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my screwed up weekend


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talk about a whirlwind tour.


On Friday at 5:30 my wife calls me and tells me she has to work on Sunday, one of the other nurses had to go out of town on a family emergency (today).


so, here I am with Metallica tickets for today that I dropped $140.00 on and no one to go with.


I am freaking out b/c first I wanted to see Metallica and second.....I spend a ton of moolah!


I talk to one of my co-workers and they offer to buy the tickets off me....so, I hesitated and then made the deal.


I get home on Friday all bummed out and tell my wife I sold the tickets. Jokingly, she says "well, they are playing in Albany tommorrow." And I say...I'm not driving all the way to Albany.


Well, I ended up driving to Albany. The concert was great! I'm glad I got to see them in concert. The rotating stage was pretty cool b/c you got to see Lars during each set in different positions. And then when they played "One" with all the pyros...oh, it was great.


I'm a little slow today seeing I drove 400 miles over the last two days and drank like a fool last night. But, hey, I got to spend some quality time with my wifey got to see Metallica and Oh, yeah, the Braves are still alive.


Is there a football game today? :w00t:

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