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Top 10 Things to be Thankful For in 2006 from a Bills Fan in Florida

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  1. Bills swept the Dolphins (Miami Fans: That means BOTH games)
  2. Bills finished with a better record than the Dolphins (OK, by 1 game, but still.....)
  3. Bills head coach doesn't refer to media as "Enemy Combatants"
  4. Losman is a better QB name than "Lemon"
  5. JP is a better QB name than "Joey"
  6. No Bills QB has ever "achieved" a rating of 0.0 against the Dolphins (Not Even Billy Joe Hobert)
  7. No past or present Bills player has ever been outsmarted by a cow in a TV commercial
  8. Paul Castronovo can finally shut up about the Dolphins (He can, but as to whether he WILL or not.....)
  9. No college nicknamed "Thug U" in upstate NY (Bills like their players, though....go figure)
  10. Bills coach isn't secretly playing "Sweet Home Alabama" on his iPod

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