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In all seriousness, when I sneeze I often experience numbness in my extremeties, usually my right arm. Anyone have a clue what is happening to my body?


For as long as I can remember, I have been experiencing this but it seems to have gotten worse and a wee bit painful. If I bring this up with my wife, I'll be in an ambulance within minutes(not that she would put me there but she's a bit of a Hypochondriac). Any info will be taken with a grain of salt considering none of you are doctors (I think).


Is it just in your hands or is it in your feet too? If its just in your hands it could be carpal tunnel or cubital tunnel. If its in your feet too I would make an apointment with your Doctor


Keep in mind this is an internet diagnosis so it means jack-schit, but here goes.


It sounds like you may have an impingement (compression) or more of the nerves in your cervical spine. Do you get symtoms in your arm/hand with any other movement of your neck besides sneezing?


You need a basic neurological evaluation which will include radiological studies of your neck. This is especially true because your symptoms are starting to get worse. This doesn't mean you need surgery or anything, there are plenty of options to try first.


Hope that helps.



It sounds like you may have an impingement (compression) or more of the nerves in your cervical spine.  Do you get symtoms in your arm/hand with  any other movement of your neck besides sneezing?


No, just sneezing.


stop sneezing!!!!


In all seriousness, when I sneeze I often experience numbness in my extremeties, usually my right arm.  Anyone have a clue what is happening to my body? 


For as long as I can remember, I have been experiencing this but it seems to have gotten worse and a wee bit painful.  If I bring this up with my wife, I'll be in an ambulance within minutes(not that she would put me there but she's a bit of a Hypochondriac).  Any info will be taken with a grain of salt considering none of you are doctors (I think).



Why would you take the advice of a bunch of internet strangers rather than seek medical help. Perhaps your wife would be right!! Why not trust her judgement.


Remember, everytime you sneeze, your heart stops. So, if that causes numbness in your right arm, there could be some circulatory situation. Please don't put it off.

Why would you take the advice of a bunch of internet strangers rather than seek medical help.

...cuz I'm a dude. :lol:


My cousin had a similar situation and ended up having the vertabrae in his neck fused together with some screws and some dead guy's bone chip. It started with numbness, and over the course of time became very painful. Go to a doctor. Oddly enough the same cousin sneezed really hard once and broke a rib.

...cuz I'm a dude. :lol:






Ink... Don't give us a bad name... Seek some professional advice...


Doesn't one's "heart stop" when you sneeze?


Do you smoke? There by cutting some circulation to your extremities... How about over weight?


Seek help dude!


Happy Holidays!


Your heart does not stop when you sneeze.


Changes in pressure in the chest cavity when you sneeze can make you more aware of your heart beating. It can almost feel like a skipped beat but your heart does not stop.



Ink... Don't give us a bad name...


I think it's a little too late for that.


Seek some professional advice...


Just like when my cranium started to change shape and I was told that it's natural by my doctor?

Do you smoke?  There by cutting some circulation to your extremities...


Well I used to, a lot.


How about over weight?


I'm 5'10 195 lbs. While I may not be the picture of fitness, I'm not a whale.


Seek help dude!


I've become so jaded by the medical community. The more I interact with them the more I realize what they do is very "best guess".

Happy Holidays!


...and don't forget to club anyone who still believes in Santa....er...so I was told in another thread.

I've become so jaded by the medical community.  The more I interact with them the more I realize what they do is very "best guess". 



This comment is more insightful than I think you realize.


There are very few absolutes in medicine, most of it is very "grey". Health care decisions are usually made by weighing the risks and benefits to a proposed procedure or therapy.


Here's how to ensure a mostly trouble free life (although not specifially applicable to your current problem). Get ready now, this is new mind blowing info that I'm sure most Americans will follow once they hear about it:


1) Eat a healthy diet. Everything in moderation

2) Exercise

3) Make time in your life to do something you enjoy

4) Don't smoke


There ya go. It's new and radical, but I think it has merit.



Keep in mind this is an internet diagnosis so it means jack-schit, but here goes.


It sounds like you may have an impingement (compression) or more of the nerves in your cervical spine.  Do you get symtoms in your arm/hand with  any other movement of your neck besides sneezing?


You need a basic neurological evaluation which will include radiological studies of your neck. This is especially true because your symptoms are starting to get worse. This doesn't mean you need surgery or anything, there are plenty of options to try first.


Hope that helps.





This guy has it right. You have a disc pressing on a nerve. Physical therapy for a short time, nothing more than neck exercises, will fix that up.


Try this. Sit or stand, pull your head back without tilting it. Keep your head back and lower your chin. If you feel anything in your neck to down your arms, more than likely this is what your problem is

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