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A telling quote by Steve Tasker

Pass the Pipe

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He made a comment that made a lot of sense to me regarding the Bill's current roster; something along the lines of: "The Bill's have players that need to execute the Xs and Os to perfection in order to win while the Titans can still win if the Xs and Os go out the window!"Levy has done a good job so far, but to get this team into contention he and the rest of the organization need to find some serious playmakers this offseason.

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He made a comment that made a lot of sense to me regarding the Bill's current roster; something along the lines of: "The Bill's have players that need to execute the Xs and Os to perfection in order to win while the Titans can still win if the Xs and Os go out the window!"Levy has done a good job so far, but to get this team into contention he and the rest of the organization need to find some serious playmakers this offseason.




Well, Tasker says a lot of stupid s**t during games (today was no exception), but I remember what you are referencing. I think Tasker, tripping over himself to not appear to be a homer, didn't give the Bills nearly enough credit today, for an excellent offensive game (minus the final drive). JP Losman has really blossomed into a legit NFL QB the last 8 weeks. Do the Bills really lack that many "playmakers" on offense? What is a "playmaker". Lee Evans (a playmaker) threw a tochdown pass to Robert Royal, that was nullified because the wide open Royal didn't bother to get his feet in bounds. Does that mean Royal is not a playmaker?


I know the Bills still have a ways to go toward becoming a playoff contender, but I feel much better about the progress the offense has made over the last two months. Sure, they could use another big, fast receiver, but Peerless Price really impressed me the last two months. Josh Reed looks much more comfortable than he has since his rookie year. The pieces are there, for this to be a pretty prolific offense. Their biggest offensive needs, it would appear, may still lie in the interior of the offensive line.


It appears that our defense is in much dier need of playmakers.

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The Titans have a lot of players who have been playing under Fisher for years.  This is the Bills' 1st year under Marv, Jauron, and co.




This is exactly my point. Plain and simple, Vince Young won that game today and he has been under Fisher's watch for less than one year. The guy is an extraordinary talent that you get bet your bottom dollar will contend for a Super Bowl some day and the other guy that scares the hell out of you is Pacman Jones. I am not arguing that the Bills are building a solid core of players, but we need that home run hitter than can carry the team when the chips are on the tale. Lee Evans is the closes guy we have in that category. The defense is void of such a player; Schobel really knocked them dead after getting voted into his first ProBowl?

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This is exactly my point. Plain and simple, Vince Young won that game today and he has been under Fisher's watch for less than one year.



Young is good and played well but in no way won that game today. Travis Henry and the Bills inability to stop the run on the Titan's final drive won the game. Henry KILLED the Bills more than Young did.


Stats don't tell the story with this game. Young scored 3 times, had two nifty runs, but it was Trav who won the game for the Titans.


Want proof? Look at the final drive and count how many times they put the ball in Trav's hands rather than Young's.

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Young is good and played well but in no way won that game today. Travis Henry and the Bills inability to stop the run on the Titan's final drive won the game. Henry KILLED the Bills more than Young did.


Stats don't tell the story with this game. Young scored 3 times, had two nifty runs, but it was Trav who won the game for the Titans.


Want proof? Look at the final drive and count how many times they put the ball in Trav's hands rather than Young's.



Young creates so many scheme problems, it is simply a nightmare to game plan against that guy and everything goes off of him. He made that touchdown prior to halftime look like a walk in the park. And the opening touchdown drive? That was all VY breaking containment and doing his thing.


I can't believe how people on this website can't recognize how great this guy is going to be? Believe me, people at the Ralph saw the Michael Jordan of this league; I really like the Titan's future.

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Young creates so many scheme problems, it is simply a nightmare to game plan against that guy and everything goes off of him. He made that touchdown prior to halftime look like a walk in the park. And the opening touchdown drive? That was all VY breaking containment and doing his thing.


I can't believe how people on this website can't recognize how great this guy is going to be? Believe me, people at the Ralph saw the Michael Jordan of this league; I really like the Titan's future.



Vince Young is gonna be great no doubt about it... I dont know about a category like MJ but he'll rival Cunningham, Vick type numbers...


The Bills D needs more weight and strength period. Speed helps but it doesnt dominate. If they can add a few key players up the middle. The D will blossom. They have a lot of young talent, willing to play hard and classy for a struggling team like buffalo, which is rare nowadays...

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I can't believe how people on this website can't recognize how great this guy is going to be? Believe me, people at the Ralph saw the Michael Jordan of this league; I really like the Titan's future.



I am not disagreeing with this, but you are saying two different things.


1. Young WILL be a star in the league and people on this board can't see it...




2. Young won the game for the Titans.


I agree with 1 -- but if you watched the game you know that Young, no matter how good he was (and will become), was not the reason the Titans won. The Bills had the game, and on the final drive could not stop Travis Henry. Young did not have much of a role in that final drive.


And why should he have? There was no reason to put the ball in the air when Trav was gaining almost 6 yards a pop on the ground.


For the most part, the Bills neutralized Young. The plays he made (the TD run, and two passes) didn't kill the Bills. Even with those, they still had a chance to win. Hell, they built a 9 point lead despite those.


Yes, the Bills offense added as much to the loss as the D. Their inability to turn their excellent field position in the 3rd and 1st quarter into more TDs than FGs hurt them badly. But still, that final drive....the Titans started on their own TWELVE YARD LINE and marched down to the Bills' twelve yard line almost exclusively using the RUNNING GAME.


It was painful to watch.

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He made a comment that made a lot of sense to me regarding the Bill's current roster; something along the lines of: "The Bill's have players that need to execute the Xs and Os to perfection in order to win while the Titans can still win if the Xs and Os go out the window!"Levy has done a good job so far, but to get this team into contention he and the rest of the organization need to find some serious playmakers this offseason.




Tasker is an r-tard, I take no stock in anything that he has to say.


As if beating the Jets and Miami by sizeable margins was the result of buffalo playing perfectly and barely getting by. The Bills owned both of those teams and it wasn't because they got lucky and somehow played "perfectly"


I'm drafting a letter to CBS regarding my opinions on Steve Tasker's commentating. While the letter will not be threatening or unprofessional in any manner it will describe my opinion that Tasker has some form of strong dislike for the Bills. In his misguided attempt to remain objective he is actually lowering the organization's (Bills) credibility with his language and therefore causing some viewers/fans to feel that the team is inferior. You could probably break it down with marketing studies and show that he is losing money for the Bills.


He had nothing good to say about them yesterday. He was spouting off at the mouth all day which would seem impossible since he was basically performing fellatio on Vince Young for the entirity of the game.


I said it in another thread, I will not be listening to any games when he is announcing, I will watch the game on mute and listen to Murph on the radio.

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