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A polishing offseason

The Big Cat

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Last year with the personell overhaul and induction of a new regime, the number one priority of Jauron and staff was to integrate young players into their new system. It was clear at the season's beginning that this team was "lacking in talent" and could only hope to over achieve. They did and now the discussion seems to center around what certain players will have to do to elevate their weekly contribution (i.e. Fowler, Pennington, Preston working on strength/technique, Royal not being a dumbchit, etc.) Even JP has some things to work on in the offseason as does Lee, and the majority of our defense.


But all of the improvments that need to be made, no matter who needs to make them most, are fine tuning aspects (speed, agility, awareness, strength, quickness, confidence, etc) that will only enhance the efficacy of the new system. I think more pieces are in place than folks are willing to give credit for and coupling stability (which we didn't have last year) and commitment during the offseason (commitment being part of the sought after character comprising the current squad) improvments on an individual basis are inevitable.


I think we're going to see a lot more "talent" next year and said talent was the difference that resulted in the 10 points that ultimately seperated us from 5 more wins.


Who's with me!?


Go Bills!!

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There's a strong possibility that the Bills are going to lose both Clements and Fletcher. That's a CB, MLB, DT, RG and #2 WR the Bills need, minimum. That's a bit more than a "polish". As many steps as the Bills have made this season if they lose two of their best players on D I don't see them making huge strides next year. If this team doesn't start holding onto their own FAs it will be in perpetual rebuilding mode.

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Just a quick question about resigning Clements. I'm sure he is very, very good but is he really worth 2-3 very good players? The numbers I hear that he wants are $20M in signing bonus and $8M/year. How much is a very good OG worth? I've heard $3M thrown around. A big #2 receiver? Another solid, not great - hopefully we get that via the draft or from the $30M Cap Space- DT? I'm just suggesting that signing Clements for that amount of money - a position where players tend to get hurt and once hurt lose speed, the calling card of the position - is a real risk worth taking into consideration. In addition, for some reason, I've never been convinced that Clements is one of those "can't live without football" type of players that will play hard regardless if things are going well or poorly, in a contract year or any year, whether a little injured or not (ironically, Fletcher fits the bill - no pun intended - but I wouldn't break the bank for him because of his age). I'd be interested in your thoughts, with an acknowledgement of how much risk you are willing to take to get Nate back.

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There's a strong possibility that the Bills are going to lose both Clements and Fletcher. That's a CB, MLB, DT, RG and #2 WR the Bills need, minimum. That's a bit more than a "polish". As many steps as the Bills have made this season if they lose two of their best players on D I don't see them making huge strides next year. If this team doesn't start holding onto their own FAs it will be in perpetual rebuilding mode.

We will re-sign one if not both of them.

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We will re-sign one if not both of them.


I think Kelsay is also going to be a key re-signing.....The play of Kelsay, Denney and Schoebel allowed our defense for the first time in 4-5 years to bring pressure from the front 4 rather than constant blitzing....


The bills are going to invest a lot of money to lock up their young players for the near future.....It is up to Wilson, Levy and Jauron to decide which ones to let go and which ones to lock up......This year it looks like all defense with Clements, Fletcher and Kelsay hitting UFA.....Next two years it will be McGahee, Losman and Evans. How are the bills going to handle all this ?

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