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Anyone here been to Law School?


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Just curious about admission criteria. My GPA in college was a paltry 2.79 (partying was far more important) but I have my BS in Computer Science. Actually did pretty well in most of my courses, but let a couple of D's and F's slide in there, mostly because I really didn't give a rats a$$.


Been in the banking industry for about 6 years, and I'm also a vet and get get some sweet letters of recommendation. But really, with my GPA, it's mostly gonna boil down to the LSAT, or so I'm guessing.


My thought is, I'll probably need somewhere in the neighborhood of a 165-170, which, I feel I can attain with some preperation. Right now the few test/practice ones I've taken with no prep or study have me in the mid to low 160's. If I can push my average up by 5 points, I think 170 or even higher isn't unreasonable.


Any thoughts? (Aside from "yeah don't do it there are already enought lawyers...")


Thanks in advance. :o

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If you get a 170 on your LSAT, your GPA won't matter for many law schools.


However, jumping from mid 160's to a 170 is pretty tough. I'd be curious to know if you're consistent at 168-170 after some preparation. Good luck!


Any prep course recommendations?

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Any prep course recommendations?

I went to ub law and have been a prelaw advisor for a university, and have a daughter who just finished applying Kaplan is the best prep course and they do have a good record at improving test scores. I'm assuming you are applying for the 2008-2009 year? Getting very late to apply for next year. UB is particularly good at looking at your work after undergrad, and the veteran status will help considerably. Good luck.

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You should have no problem getting into a law school as the 200 or so schools accept close to 48 THOUSAND aspiring lawyers. It doesn't matter if you don't do well in law school, just hang a shingle and make your living off of other people's backs by suing the schit out of everything that moves and pretend you're seeking justice.



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Just curious about admission criteria. My GPA in college was a paltry 2.79 (partying was far more important) but I have my BS in Computer Science. Actually did pretty well in most of my courses, but let a couple of D's and F's slide in there, mostly because I really didn't give a rats a$$.


Been in the banking industry for about 6 years, and I'm also a vet and get get some sweet letters of recommendation. But really, with my GPA, it's mostly gonna boil down to the LSAT, or so I'm guessing.


My thought is, I'll probably need somewhere in the neighborhood of a 165-170, which, I feel I can attain with some preperation. Right now the few test/practice ones I've taken with no prep or study have me in the mid to low 160's. If I can push my average up by 5 points, I think 170 or even higher isn't unreasonable.


Any thoughts? (Aside from "yeah don't do it there are already enought lawyers...")


Thanks in advance. :oops:



Dont go to UB law school. You'll become a left wing Liberal wanker. Besides that, good luck.

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Dont go to UB law school. You'll become a left wing Liberal wanker. Besides that, good luck.



It sure seems that way doesn't it.


My Dad is a UB law graduate and I can assure you that in the 50's at least they made a few righties...

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It sure seems that way doesn't it.


My Dad is a UB law graduate and I can assure you that in the 50's at least they made a few righties...



I am also a UB law grad (2000), and they made some righties then too.


Seriously, 165-170 is a serious score. If you nail that, you probably won't have too much of a problem getting into UB or many other law schools.

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