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Men being told to sit down to urinate...

Tux of Borg

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This is just not proper bathroom etiquette for men and a bad idea on many levels.


Look, just like everyone else, I pace off the required six steps before turning and aiming into a urinal.

Ladies - this is the recommended distance to avoid chipping the porcelain and getting undesirable backspash on one's shoes, trousers or God forbid - one's hands.


However, requiring a man to sit down on a crapper when they have to unload a mighty whizz only brings up images of Old Faithful blowing up through their legs.

Not only would they have to lean backwards - which the tank back would probably prevent - to avoid getting smacked in the chin with the force of the geyser-like blast, but the ceiling would definitely get drenched and probably leak like a yellow rain cloud into the next stall.


You could of course argue that the stream - if properly directed downward - would cause a rush of water down the drainpipe making a serious negative pressure situation whereby one's ass melons would become glued to the seat and the occupant would then be in the awkward position of being castigated by the men standing in line with crossed legs and yellow eyeballs all the while painfully struggling to break the vacuum seal in order to extract themselves from the girly seat.


No. This idea is just plain wrong. Give it up please. For the love of God.

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