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it was last week though :thumbsup:



We were country bumpkins too.  A couple we played...


Cowboys and Indians

Cops and Robbers



Were you a squaw? :doh:

Anybody ever build a ramp in the middle of the street and pretend they were evil knievel? :P


We built a quarter pipe out of building materials from the new development behind us. :doh:


Hide and Seek...

Rover Red Rover

Kick the Can

Bicyle tag




wiffle ball



football in the snow was great as we would play

in new jeans and turn the field blue as the denim faded.

Now with the pre-washed jeans ya can't do that...



Kids today don't play enough neighborhood games....They play

in structured leagues and organized crap where the parents

screw it up......


- Strret Football

- Street Hockey

- Kickball

- 'Demolition Derby' and 'Chicken' on bikes :doh:

- Haen't seen anyone mention in the winter when you grab the back of a car's bumber and go for a ride - I think some people call it 'bumper surfing' - we used to call it 'boogeying' (I have no idea why)


Peashooter Wars. When split peas were abandoned for the much harder-hitting, far-ranging Navy bean, it was like going from conventional to nuclear.


Empty cigarette packs were prized - if you stepped on a Luckies pack, you proclaimed "Lucky Strikes, No Strikes Back !!!" and you got a free slug on your pal's shoulder. There were also Salem Slaps, Kent Kicks and so on.


Also mass snowball attacks on cars and especially NFT buses. These days, they would call out the SWAT team... :doh:

- Strret Football

- Street Hockey

- Kickball

- Haen't seen anyone mention in the winter when you grab the back of a car's bumber and go for a ride - I think some people call it 'bumper surfing' - we used to call it 'boogeying' (I have no idea why)


This pretty much covers mine. We played a lot of kick ball and baseball too. (many windows lost) :P We also played a lot of hide and seek at night. Me and my girlfriend would never get found... :doh:


Oh and the bumper surfing thing. We just called them bumper rides and we did it every winter, along with massive snowball fights.

Oh and the bumper surfing thing. We just called them bumper rides and we did it every winter, along with massive snowball fights.

I used to call it 'skitching'

Some other friends called it 'pogeying'

Peashooter Wars. When split peas were abandoned for the much harder-hitting, far-ranging Navy bean, it was like going from conventional to nuclear.


Empty cigarette packs were prized - if you stepped on a Luckies pack, you proclaimed "Lucky Strikes, No Strikes Back !!!" and you got a free slug on your pal's shoulder. There were also Salem Slaps, Kent Kicks and so on.


Also mass snowball attacks on cars and especially NFT buses. These days, they would call out the SWAT team... :thumbsup:


People littered in your day!




How awful... Just awful wrecking those Leave It To Beaver/Sat. Evening Post Norman Rockwell scenes!



I used to call it 'skitching'

Some other friends called it 'pogeying'


I say pogey too!... Grew up in S. Cheektowaga/West Seneca...


They call it skeeching here in Illinois... Didn't know what the heck I was talking about when I call it pogeyin'...




I bumber hopped a unmarked Police car once. The cop jumped out of his car and chased me through backyards. I jumped into a yard with a bulldog. By the time I jump to the next yard the dog saw the cop and had the cop cornered for my get away.

I say pogey too!... Grew up in S. Cheektowaga/West Seneca...


They call it skeeching here in Illinois... Didn't know what the heck I was talking about when I call it pogeyin'...




North Buffalo reporting in...Pogeying!

I bumber hopped a unmarked Police car once. The cop jumped out of his car and chased me through backyards. I jumped into a yard with a bulldog. By the time I jump to the next yard the dog saw the cop and had the cop cornered for my get away.


When we were young teens we used to hide at night and bomb cars with snowballs. The only problem was we couldn't see anything but headlights. We nailed the sh-- out of a NY state trooper one night and his lights came on quick. We took off into the woods with him giving chase too but he never got any of us. Good times man, good times. :thumbsup:




Lot of street soccer, some tennis too, we used to make our street tennis tournament during the French Open we played on the empty plaza when there was the farmers' market each monday...


Bike races all around the country roads around our village


We built some trolleys-cars with old bike wheels and wood that we drove down the road from the big hill behind my house


We built cabins in the woods and made big "knight wars" with wooden swords and shields. our "castle" was in the middle of a big oak...


When we had the luck to have some snow: big snowball fights and luge down the hill


In the summer we went down the river and built some "dams", threw rocks and played in the cold water ... that drove the trout fishermen nuts !!!

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