't provide them with a doomsday weapon. Is it known for certain that the Taliban actually knew that Al-Qaeda were planning 9/11?



They ruled a country with iron fist, and let a large terrorist camp that trained over 30,000 jihadists run operate within their borders.


They didn't know about the camps?


Yeah, right.

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Did they? They certainly gave Al-Qaeda a base to operate from, but they didn't provide them with a doomsday weapon. Is it known for certain that the Taliban actually knew that Al-Qaeda were planning 9/11?

I'm sure they were just as shocked as the rest of the world that terrorists actually committed acts of terrorism. :bag:

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Did they? They certainly gave Al-Qaeda a base to operate from, but they didn't provide them with a doomsday weapon. Is it known for certain that the Taliban actually knew that Al-Qaeda were planning 9/11?


I'm pretty sure they knew something when Osama Bin Laden came on ABC Nightly News in 1997 and declared war on America. I'm sure the Taliban wasn't completely in the dark or all that suprised on September 11th.

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Or Jews in general, right? :w00t:


Speaking of Jews, why don't you tell us your overall feelings about them.


See this the thing Bill... Not trying to start an personal argument... Yet, these are the classic "traps" that you are engaging in... What people talk about when discussing Israeli policy and the direction that country takes.


How on earth does anybody approach the discussion of Israeli policy in a constructive and yet critical manner without being thrust into this "trap game?"


I think you know what I mean with the analogy?


Where is the legitimate line when being accused of anti-semitism?


Again, this is meant to be a constructive social argument.

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