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Terrance Pennington

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Anyone else love this guy?


I think he'll be a hearty staple to this O-Line for a long time, he's an excellent blocker and he's HUGE.





I'll feel alot more comfortable with him when the offense begins to run to the right side again.


As a 7th rounder his play is outstanding and I have high hopes for him.

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I'll feel alot more comfortable with him when the offense begins to run to the right side again.


As a 7th rounder his play is outstanding and I have high hopes for him.


As do I, but the Bills do need more work up front, especially at OG. Other than CV for one season (most of 04), the Bills have not fielded a good RG for more than a decade. Astounding, but true. Even he was all but through by the time 05 started. Now, he is fully washed up. We have a dire need for a physical RG to open holes up front. An early draft pick would be a great move at this position.


As for LG, we might be losing Gandy, and this is far from the end of the world imo. Ralph should be offering Steinbach mega-millions, and lining him up next to Jason Peters. The results would be immediate.....longer drives, a rested Bills defense, more running room, more time for JP, etc. It's all good.


The Bills OL IS improved no doubt. This offseason is the time to solidify it. We can only hope.

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As do I, but the Bills do need more work up front, especially at OG. Other than CV for one season (most of 04), the Bills have not fielded a good RG for more than a decade. Astounding, but true. Even he was all but through by the time 05 started. Now, he is fully washed up. We have a dire need for a physical RG to open holes up front. An early draft pick would be a great move at this position.


As for LG, we might be losing Gandy, and this is far from the end of the world imo. Ralph should be offering Steinbach mega-millions, and lining him up next to Jason Peters. The results would be immediate.....longer drives, a rested Bills defense, more running room, more time for JP, etc. It's all good.


The Bills OL IS improved no doubt. This offseason is the time to solidify it. We can only hope.



I agree with you about Gandy, the only true loss would be continuity and the teamwork he has developed with Fowler and Peters at his sides. I believe that this continuity and teamwork can be replaced with a solid player who plays all the way through training camp.


Total agreement about the offensive line in how it relates to defensive play. Consecutive 3 and outs is a defensive killer, and even more than that, it's a morale killer.

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I think he gets a 2007 second try as we upgrade the guards.


I don't love him like I love Peters, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. He seems effective on straight on pass blocking, but his run hasn't looked great (affected by Preston next to him instead of a road grater guard), and he often accomplishes little if there isn't a single defender right at him. He has several times run into JP while looking for something to do (including causing that INT that Royal forced a fumble on a while back), and if you look at the 4th down INT last week to end the game, while Peters and Thomas manage multiple blocks, he really just runs around looking like he is three steps behind the play.


Now the negatives I'm pointing out are nitpicking on a big strong rookie, and are only because I've been watching him closely every play through the last month or so, trying to get an idea if he can be our RT of the future. I think the jury is still out, but I'm optimistic and willing to give him 2007 without worry, especially if he has a better RG helping him out.

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I'm fine with Gandy and think he is a good guard. Peters will be a pro bowler and Pennington should be good in a couple years. Right now I think we should sign an older guy that still has 2 or 3 years left in him at right tackle so Pennington has more time to develop. We need a new right guard but I'm still interested in Merz and a little in Preston. I'm still not sold on Fowler like Fan in San Diego said. So if Fowler proves himself the all we need is a RG and possibly a RT.

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I like our tackles as well. Not completely sold on Fowler just yet. Does he seem to get bullrushed at times ? Bad technique or still undersized ?


I think he has a great head, great technique, but just isn't big enough or enough of an athlete. I think that shows on the complete lack of QB sneaks on 3rd and short 4th and short, where other teams pull these off regularly with ease. So I hope Preston or Merz emerges and jumps him on the depth chart, but I like him enough to not even think about using up draft picks or free agent dollars this year.


Gandy is a maybe with me, depending on what is available after we upgrade RG. He's been alright but isn't our LG of the future. If he can hold down the fort in 2007 while we upgrade other positions that would be cool.

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Would love to add Steinbach and draft Blalock from Longhorns in the first. That would be a solid line and our offense would be very good!

Re-sign Nate and let London, Kelsay and other reserves walk.


Next year we will have to get JP and Lee and Willis re-signed!




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Actually Fowler is a great athlete, but doesn't have great strength. Elite centers are VERY hard to find, and I can live with Fowler if we get better at the guard positions. Check out my signature PISSCHUNK, it could unfold just how you hope for. :lol:

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I like his upside, but I'll start loving him once we feel confident enough in him to let him block without the help of a tight end or back nearly every play.


That said, I've noticed many times in the past couple of weeks where we've given him that help but he didn't seem to need it.

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Would love to add Steinbach and draft Blalock from Longhorns in the first. That would be a solid line and our offense would be very good!

Re-sign Nate and let London, Kelsay and other reserves walk.


Next year we will have to get JP and Lee and Willis re-signed!



Where do I sign the petition? Steinbach and Blalock are my two early favorites to improve our line (FA and draft respectively), and getting both would be huge, and make give us a very good line even as Fowler is occasionally out muscled and Pennington is a work in progress.


But letting London walk means we need LB support, and I hope doesn't happen. Kelsey will end up staying, but I think we would get by without him with Denny/Hargrove.


But Steinbach and Nate together (and London maybe) is some big big bucks, and I don't see both happening.

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The guy is a 7th rounder out of nowhere U that nobody expected a thing from, he starts for us and is clearly better than his opposition. I say keep him as our RT until next year and if he bombs or proves he isn't starting material long term, we move on. I'd hate to waste money or a draft pick on a starter who the jury is still out on

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I love how Pennington is playing, when I saw him in camp I knew he would be good, certainly better than Butler. I dont want to lose Gandy in the offseason. He is playing better and I dont think there is a better LG out there in free agency other than Steinbach. A new RG is needed. I would rather have a FA, but still a rookie next year is better than what we have now. It all depends if we lose Gandy and only have to replace one position.

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It is interesting to hear you say that because I didnt go to camp but thought Butler looked better then Pennington (In the little I could see)


Yeah. Actually I think I posted about it too in one of my camp reports. I remember telling a friend how stiff Butler looked to me, I dont think he will ever be a quality player, he's just so stiff.

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I think the Gandy move was for the best. He's doing much better, like it or not, at guard than he was being bum-rushed by elite D-Ends.


No one can compare to Peters. Who'dathunk that a Tight End would become a phenomenal NFL tackle?


400th Post. Woo.

Actually Gandy's stats in terms of sacks allowed are worse this year then they were last year from snap stats.com.


In terms of alternatives here's a short list of some free agents Gs and link to their stats:


LG Eric Steinbach

LG Kris Dielman

LG/RG/C Sean Mahan

LG Derrick Dockery

RG/C Andre Gurode

RG Cosey Coleman

spot starter at RG Montrae Holland


I personally think getting a guy like Dielman and drafting Justin Blalock with our top pick be a good plan of attack as just see us shelling out the money for Steinbach but have a feeling we might end up with Mahan and maybe draft a guy like Manuel Ramirez in the 3rd instead. I'd also be in favor of also getting a guy like Holland to compete to start and prefer over a guy like Mertz and be an improvement over Preston.

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