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Addressing each position

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This is how I would breakdown our offense, and who would make the best choices to address each position. The number after the position reflects how critical of a need I see it being. 0 reflects no need at all, while 5 is a critical need. I'll throw up the defensive side of the ball next week.


QB- 0

JP has earned one more season. Either Nail or Kelly should be ok to keep the back up duties.


RB- 1

Willis is better then average at RB, and would benefit with improved line play. That said I don't think he is the ideal player Marv or DJ want for this team, or the systems they run. If a move is to be made we would need to lock up a VIABLE alternative. Even if we can deal Willis for a 2nd rounder, creating another need in the draft is not a viable alternative. To me the only guy we could go after who would make the move worthwhile is RFA Michael Turner. In a perfect world we could sign him, and then trade Willis for #2. This is all a very far fetched, but any scenario which upgrades us at RB over Willis would be.



We need a certain type of WR, I'm just still not sold on this being among the biggest needs on the team. Drew Bennett seems to be the best fit for what we need, and has the character Marv is looking for. If we want to address WR Bennett would be the method to do so. If we choose to address WR instead of OG, DT, or CB if Nate leaves, it would be a Millen like error. It's a need, not a priority, and an expensive need at that.



Royal is an adequate receiving TE. If we want to bring in somebody else Eric Johnson would be my first option. I like Graham but his propensity for minor injuries is scary given how young he is. Johnson just had the major injury two seasons ago, and if he's recovered he would make a good addition. He's shown potential in the past, has character, and shouldn't break the bank. Maybe two half way decent TE's would equal one good one?



Peters will be entrenched at LT for years to come. Pennington still has a lot to prove, but he's probably worth waiting on when you consider other needs, and available players.



Gandy is a serviceable LG, far from great. He's also a FA. With just serviceability across so many positions on this line I would not look to retain him. Steinbach is the guy many want the most. Paired with Peters we would have one of the best pass blocking left sides in football. What I want more though is a run blocking LG. If Peters has any weakness right now it's playing a little high in the run game. We don't have one run blocking bull on this line, and a player like San Diego's Kris Dielman would give us that. He's tenacious, character filled, and dominating in the run game. He won't be cheap either, but no true solution to this decade long hole will be.


At RG Duke Preston is still young and may be given another year. We could upgrade RG by drafting Justin Blaylock. Draft prognosticators have him rated as the top G, and he’s supposed to a mauler. Perhaps Bluefire could fill us in on him a little bit more? If we drafted him and followed threw with either Steinbach or Dielman we could have the makings of a dominating line. With so many other needs this big of a guard overhaul might not be in the cards. My feeling is we will sign one of the big two at LG and give Preston one more shot at RG..



Like RT, or RG we could upgrade at C. Flower is nothing special, but upgrading here is not a priority. Flower played beside inexperienced or just awful G's on each side nearly all year. You can only do so much when you’re the meat in that OL sandwich.

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Thanks for the thorough work!


My general reaction is positive but with these late night thoughts.


1. QB- sounds good but if draft lets us have a late second day guy that impresses the braintrust that can be our disaster QB for the forseeable future that is an OK investment IMHO as Holcomn is about done and Nall is still uncertain.


2. RB- Stay the course in my opinion as WM has very little leverage. Folks seem to have their panties all up in a wad about a holdout but this would likely hurt WM fiscally more than the Bills as his past injury (no one can have their docs examine him in a holdout) and failure to prove himself as a consistent RB would be added to by the concern that he is a bad employee and a bad teammate if he held out under contract.


Even if the Bills allow him to play out his contract next year and he stars then the Bills can tag him if they want to keep him. I think the major Bills concern is that he will never be consistent or that the injury re-emerges so drafting an RB we feel has upside but needs development as late as possible on the second day seems like a fine strategy.


3. WR- I.m more concerned about whether Fairchild can design an O that utilizes the talent we have effectively than getting another WR with more talent. PP was a good possession receiver at #2 getting roughly 50 catches and making a couple of nice foot dragging catches, but his still remaining speed was never used effectively. Parrish did wonderfully but episodically and inconsistently, He always seemed to make a good effort and the way he took a vicious hit and held on against the Ravens I think is an indicator that his lack of consistency was as much or more use as it was him. Reed is a very good #3 but was often misused as our #2.


Fairchild needs to make more use of the RBs a recievers and better use of the TE and this will help the O more than simply misusing a quicker #2.


4. I think we finally have a good base in the starters but getting a superior G to replace Gandy may elevate this unit to being very good and even great. This player likely comes from FA though development of current back-ups to pull a Peters or Pennington is possible.

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