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Oh god, here we fuggin go again.....


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UH HUH, you've seen it once, for 30 seconds.  OK.  Seems to me, you'd have forgot about it by now.  After all, that was a long time ago that Kellerman hosted the show.  And agreed, it was brutal when he was on there. 

"It seems to you"? You mean because you know me so well?

But yeah, you've seen it ONCE, for 30 seconds.  LOL

Yeah. Once. I had the predisposed notion that Kellerman was an idiot because of his boxing analysis. It took about 30 seconds of seeing him and whichever self important idiots were on the panel to know how bad it was. No offense, but the only even decent show that has sports reporters on it is the one that used to air on Sunday morning. And I could only take so much of that one.

Pst:  It's OK, I won't tell anyone!  Rating's point.  It must have lasted so long, cuz no one has watched it since Kellerman.  Yeah right.


I could care less if it lasts. There are plenty of really stupid shows on television that have lasted for a long time. That doesn't mean they're good. It only means there are alot of stupid people who watch them. As if that's not evident by simply going to a mall.

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Yeah, but the Favre stuff on TV that WE choose to watch is forcefed to us.

Nothing you CHOOSE to watch is forcefed to you blinky. Unless there's 6 guys with jackboots kicking in your door and holding you down with your eyelids pried open. If that's a problem where you live you should move here as I haven't been forced to watch any TV or listen to any radio yet today and know nothing about the media's pursuit of Favre other than what I've read in this thread. Actually, check that; we're all full over here and couldn't possibly fit you in anywhere.


Think of it kind of like most of your posts. Most of the time they are only made to ridicule people and show just what kind of jackass you can be. We don't choose to have you insult us either, but you do.

Kinda like you're doing right now?

Good one...... :lol:


Of course, though, when you don't like what people say, most of the time, you'll ban them.

You are cordially invited to PM me with this list of all the people I have banned. Since no such list exists it would probably behoove you to stfu and quit casting false aspersions.


We can't ban Brett talk or slobber from being on our TV sets.

You most certainly can; you can turn off your TV. Here's a novel idea; instead of wallowing in the infotainment industry's pool of cess and then crying about how awful it is, why don't you get up off your whiny complacent ass and go do something else. You'll have a lot less to moan about.

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