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Jim Lampley arrested for domestic abuse.

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Yeah, God forbid I use the word "leftist" to accurately describe Lampley publishing his own insanity. :blink:


Have you ever read his stupid crap? Apparently Katrina was proof that the Bush twins are bad people. :blink: I don't expect a guy who writes a bunch of angry nonsense on the internet to be a normal human being in real life.


But somehow you make the crossover that he beats his woman because of it...


So that makes you different than what Lampley is doing in what way?



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Yeah, God forbid I use the word "leftist" to accurately describe Lampley publishing his own insanity. :blink:


Have you ever read his stupid crap? Apparently Katrina was proof that the Bush twins are bad people. :blink: I don't expect a guy who writes a bunch of angry nonsense on the internet to be a normal human being in real life.

I guess Andrew was proof that Chelsea was a bad person by that logic :blink:

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If anybody has links to Lampley writing about the Katrina, the Bush Twins or any of these conspiracies, I'd love to read it.


I can just see it now... "The Lampley Code"... Scholars will pour through the material and find certain written patterns... All pointing to, you guessed it:


Jim Lampley beats females!

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But somehow you make the crossover that he beats his woman because of it...

No, dipshit, I said I wouldn't expect him to be a normal human being in real life if his "ideas" on the internet are a bunch of angry, crazy nonsense. Therefore it wouldn't surprise me if he was an !@#$ in real life.


Just read what I wrote. It's not that hard.


If anyone wants to go check on Jim Lampley for themselves, just head over to the Huffington Post and search "Jim Lampley."

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No, dipshit, I said I wouldn't expect him to be a normal human being in real life if his "ideas" on the internet are a bunch of angry, crazy nonsense. Therefore it wouldn't surprise me if he was an !@#$ in real life.


Just read what I wrote. It's not that hard.


If anyone wants to go check on Jim Lampley for themselves, just head over to the Huffington Post and search "Jim Lampley."


I don't remember calling you a name?... No need to sling them around... Just argue, I can be man enough to admit when I am ever wrong... I expect the same form you.


This is your exact first post... Don't try and dance... Just say: SilverNRed is pwned... :blink:


He used to write a bunch of leftist conspiracy nonsense over at The Huffington Post, so it really wouldn't surprise me if he's enough of a douche bag that he enjoys "boxing" women.


How come "boxing" woman has been removed in your above reply?... "Boxing" a woman is a pretty specific charge...

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How come "boxing" woman has been removed in your above reply?... "Boxing" a woman is a pretty specific charge...
I know what I wrote.


OK, one last time. Read slowly. From what he's written I can tell he's a complete retard and probably a little nuts. THEREFORE, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some other problems WHICH MAY INCLUDE the domestic abuse he's been charged with.


He's been arrested for it. I didn't make it up. I just said I wasn't surprised he has other problems. I figured out a while ago the guy is a douche bag. It's the level of douche bag that's in question. Read what I wrote.


I wrote exactly what I meant. Read it again if you have to. Read it as many times as you need to. It seems like you're the only one really confused as to what I was saying.

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He used to write a bunch of leftist conspiracy nonsense over at The Huffington Post, so it really wouldn't surprise me if he's enough of a douche bag that he enjoys "boxing" women.


Wow, I hadn't checked this thread in a while, looks like SnR and EiI had quite a little bru-ha-ha going on here. Sorry Silver, but I have to side with Exiled on this one:


Everyone knows that Lampley only uses his left to set up his right.

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I know what I wrote.


OK, one last time. Read slowly. From what he's written I can tell he's a complete retard and probably a little nuts. THEREFORE, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some other problems WHICH MAY INCLUDE the domestic abuse he's been charged with.


He's been arrested for it. I didn't make it up. I just said I wasn't surprised he has other problems. I figured out a while ago the guy is a douche bag. It's the level of douche bag that's in question. Read what I wrote.


I wrote exactly what I meant. Read it again if you have to. Read it as many times as you need to. It seems like you're the only one really confused as to what I was saying.


I would NEVER hit a woman or do I enjoy "boxing" woman... Yet... I:


"write a bunch of leftist conspiracy nonsense"


But... I guess in your case... You can just classify me or stereotype me as a woman "boxer".


Somehow you are not surprised by the accusation given his ideology... The two "boxing" woman and leftist conspiracy must go hand in hand in your world? Care to explain?


And anyway, lighten up Francis... Just because nobody else will call you on it... Doesn't mean they don't think it... Nobody will touch this topic with a ten foot pole on your behalf... And the rest would be just "piling on"... I am glad nobody else chimed in... Smokin', you are officially on report!


Just face it... It was a pretty stupid thing to say and utterly assinine correlation between the two... A lame attack at the man's (no matter how stupid they are) ideology and rants...


Sheeesh! What part don't you get? And I am out in left field?

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I would NEVER hit a woman or do I enjoy "boxing" woman... Yet... I:


"write a bunch of leftist conspiracy nonsense"

No you don't. Yes, you are the Riddler and, yes, it's difficult to figure out what we're supposed to get from some of your posts but, no, you've never come within 20 miles of the wasteland that is Jim Lampley's thoughts.


In the few political articles he wrote (all of which were instant classics) he:

-tied the Bush Twins' integrity to Hurricane Katrina.


-claimed that the U.S. had actually suffered 9,000 deaths in Iraq (as of the middle of last year) but that the military was covering it up. He had to retract this one because he said his source turned out to be wrong, but more likely someone told him prisonplanet.com should never be a "source."


-claimed to have proof the 2004 election was stolen. His proof? Some Vegas bookies he knows got it wrong. He's still harping on this one.


Oh, and he wrote all this stuff in an angry "I'm not going to take it anymore" tone. The guy writes like he's in the middle of a nervous breakdown and/or that he's about to take a power drill to his head to get out the government robots in his brain.


So, no, you aren't like him at all. I don't even think we have anyone on this message board like him, and quite frankly that's incredible.


And I am out in left field?
Yes. You saw the word "leftist," freaked out, and assumed I meant all liberals. I meant what I wrote, which is "leftist conspiracy nut."


And when you're a leftist conspiracy nut who is angry at the world and all the dark forces plotting against you (and proclaim this proudly on the internet), then I expect you to have some problems in real life. And I wouldn't be surprised if you're guilty of something you were just arrested for.

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