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Zero creativity on offense


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3+ hours of this every week is getting difficult to watch. I see no creativity from half to half, or from week to week. There are no new offensive schemes. And of course that makes sense, because until the team can master the current schemes without resorting to holding, false starts, illegal formations, etc. how can I expect them to learn anything more.


Well, gotta run back to watch the game. macnmotion

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3+ hours of this every week is getting difficult to watch. I see no creativity from half to half, or from week to week. There are no new offensive schemes. And of course that makes sense, because until the team can master the current schemes without resorting to holding, false starts, illegal formations, etc. how can I expect them to learn anything more.


Well, gotta run back to watch the game. macnmotion


Yup run on first, pass on long. Why cant we get simple crossing routes or other things going, also why not travis and willis on field at same time. This is very painfull to watch.

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Well, after leaving the stadium last week, I retired my Bledsoe jersey. Monday, I ordered a JP official jersey, and it should be here in time for the Miami game. I'm moving on!




Retired my Bledsoe jersey a couple weeks ago. Actually brought out the Kelly jersey for the Pats game. Haven't worn it since he retired, but I figured what-the-hell right. My Losman jersey is on the way, too. Contemplated getting an Evans or a McGahee, but I'm not sure either one is still on the team.... :w00t:

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