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Willis McGahee

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Did you actually watch the game? Or did you just look at nfl.com and say "Willis sucks, he only had 23 yards"

If you actually watched the game you'd know how bad our offensive line is at run blocking. When Willis did have a few good runs today, they were called back for holding penalties. How do you not see what has happened this year?


I watched the game in its entirety. In fact, I watched the SEASON in its entirety (with one exception). And 1000 yds rushing is a SEASON benchmark that Willis, following today's game (today's game accounting for 1/16th of the time Willis had to acrue 1000 yards) failed at reaching. FACT.

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Did you notice he played through broken ribs and a bum ankle? Did you notice him puking on the sidelines twice this season? Did you NOT notice the lineman either on their faces or WATCHING the play?


Also Willis had 3 carries against GB, and missed 2 games. That's not 16 games now is it.

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Did you notice he played through broken ribs and a bum ankle?




Did you notice him puking on the sidelines twice this season?




Did you NOT notice the lineman either on their faces or WATCHING the play?


I did.


Also Willis had 3 carries against GB, and missed 2 games. That's not 16 games now is it.


no, but he was a part of a team that a 16 game schedule which means he had 16 opportunties at 1000 yards. If he was injured, it was a missed opportnity now isn't't it?

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i understand that the line needs work, but once again






do you not read the threads?


I was a big willis fan, but posters are right he has underachieved this year. He doesn't have the greatest attitude, but that can be forgiven as long as he produces. He hasn't. I know our line is mediocre at best, i have trashed them all season myself. however, really good backs can still strive behind bad O-lines. i assume willis is frustrated with the line situation as well, and it has worn on him over time. i know it may be too much to ask for a RB to excited about playing here in Buffalo, in the weather, behind such shaky line play, but the bottom line is Willis, like every other back in the league is a professional and gets paid a sh*t-ton of money. If he ain't hungry anymore after only a couple of years in the league then he needs to be gone yesterday. I'm not saying that is so, but the front office needs to take a close look at willis this off-season. I have been saying that the bills NEED a legit 3rd down back like a K. Faulk with good receiving and pass blocking ability. Maybe that would light a fire under willis's ass, maybe not.

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Another brilliant response!!! LOL see ya later, i'm off to celebrate the new year!


You've absolved him of the blame. That's fine. So are you suggesting that none of the 20+ RB's who had a better year than Willis could have done better than he did in Buffalo?

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Play nice boys. Nobody wants to read your combined hissy fit, they want to read about thoughts on Willis.


I think Willis showed a lot of guts this year, running hard behind a one way (LEFT) line, and showed some nice flashes. I think that he isn't worth huge money, but since he is still young, and still talented, I'm looking forward to seeing him in a Bills uni with an improved team next year, and wouldn't mind seeing him signed to a reasonably priced extension (since I think he will be better in 2007 than 2006 and cost more if we wait. I would rather keep Willis at this point than spend draft picks to get someone who may or may not be better, but I won't be heart broken if we end up losing him and have to replace the most replaceable position in football.

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I'm speechless. LOL!!!!!!!!


Speechless why?


Name one RB who didn't lose time to injury this year.


'Well, if that play didn't get called back Willis would have....' And if my uncle wore a wig, he'd be my aunt. It's all a bunch of excuses. He got what he got and did what he did, and he will be judged on that by the people whose opinions matter. Six TDs on the year may put stars in your eyes, but it doesn't impress me, and based on his comments, I doubt it impresses Marv.


He signed that first contract, did he not? TD didn't put a gun to his head, did he? If he wants more scratch, he needs to STFU and make more plays.

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The Ravens seem to think that he is pretty good. Their game plan was to stop the run -- just as most teams tried to do this year. The Ravens (as did most of the teams we played this year) had more respect for our RB than they did for just about anyone else on our offense.


They stacked the line of scrimmage throughout and played much of the game with only three defensive backs.


It seems to me that we should be wondering why we were not better able to take advantage of what was available in our passing game.

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Speechless why?


Name one RB who didn't lose time to injury this year.


'Well, if that play didn't get called back Willis would have....' And if my uncle wore a wig, he'd be my aunt. It's all a bunch of excuses. He got what he got and did what he did, and he will be judged on that by the people whose opinions matter. Six TDs on the year may put stars in your eyes, but it doesn't impress me, and based on his comments, I doubt it impresses Marv.


He signed that first contract, did he not? TD didn't put a gun to his head, did he? If he wants more scratch, he needs to STFU and make more plays.


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Speechless why?


Name one RB who didn't lose time to injury this year.


'Well, if that play didn't get called back Willis would have....' And if my uncle wore a wig, he'd be my aunt. It's all a bunch of excuses. He got what he got and did what he did, and he will be judged on that by the people whose opinions matter. Six TDs on the year may put stars in your eyes, but it doesn't impress me, and based on his comments, I doubt it impresses Marv.


He signed that first contract, did he not? TD didn't put a gun to his head, did he? If he wants more scratch, he needs to STFU and make more plays.



His numbers don't impress me in the least, I just think the blocking in front of him sucked donkey balls.


And no I don't think many of the backs ahead of him in "yardage" would be much if any better than Willis was this year. Like Peter said, most teams know he's all we've got, cept for Evans. I don't think he had a great year by any means, but he wasn't the pile of sh-- that most people make him out to be. Bad attitude my ass by the way, he's never shown that...

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completely his fault. 1000 yards is NOTHING in a 16 game NFL season. you just have to average 62 yards a game.


pitiful. take any money set aside for Willis and give it to Nate



well he only played 14 games but I still won't make any excuses for the guy.


Hope he leaves.

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They stacked the line of scrimmage throughout and played much of the game with only three defensive backs.



It seemed to me that the Ravens very often had 5 defensive backs in the game, the announcers mentioned this quite often.

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Postgame comments




(On being 10 yards short from reaching 1,000 yards for the season)


"We played a tough defense today and we lost all confidence in the run. I took care of my part. I did what I had to, to go out and perform. I did my part."


Willis, if you think you did your part by getting 23 yards, you have a serious misunderstanding of what a RB needs to do.


I hope you and Rosenh-ass do hold out. And I hope we draft a kid who actually wants to play football, who doesn't dance behind the line, gets 1,500 yards, and Marv sends you an email with a CC: to DR simply saying, " :wallbash: YOU."

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