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Thoughts About The Game


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This is what happens when you put an idiot Bills fan in front of a TV for the game. :thumbdown:


1.) I thought JP had a pretty good game. Unfortunately, the one mistake that can be put completely on his shoulders (the pick), possibly cost us points and the game. I don't think that 4th down play was his fault.


2.) Speaking of that 4th down play, indecision by Jauron probably cost us that first down. You can't be wishy washy in that situation. If you are going for it, you best have the offense ready to go and a play for that first down line called. The offense didn't seem ready and the play which was called stunk.


3.) Fairchild is a pretty darn good Offensive Coordinator, the best we've had in a while. I think a lot of the play calling, especially at the beginning of the year, was to teach the players how to be an offense. Its worked so far, and they should be able to add a few wrinkles in next year.


4.) The Offensive Line once again played very well. Pennington seems to be the real deal at RT and should get another year there at least. Fowler got beat today badly, but other than that the protection was there. I think that we need to beef up the center of the line. Getting a RG for the line would make everyone look better.


5.) The defensive linemen need to do something, anything. I can only remember a few plays that they made: Schobel had 2 sacks, but one of them was negated by a stupid penalty. Denney also stayed at home one time and brought Vince down near his own goal line. They were completely quiet the rest of the game. Something needs to be done about this. Hargrove at the other DE spot for most downs and a run stopper in the middle might do the trick.


6.) We need Spikes to be healthy next year in order to stop the run. In this defense, especially if the MLB is dropping into coverage, Spikes needs to be there. If he gets back to form next year, this defense is instantly much better.


7.) Clements needs to be re-signed this offseason for sure. I'm not sure that McGee is a #2 corner in this league. My hope is that Youboty will be this guy and allow McGee to be the Nickle/KR guy, or push McGee into being that #2 guy. My fear is that McGee is just too small to be able to compete with taller wide receivers.


8.) Our safety combo of Simpson and Whitner just might be exceptional next year, once they learn more of the coverages.


9.) Brian Moorman is the man, and his punting avg was 40 yards in that extremely strong wind. That is insane, and I believe he's the best punter in the league.


10.) Getting a LB that is solid against the run in the draft this year might be a priority. I'd like more depth than Ellison, and Crowell didn't impress me in the cover-2 this year.


11.) I like this coaching staff much better than the garbage we've had before it. Jauron, Fairchild, Fewell, and April all put together solid gameplans which give the Bills an opportunity to win. In addition, they make smart halftime adjustments which is supremely important in the NFL.


12.) I'd like to see the offense get a real possession guy. Josh Reed has done that for the Bills sometimes this year, and having a real possession guy, whether TE or WR that will run past the first down line and catch the ball, would be a real asset.


13.) Vince Young today was the classic Vince Young that I saw at Texas. He's a good player that has all the confidence in the world. He is deceptively fast and is going to be a good one in the NFL.

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13.) Vince Young today was the classic Vince Young that I saw at Texas.  He's a good player that has all the confidence in the world.  He is deceptively fast and is going to be a good one in the NFL.



And this is a classic "doorknob comment". A doornob comment is what a person REALLY wants to say in a conversation, they leave it for the end -- and the prelude isn't really all that important.




And you should be allowed to say this -- you've been Young's biggest fan on here since day one and he played very, very well today.

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This is what happens when you put an idiot Bills fan in front of a TV for the game. :D


1.) I thought JP had a pretty good game.  Unfortunately, the one mistake that can be put completely on his shoulders (the pick), possibly cost us points and the game.  I don't think that 4th down play was his fault.


2.) Speaking of that 4th down play, indecision by Jauron probably cost us that first down.  You can't be wishy washy in that situation.  If you are going for it, you best have the offense ready to go and a play for that first down line called.  The offense didn't seem ready and the play which was called stunk.


3.) Fairchild is a pretty darn good Offensive Coordinator, the best we've had in a while.  I think a lot of the play calling, especially at the beginning of the year, was to teach the players how to be an offense.  Its worked so far, and they should be able to add a few wrinkles in next year. 


4.) The Offensive Line once again played very well.  Pennington seems to be the real deal at RT and should get another year there at least.  Fowler got beat today badly, but other than that the protection was there.  I think that we need to beef up the center of the line.  Getting a RG for the line would make everyone look better.


5.) The defensive linemen need to do something, anything.  I can only remember a few plays that they made:  Schobel had 2 sacks, but one of them was negated by a stupid penalty.  Denney also stayed at home one time and brought Vince down near his own goal line.  They were completely quiet the rest of the game.  Something needs to be done about this.  Hargrove at the other DE spot for most downs and a run stopper in the middle might do the trick.


6.)  We need Spikes to be healthy next year in order to stop the run.  In this defense, especially if the MLB is dropping into coverage, Spikes needs to be there.  If he gets back to form next year, this defense is instantly much better.


7.) Clements needs to be re-signed this offseason for sure.  I'm not sure that McGee is a #2 corner in this league.  My hope is that Youboty will be this guy and allow McGee to be the Nickle/KR guy, or push McGee into being that #2 guy.  My fear is that McGee is just too small to be able to compete with taller wide receivers.


8.) Our safety combo of Simpson and Whitner just might be exceptional next year, once they learn more of the coverages.


9.) Brian Moorman is the man, and his punting avg was 40 yards in that extremely strong wind.  That is insane, and I believe he's the best punter in the league.


10.) Getting a LB that is solid against the run in the draft this year might be a priority.  I'd like more depth than Ellison, and Crowell didn't impress me in the cover-2 this year.


11.) I like this coaching staff much better than the garbage we've had before it.  Jauron, Fairchild, Fewell, and April all put together solid gameplans which give the Bills an opportunity to win.  In addition, they make smart halftime adjustments which is supremely important in the NFL.


12.) I'd like to see the offense get a real possession guy.  Josh Reed has done that for the Bills sometimes this year, and having a real possession guy, whether TE or WR that will run past the first down line and catch the ball, would be a real asset.


13.) Vince Young today was the classic Vince Young that I saw at Texas.  He's a good player that has all the confidence in the world.  He is deceptively fast and is going to be a good one in the NFL.



you're by new best friend. WHY CAN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND THIS? This team looks like it has a great future.

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Great post BlueFire... But all that goes down the drain if the coaching staff can't understand that you choose to go WITH the wind in the fourth if you are given the choice.


The blew it all because of their greed and thinking this game could be won in the third! I might agree with them if they weren't down a point to start the third!


They will never understand how the simplest of strat mistakes can make everything else unravel!


You want to maximize the time YOU HAVE with the weather advantage... Not let the other team attempt to chew up that time you could be using productively... And the funny thing is, that you ALLOWED them too willfully do it...


Jeff Fisher has to be laughing holy hell... I have never seen a team abuse their home field advantage as the recent Bills teams... They are almost begging to be moved...

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And this is a classic "doorknob comment". A doornob comment is what a person REALLY wants to say in a conversation, they leave it for the end -- and the prelude isn't really all that important.




And you should be allowed to say this -- you've been Young's biggest fan on here since day one and he played very, very well today.



lol, I put that one at the end because it wasn't a Bills comment. Although, I agree that I *did* want to say something about Vince.


Great post BlueFire... But all that goes down the drain if the coaching staff can't understand that you choose to go WITH the wind in the fourth if you are given the choice.


The blew it all because of their greed and thinking this game could be won in the third!  I might agree with them if they weren't down a point to start the third!


They will never understand how the simplest of strat mistakes can make everything else unravel!


I don't know about that. I do agree that they made a mistake with the weather, but I think you are taking it a bit too far.


I think it comes down to how much confidence you have in your halftime adjustments. If the coach has made adjustments that is going to tear a defense up until they adjust, I can understand taking the wind. I think that Jauron probably overestimated what he did.


It was a mistake, but to doom to coaching staff because of it is overreacting IMO. This coaching staff is the best we've seen in years, and I am not ready to run them over the coals because of it.


Give em another year to continue there plan, and if once the team (especially JP) gets a year or two with the system under their belt, and then they are still burning timeouts and having issues, there might be something wrong.


They were playing cautious this year because I don't think they knew exactly what they had, especially with installing a new system. I would have to agree with the way they played it. Expect to see a different team next year.

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They already are an average team.  They have the same record or better than 17 other teams in the NFL.



Heh. Unfortunately, two teams they're trailing are in their own division.


Like I said, 2008. Folks should prepare for another rough season in 2007 now in order to avoid future disappointment.

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